What do you fear most?

Well,we all agree that MOST gun laws should be stricken from the country.The alcohol serving restaurant thing...well,I'm in between on that.We all know that alcohol and guns are a very bad combunation.That being said,the law should state that you are not to carry if YOU are drinking alcohol.As far as carrying in a place that serves alcohol,I agree that it's a careless law.My fear would be that I would be in a place where the law forbids me carrying and something goes down.It's bad enough that I have to watch out for the BG's.It's even worse that my own state and federal governments tell me I ma not allowed what I need to defend my family.
Oh,yeah,and a lib in the whitehouse.
One of my biggest fears is that someone with a CCW will do something really stupid and the talking heads will yank everybodys permit. I live in an area that isn't very gun friendly and it wouldn't take much for one chucklehead to ruin it for everybody.
Feared most?

In those situations where you are free to act (responsibly) in a self defense mode, maybe the only fear is not being as good/accurate/perceptive as you had hoped. My real fear, as many have already stated, is a combination of political "overlords" getting into control, and a New Orleans type situation developing. I am part way into the recent book on the subject - "The Great New Orleans Gun Grab - Descent into Anarchy", by Gordon Hutchinson & Todd Masson. The fact that this has already happened, is documented, and is still under litigation, should give all citizens reason to sit up and pay attention. I realize there is both state and federal legislation to prevent this from happening again, but I seriously doubt that that is worth a tinkers dam. When TSHTF, as often described, the laws and legal system seem to go out the window, in some cases. It all seems to depend on the isolation/access of both the incident, and the people being mistreated. New Orleans may be an extreme example, but I can see both natural disasters, and man made disasters opening up the very same can of worms. Unless there is a means to band together into some kind of coherent defensive force (militia, anyone?), individuals are all but helpless in the face of determined "law enforcement" action. Us "country folk" are probably not in a position to have to worry about this kind of problem, except if large enough, it could present a national, or at least a regional problem.
My greatest fear..

First: I have always, as a man, husband and father, had the concern to protect my family.

Second: School / public shootings - My kids at a location that I cannot protect them.

Third: Large scale National/Global tragedy - think 9-11 / Katrina / Chernobyl.
my fear is not being there to protect my family when the tie comes. reguardless of the reason for being apart i would feel "undescribable".
My fear is that the issued 5.56mm or 9mm ball ammo won't do much to stop a determined true believer eager to meet Allah. I'm all about sending him on his way but those calibers don't give me much confidence in an urban environment. That's number one right now.

When I get home and I have my carry permit I suppose one fear would be having to drop someone in front of my family. I could do it but it would bother me for them to have to witness it.
My fear is that the issued 5.56mm or 9mm ball ammo won't do much to stop a determined true believer eager to meet Allah. I'm all about sending him on his way but those calibers don't give me much confidence in an urban environment. That's number one right now.

When I get home and I have my carry permit I suppose one fear would be having to drop someone in front of my family. I could do it but it would bother me for them to have to witness it.

Of course my biggest fear is hearing a click when I really need to hear BANG!
Yes sir bigger bullets make bigger holes.We can not hurt the enemy.Must follow NATO rules no maduces on people. BS .fight to win .
Biggest fear?

My wife would say resteraunts. I do have a phobia, where I never sit with my back to the front door. But my biggest fear would be, not being there to protect my family...

My wife would say resteraunts. I do have a phobia, where I never sit with my back to the front door. But my biggest fear would be, not being there to protect my family...

Not so sure that is a phobia but rather good sense. I too try to set where I can see the door.
When my wife and I go into a restaurant, she always goes first. Ladies first you know. However, she knows which seat to pick. She must leave me the one where I can best see our surroundings. This all started when I lived in Birmingham, Al and was sitting in a Mcdonalds alone. A guy came up behind me and ask for money to buy some food. I told him I was sorry, but I didn't have any more money. He went nuts and started screaming and yelling at me telling me he was going to take my head off. Again, he was behind me and I could not see what he was doing. I was not carrying at the time (about 8 years ago). I remained calm, continued to eat and tried to ignore him. He finally just went away. Here is an example of why to sit where you can see your surroundings. I was fortunate he went away. I might not be next time.
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My youngest, on the few occasions he goes out to eat with us, thinks it is great sport to see if he can get "My Seat" before I do. I usually win out...
I'm the same way about eating out - although recently, it's been the drive through for us - always on the run... :)