What would you do?


New member
Scenario: A certain self-avowed rabidly anti-2A individual is swept into the Oval office in 2008 due to current and future events. Along with that person the major per centage of the Congress from the same party gets seated. After four years of slowly whittling away at the 2A--the frog in the frying pan analogy--in 2012 a re-election and a return of the same seated Congress. Even more draconian laws are passed. Then the ultimate constitutional betrayal--total ban on handguns, most rifles/shotguns. We're ordered to peacefully turn them in within 90 days or face legal action. The local police, BATF, FBI, and Homeland Defense start to visit those people who refuse to turn them in and forcably take them. What's a body to do?

Love my country, fear my Government

Somehow due to my psychic or psycotic abilities.I believe there would be one big gun theft at my house that would be reported the folowing day.;)
What to do!

I understand the proper usage of PVC pipe and a shovel. Yes, I am familiar with metal detectors and their limitations! They will never find them!!! I have several that I acquired prior to GCA 68 and several from private purchases afterward. There is no paper trail on the really useful one's!
the answer is easy...

lock n load and give it to 'em..... BULLETS FIRST!!! if/when it comes down to that, the nation will already be engulfed in civil war.
When the government decides that their laws are worth more than my life, they will be forced to kill me, because I won't agree with them. But first, they'll have to decide how many of their thugs' lives are worth taking mine...
With all due respect, I have a hard time believing that most gun owners would have the sand to stand up against a government imposed gun ban. There's a virtual gun ban in NYC and in WA DC. I don't recall any uprisings in either of those two jurisdictions.

A phony, demagogued "assault weapons ban" stood unopposed in anything other than a political way for what? 10 years? Something like that.

The point is, the time to "fight the power" is not after the power has been consolidated and centralized. Yet we stand idly by while those very things are happening year in and year out. We argue with each other over whether or not the NRA is worthy of our support. We argue amongst each other whether militias present a positive image for us "law-abiding" gun owners, when the plain truth is, the militias are the only ones trying to prepare in an organized way for exactly the scenario described in the first post in this thread. Yeah, they're fat, out of shape rednecks by and large, but I'd rather have a fat, out of shape redneck who's at least had some cursory training and believes deeply enough in the cause of freedom to participate in organizations that the government consistently tries to quash.

I'd love to believe that us law-abiding Americans have the cajones to band together to fight against a run-amok government, but sorry, I see no evidence of it on any significant scale at all. I think we'd be toast as a free people.

With all due respect, I have a hard time believing that most gun owners would have the sand to stand up against a government imposed gun ban. There's a virtual gun ban in NYC and in WA DC. I don't recall any uprisings in either of those two jurisdictions.

A phony, demagogued "assault weapons ban" stood unopposed in anything other than a political way for what? 10 years? Something like that.

The point is, the time to "fight the power" is not after the power has been consolidated and centralized. Yet we stand idly by while those very things are happening year in and year out. We argue with each other over whether or not the NRA is worthy of our support. We argue amongst each other whether militias present a positive image for us "law-abiding" gun owners, when the plain truth is, the militias are the only ones trying to prepare in an organized way for exactly the scenario described in the first post in this thread. Yeah, they're fat, out of shape rednecks by and large, but I'd rather have a fat, out of shape redneck who's at least had some cursory training and believes deeply enough in the cause of freedom to participate in organizations that the government consistently tries to quash.

I'd love to believe that us law-abiding Americans have the cajones to band together to fight against a run-amok government, but sorry, I see no evidence of it on any significant scale at all. I think we'd be toast as a free people.


It's wrong to assume that violence is the only way to fight. It's also wrong to be the first to escalate it to that level. Even the Revolutionary War was not begun with violence, but protest... the British decided to use violence in order to keep us under their heel, and we met them. We may have to meet tyranny again, with violence, but not until that is the only option. I think that it displays the non-violent nature of the gun-owning community that the majority have chosen to fight with their votes, voices, and wallets. It will not come to a head until they come knocking down doors. And it is true that not all will fight... throughout history it has always been a committed few who have stood their ground. Those committed few are not as likely to be located in NY or NJ in great numbers, and we both know that.

I'm not concerned with what others decide to do, or what evidence there is for where their principles lie. I will do what I believe is right. You can't take a poll on that.
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Guns? What guns? :confused:

I sold all my guns to an individual some time back. :D

Records? :confused:

I have no records of the sale, as none was required at the time I sold my guns. :D

Guns? What guns? :confused:

I sold all my guns to an individual some time back. :D

Records? :confused:

I have no records of the sale, as none was required at the time I sold my guns. :D


Lol you beat me to it! Exactly what I was going to say! Plus several of mine were bought from private party’s which in Florida does not require registration.
Some of us have alot of money invested in our arms,for them to be taken is steeling our investment. I think many years of litagation would take place first.
At some point we have got to stand up and say enough is enough. For me I am surprised it hasn't come before now.

Tom in TN
Some of us have alot of money invested in our arms,for them to be taken is steeling our investment. I think many years of litagation would take place first.

That’s a very good point! I was just thinking about that! I don't have a lot of firearms yet but between my AR, Kimber, and shotgun I'd be in the hole a couple grand. Not to mention all me ammo and reloading equipment.
I can't say here everything or exactly what I wiil do as that would tip my hat to the enemy as to what my plans would be. Suffice to say giving them my guns is not one of the options.
They'd be hard pressed to find my guns amongst millions of trees in the Hatchie river bottoms here in west TN. Know those woods like the back of my hands, unlike some liberal weenie in the ATF....speaking of ATF, wouldn't that be an AWESOME retail store?
And explosives sounds like hobbie stores of old. As far as some one taking a stand ,someone has and thats why we have the 2 amendment.
To me, this thread borders on if not crosses the line regarding obeying the law. I also would be careful about what I put in print in public! ;)
For the People, by the People

Without being subversive I believe we should remember what we are all about. FREEDOM!!! That being said we should try to get the right representatives in the houses and at the White House.

Ted Nugent for President, he may look like he is out there but he is one of us for sure.

The Iceman, Akron, Oh
Shoot straight and be safe...

To me, this thread borders on if not crosses the line regarding obeying the law. I also would be careful about what I put in print in public! ;)

I would always obey the law. And the constitution is the law of the land.

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