What would you do?

Scenario: A certain self-avowed rabidly anti-2A individual is swept into the Oval office in 2008 due to current and future events. Along with that person the major per centage of the Congress from the same party gets seated.

The doomsday scenario is upon us. Unbelievably prescient the way Hoplites laid it out above.

So what now? How do we organize to resist the inevitable march towards the Constitution being rendered a meaningless antiquity, while still operating within what some here expressed as "legal" opposition earlier in this thread? How do we "legally" prevent Hoplites' prescience from accurately predicting events in 2012 and beyond below?

See, the question for me isn't how WE maintain our law-abiding status, it's how do we convince enough Americans that the government has been operating illegally since the days of Wyatt Earp and the OK Corral in Tombstone, AZ by using nothing more than an arbitrarily arrived-at edict to disarm an entire community? We, as people who freely choose to exercise our God-given, protected-for-perpetuity, unalienable rights, have always been legal, even when discussing on a public forum how best to resist a run-amok, outlaw government. If anyone who owns/runs this site is liable because we use it as the technology was designed for, to facilitate political, informational and yes, maybe even radical free-flow of ideas, then said owners/administrators of this site will be liable for me posting the following excerpt from The Declaration of Independence:

Following that passage is a litany of grievances that the Colonists charged against the King of England. It is scary how much it resembles modern-day circumstances, only the grievances aren't directed at an overseas despot, but right at 536 American citizens who rule as though they were protected by impassable oceans. They aren't untouchable though. They are just as answerable to the law for their subversions of the Constitution as we would be if we had the power to wield to truly subvert it, which we obviously don't have if even discussing such controversial issues can be shut down on the basis of a webmaster being liable for what complete strangers to him/her type on a public forum!


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First and foremost, we must be registered to vote and exercise that right at all costs. If you didn't vote, you can't complain.
We need to vote our convictions, not compromising because we beleive this guy has a better chance of beating that guy.
We need to be supportive of the NRA and other local gun associations in our state/cities.
We need to be in communication with our state representatives.
We need to be willing to participate in peaceful protests (think of a protest of where CWP holders all silently marched in front of the state house where 50 or 100 or 200 were legally carrying! What kind of statement would that make!)

However, if it still came to "forceful disarmament", violence would not be the answer to getting (or keeping) your guns. Sorry to say, but I'd have to turn them in (actually, I'd sell them so I at least get a return on investment).

Call me spineless, but my life, nor the life of my family is worth my guns.
I believe that ALL of the constitution is worth fighting for, not the attitude of " I can live without this one, but not that one". if one isn't willing to take arms to preserve one freedom from extinction they have no right to any of them. the soldiers that died keeping our civil liberties going died for nothing. the soldiers that are fighting now to keep freedom alive are wasting their time. one amendment is not more or less important than the other. I'm sure if they were to take away the right to legal representation so you'd be thrown in jail without a trial the fight to preserve that amendment would not stop at mere words or protest.

The part you're missing is, you're not fighting for your guns, you're fighting for your freedoms WITH your guns.
Once they take our guns, all of our known liberties are theirs for the taking, because who is going to tell them "NO".
If we don't resist this now, we risk becoming a part of the New World Order and the North American Union.
While to some that doesn't sound too bad, remember this, the reason everyone wants in here is because of the freedoms we enjoy. Freedoms most take for granted because they believe the rest of the world has them too.
If you don't believe me take a visit to South America, where roving bands of POLICE GANGS indiscriminately kill it's citizens, to African Nations, where the military demands your servitude or they kill you or chop your hands off so you can no longer pick up a weapon against them. This may take a while here, even years or decades, but the policies we set today, will determine whether the government ever has the opportunity to commit such heinous acts against us. During WWII when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, they didn't try coming into our country, do you know why, in the words of the Japanese commander(paraphrasing) "I had gone to university in America and know that Americans have guns in their homes, and you can't defend against that unknown". They weren't afraid of our military, they were afraid of people just like you and me, the unknown, the "surprise soldier" the rogue element of a nation of armed resistance. That my friend is what we are fighting for, don't be so quick to give up your liberty, it's all we have!!!