What's your plan....

Well, obama does seem to like those executive orders. He already used one to require that anybody in the border states that buys two or more rifles of a caliber larger that .22lr within a 5 day period the dealer has to fill out an extra form and send it to the atf with the manufacturer and serial number of the firearms and the person's name and address. Almost exactly like they have for years already had to fill out on a multiple pistol sale. How hard would it be for him to issue another executive order requiring this paperwork on all firearm sales? That's registration. After that it would be simple. That being said, if that did happen, I would have already given all of my firearms away by then. On another note, does anybody know where I can get a good deal on large PVC pipe and dessicant packs?

Obama wants to stimulate the economy and add Homeland Security measures...

If he was smart, he would stimulate the firearms and ammunition industries, create training opportunities, etc. The next time we have a Homeland Security issue, he'd have 80 million+ volunteers already lined up, just like Switzerland and Israel! LOL
I'll take the free training in emergency medical, disaster relief, ICS, etc, etc for free while we're at it. Free training is always good for everyone involved...
If he was smart, he would stimulate the firearms and ammunition industries, create training opportunities, etc. The next time we have a Homeland Security issue, he'd have 80 million+ volunteers already lined up, just like Switzerland and Israel! LOL
I'll take the free training in emergency medical, disaster relief, ICS, etc, etc for free while we're at it. Free training is always good for everyone involved...

Nope, he'd never go for it because he'd be afraid we would kick his little civilian army's collective butts.

From what I have seen, his little raghead ruffians would be easy pickings if he ever 'activated' them.

(Now, pardon me while I go puke)

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