What's your rifle's name?

My Coach Shotgun is "Boomer"

Really, the wife and I named our weapons so we could talk and nobody would know what we were talking about.

If we were out and she saw something suspicious, she may say "Did you feed Barkey (my ccw).
I've never personified a gun enough to name it. However...

My wife began refering to my Saiga 5.56 as "Natasha, your Russian mistress"...
I named my Mosin-Nagant 91/30 Vanya, a Slavic meaning for Ivan - or John in the Western languages. This is pretty much a nod to the Russian version for the name of John Winchester, as my pistols are all named after characters from the TV series "Supernatural".

I only named my 1927 Nagant Sasha, wanted to keep her Russian heritage alive. Don't have a name for my new pistol yet.
Some additional background on the name Sasha, in case you didn't know. I find that collecting names an interesting - and relatively cheap! - hobby.
:biggrin::biggrin: My 410 is named 'Mossy' and my 303 is the 'Equalizer'. I also have a North American Arms 22 short mini-revolver that my wife calls 'Dinky-plinky'.

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