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Scenario: A certain self-avowed rabidly anti-2A individual is swept into the Oval office in 2008 due to current and future events. Along with that person the major per centage of the Congress from the same party gets seated. After four years of slowly whittling away at the 2A--the frog in the frying pan analogy--in 2012 a re-election and a return of the same seated Congress. Even more draconian laws are passed. Then the ultimate constitutional betrayal--total ban on handguns, most rifles/shotguns. We're ordered to peacefully turn them in within 90 days or face legal action. The local police, BATF, FBI, and Homeland Defense start to visit those people who refuse to turn them in and forcably take them. What's a body to do?
Love my country, fear my Government
Love my country, fear my Government