What would you say to a restaurant with a "No Gun's" sign?


A favorite restaurant I go to once a week, maybe every other week just put up a sign by their door "No Gun's Allowed". This disappoints me in many areas but I am asking, how would you handle it?

I thought of writing the owner a letter, including things like "how do you plan to protect me and my family while we are there"? "You do realize that bad guy's won't read that sign right"? or other things. I don't want to come across TOO firm but firm enough.

So, write me a letter, rather write a letter to a place that would get our point across.



A favorite restaurant I go to once a week, maybe every other week just put up a sign by their door "No Gun's Allowed". This disappoints me in many areas but I am asking, how would you handle it?

I thought of writing the owner a letter, including things like "how do you plan to protect me and my family while we are there"? "You do realize that bad guy's won't read that sign right"? or other things. I don't want to come across TOO firm but firm enough.

So, write me a letter, rather write a letter to a place that would get our point across.



Dear Mr. XxXxX

My family, friends and I have enjoyed eating at your fine establishment for the last XxXx years. We have always found XxXxX a place where we could relax and enjoy a great meal.

Yesterday, while entering XxXxX I noticed a new sign indicating you no longer wish your law abiding patrons to enter your establishment while carrying a firearm. This troubled me greatly for now my family, friends and I will have to select another restaurant. We can no longer feel relaxed at XxXxX since we cannot protect ourselves.

By the way, you do understand that by posting that sign you have told all the criminals that no one in XxXxX can defend themselves against robbery and or murder. You have essentially told them you and your restaurant is defenseless.

Thanks for your time.

Joe Blow
Dear Mr. XxXxX

My family, friends and I have enjoyed eating at your fine establishment for the last XxXx years. We have always found XxXxX a place where we could relax and enjoy a great meal.

Yesterday, while entering XxXxX I noticed a new sign indicating you no longer wish your law abiding patrons to enter your establishment while carrying a firearm. This troubled me greatly for now my family, friends and I will have to select another restaurant. We can no longer feel relaxed at XxXxX since we cannot protect ourselves.

By the way, you do understand that by posting that sign you have told all the criminals that no one in XxXxX can defend themselves against robbery and or murder. You have essentially told them you and your restaurant is defenseless.

Thanks for your time.

Joe Blow

THANK YOU.. More are appreciated but that one is well done. Are you a professional writer or just talented? :)
I would take a slightly different approach. The self-defense argument, while it makes sense to us, tends to put-off the kind of people that put those signs up. When they think of "guns" and "self-defense", wild west shootouts come to mind. It's also implied in that statement that the establishment is not safe (which could be insulting to the owner).

What I say when talking to people with those signs is that I refuse to support businesses that choose to take actions that put restrictions on the rights of individuals. Going on to explain that I may be carrying for reasons that have nothing to do with them, and that in order to do business with them, I'd have to go out of my way to drop the gun off at home, pick it up later, etc (as the signs I've seen all say "premises", which includes the parking lot, so I can't simply leave it in the car).
If there is no metal detector and no security checking patrons at the door, I'd ignore the sign. Why make a big fuss about a policy that's not being enforced.
That's a great note ... I might try to discuss the issue with the owner/manager, but if they were firm, I'd simply dine elsewhere ... no way I'm sitting in a restaurant with that kind of sign on the door, just asking for BGs to come on in and rob us ...
I'd talk with the management and tell them my concerns. I'd also make sure they understood that they would be losing a dedicated customer if the policy remains.
Wow, my first post and I am honored to devote it to such a relevant topic as this. Glad I found y'all & thanks for having me on board!

Here goes...

Dear so-n-so,

Recently, while visiting my favorite restaurant (yours) I came upon an absolutely horrific and offensive sign. It was a "No Guns" sign as I was opening the door to your establishment.

Those things scare the heck out of me - let me tell you why. A sign like that is tantamount to putting up a sign that says "Hey!...Psycho killers, come on in and wreak havoc on my establishment! We are all un-armed sheeple" ( Google Luby's Cafeteria)

As I am sure you are an intelligent person - being an entrepreneur & all, I am sure you just overlooked the fact that the only people who will obey a sign like that are the law-abiding citizens...criminals intent on using a gun for criminal activity won't even notice it; much less care about it.

I am also sure you have also innocently overlooked the statistical data that shows that when law abiding citizens are armed and god forbid; some nut job comes in to an establishment to wreak havoc, their killing spree is almost always interrupted sooner rather than later. Sometimes, the spree never even gets started...other times it's what makes the difference between 1-3 people being killed or injured vs. 10 or 20. Something to think about no?

(You do realize CWP holders are very fluent in the law and the majority recieve firearms training far beyond what is required to recieve their permit...don't you?)

As stated earlier, I really love your establishment & I eat there often. I have turned on a LOT of friends and family on to it...at last count maybe ten people so far. Unfortunately, I will now have to turn them on to the fact that you do not respect your fellow citizen's right to self-defense as well...and that's a shame.

I understand you may very well choose not to alter this policy for "little old me" and that surely is your prerogative.

Nevertheless, I pray that you never have a criminally violent act committed in your establishment and moreover, I pray that if one does occur; none of the victims that holds a CWP but, had to leave their firearm in their car because of your sign hires a lawyer devious enough to USE that sign against you in a very lucrative lawsuit.

Anyways, I just wanted to share my concerns with you & I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter. I will check up on the status of your "No Guns" policy from time to time as I drive by your establishment...heading to my second favorite restaurant - which is now replacing yours as my favorite.:biggrin:


If there is no metal detector and no security checking patrons at the door, I'd ignore the sign. Why make a big fuss about a policy that's not being enforced.

Oh I don't know, trespassing with a firearm is a serious crime in most states.

Ignoring the lawful wishes, and rights, of a *private property* owner to decide who and how someone enters their *private property* is probably not the best way to extend good will. It certainly puts responsible gun owners in a bad light.

Check your local laws, but this is something most people don't understand. If it's posted "no guns" or you are otherwise aware that you are not allowed to carry a firearm on the premises then you are committing a crime (trespassing) when you enter anyway. A lot of people seem to think that you have to be asked (or told) to leave before you are trespassing; not so. If there are rules to entry you must follow those rules, or by default you are trespassing.

I'm not saying that it does not suck to be kept from entering an establishment while carrying. It does. But at the end of the day if it's private property then you really don't have a choice. Your rights, First Amendment, Second Amendment, or otherwise do not necessarily extend, or apply on private property. In may cases the rights of the private property owner outweigh your individual rights.

It certainly does not help anything if your going out of the gate with an attitude that you don't care about other peoples rights.

I would maybe ask the management to post the sign of "No Guns" but as that they amend it to allow concealed carry license holders: "No Guns, unless licensed under ORS 166.291 and 166.292" ORS = Oregon Revised Statues and the ones listed are the concealed carry license provisions, substitute with your own states obviously. Extol the virtues of concealed carry licensees - background checks, law abiding, etc.

Also, keep in mind that may places put these signs up to reduce liability. If you talk to the owner, or manager, you may be able to get permission (I'd get it in writing or record the phone call) to continue to carry despite the posting.

Always, respect the right of the private property owner though, not doing so puts responsible guns owners and concealed carry licensees in a bad light. Always keep in mind (and remind the owner/manager) that you do not have to enter/patronize their property/establishment. Business worships one god - the dollar, keeping people away is typically not in their best interest.
If restaurant owners don't want lawful carriers in their establishments her in NC all they have to do is serve alcohol.
Recently, the Price Chopper store in my area put a No Firearms sign on the front door at eye level. We've had CCW in Missouri for almost seven years now so it was a bit of a shock to suddenly see that sign appear.

I'd parked in a spot in front of the windows where I could see my car. So I went back to the car, locked my gun in the console, and went in to the store and asked to speak to the manager. I told him that I was sorry to see that he no longer wanted to see "my kind" in his store and handed him a "No guns = No $$$" card, one of those available free from Free "No Guns, No Money" Cards . (That card is Missouri-specific but I understand similar cards are available elsewhere on the 'net.)

He of course asked what I meant . As he looked at the card, I pointed out that any crazed person with an attitude, a rap sheet as long as his arm, and a grudge would be in no way stopped by his sign. Such a person is already carrying illegally and used to ignoring societies mores. A No Guns sign would have no effect upon that person.

I told him that the only people he could expect to honor his sign were people who had spent money to obtain training in firearms and firearms laws. These people had spent money applying for their CCW permits. We had undergone background checks, in Missouri a triple check through by the local sheriff, the MSHP, and the FBI. And we had spent up to $100 in fees to the sheriff to get that permit to be able to legally carry. By putting up that sign, he's saying that he is more afraid of people like me than he is of the sort of sociopath who ignores all of society's rules.

Furthermore, I said, honest CCW people do prevent and/or stop crimes. The Family Dollar store next door to him has had a tiny "no guns" sign in a lower corner of their window for years. I told him how ironic I'd found that when, a few years ago, a shopper was attacked by a man in front of a Family Dollar in Tupelo, MS. The news report said as many as twenty people had stood around shouting at the man, honking their car horns at him, and dialing 911 as he continued stabbing the woman. None of those "recommended" actions worked. What stopped the assault and saved her life was a man who pulled a gun and ordered the attacker to stop now and lie on the pavement or he was going to have his f'ing head blown off. And this occurred in front of a store whose chain has that No Guns sign as a corporate policy.

Furthermore, I said, he's requiring unsafe behavior of my and "my kind." To come in and talk to him while honoring his sign, I had to unholster while in my car, not the easiest of actions while carrying concealed in my normal manner. Upon leaving, I was going to have to reholster, thus unnecessarily handling the gun twice. Without his sign, the gun would have stayed safely, securely, and discreetly in its holster threatening no one. Furthermore, it was now in my car posing a risk of theft if the car were to be stolen or broken into while I'm in the store.

I then concluded by telling him that he had an excellent store with a good selection and good prices there and I enjoyed shopping there. But there isn't enough difference between it and the store a few blocks away to justify disarming just to shop there. Instead, I would be honoring his wishes in the future by taking my money to the nearby Country Mart.

The next morning I received a phone call from the store manager telling me that he'd thought about the points I'd made and he wanted to let me know that he'd taken the sign back down shortly after I'd left.
No guns allowed sign

I wouldn't say anything or write anything. Anything you say could be used against you! It is strictly a Private Property Right Issue. The merchant has the right to prohibit you from his property for any reason (except race age etc...). Just don't go there ever again as its clear they don't want our business.

Realize that it's probably an Insurance issue.

If you feel you must write: Simply ask the Merchant Two Questions

1. Why don't you want my business?

2. Why do you want to give the criminals the advantage?

If you say or ask anymore than this your clearly looking for trouble.

Keep in mind that the Private Property Owner has rights too!

Also keep in mind that you're not gonna change his mind. All you can do is put the idea in his head that he is losing business as a result of his decision.
A 'Truthful' GunBuster Sign

I'd print and provide a copy of this sign to compliment the one they probably already have in their window. Even in a discrete envelope, attn: Manager. Will definitely make them think.

I've also handed several store managers (a book store, and a pet supply store locally, just to name a couple) this Link Removed, letting them know that no guns equals no money. Hit them in the pocketbook and vote with your feet.

Would not go there . if I had been a regular I would ask for the owner or manager and tell them why I would not be back
I'd speak to the mangaer in person first. If that fails write a letter to corporate or the owners. The letters that have been posted already are good enough.
You could argue that since your gun wasn't the one in the picture that you thought it didn't apply to you.
As others have already pointed out, I'd ignore the sign. That's why I carry concealed. So long as they don't have pat-downs or metal detectors at the door, I carry everywhere. There is no way anyone need know I'm carrying, and that's the way I like it. The only way that they'd find out is if I was given cause to use it, after which I'd probably not give a damn if they 86'd me, as I'd be glad to walk out of there with my life.

As for a letter, I doubt it's worth the effort. Most anti-gun folks are so inundated with false information and scare tactics, the instant he realizes that the letter is from a "gun nut" he'll disregard anything in it, most likely.

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