Feared most?
In those situations where you are free to act (responsibly) in a self defense mode, maybe the only fear is not being as good/accurate/perceptive as you had hoped. My real fear, as many have already stated, is a combination of political "overlords" getting into control, and a New Orleans type situation developing. I am part way into the recent book on the subject - "The Great New Orleans Gun Grab - Descent into Anarchy", by Gordon Hutchinson & Todd Masson. The fact that this has already happened, is documented, and is still under litigation, should give all citizens reason to sit up and pay attention. I realize there is both state and federal legislation to prevent this from happening again, but I seriously doubt that that is worth a tinkers dam. When TSHTF, as often described, the laws and legal system seem to go out the window, in some cases. It all seems to depend on the isolation/access of both the incident, and the people being mistreated. New Orleans may be an extreme example, but I can see both natural disasters, and man made disasters opening up the very same can of worms. Unless there is a means to band together into some kind of coherent defensive force (militia, anyone?), individuals are all but helpless in the face of determined "law enforcement" action. Us "country folk" are probably not in a position to have to worry about this kind of problem, except if large enough, it could present a national, or at least a regional problem.