Weird LEO encouter


New member
This is crazy I went to go to the store yesterday and just started the truck put the truck in gear and I start to take off when out from behind a car comes a guy and his dog so I stop and waited for the guy to get his dog. when he cleared the way I took of and herd him say to slow down ,when I get back one of his buddy points at me and says something I don’t know what it was that he said I just kept walking ,then I here him say slow down that truck punk .I replied by reminding him there is a leash law here with then he yells out some things I cannot say here ,so I just shut up and kept walking (the best fights the one you avoid )go in side and close my door about 18min later I’m sitting out side watching my kids when three cops show up they’re asking who owns this truck with I reply with what’s the problem officer they tell me that they got a threat complaint they said some one called them saying I said to go inside lock their doors and pray witch lucky for me I had a witness that was also an out of town LEO that saw everything and backed my story. Those cops had their hands on there guns and looked upset in till that. then I notice that one of the officers who was there I went to school with in elementary small world .but one officer was not convinced he asked me why some one would say something like that just to make it up?
I don’t know I said why do people do half the stuff they do?:wacko:
KrazyK, cut down on the caffeine!

Interesting story, but your post looks like it was written by either a guy in a super pissed off mood, or maybe a hyped up 14 year old on way too much Red Bull. Trust me, some punctuation marks and paragraphs would make your post much easier to read.
at least you were not locked up. however if you had a witness id be asking the police for false accusation charges. if they wouldn't comply i would get your buddy and go swear out the warrant myself. false accusations of terroristic threats are very serious. If you wouldn't have had a witness you could have very easily been arrested. but a good lawyer would have gotten you off unless he had witnesses.
In today's society you are guilty till proven innocent.

It seems that you can say anything as the reporter to 911 these days, and the cops will believe it.
Interesting story, but your post looks like it was written by either a guy in a super pissed off mood, or maybe a hyped up 14 year old on way too much Red Bull. Trust me, some punctuation marks and paragraphs would make your post much easier to read.

super pissed off is right plus (bad punctuation) :laugh:
In today's society you are guilty till proven innocent.

It seems that you can say anything as the reporter to 911 these days, and the cops will believe it.
Indeed you can. There is a new type of prank call being noticed by 911 call centers. Some jerks call 911 and convince them to send SWAT or cops to a residence. This horrible new class of harassment has been given a cute nickname of "swatting."

Personally, I'd like to see it called what it is. Filing a false report, misuse of emergency services, reckless endangerment, etc...

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