Weird actions in Firefox.


NRA Life Member
Above the header I got this.

Warning: Declaration of vB_ProfileBlock_vBSEOLikes::block_is_enabled() should be compatible with that of vB_ProfileBlock::block_is_enabled() in age_newreply";s:33:"just replied to a thread at %1$s:";s:27:"fbpublish_message_newthread";s:30:"just started a thread at %1$s:";s:4:"file";s:4:"File";s:17:"file_is_too_large";s:17:"File is too Large";s:19:"file_upload_manager";s:19:"File Upload Manager";s:24:"file_upload_manager_desc";s:39:"Manage all files that you have uploaded";s:8:"filename";s:8:"Filename";s:5:"files";s:5:"Files";s:14:"filesize_bytes";s:17:"File-size (bytes)";s:8:"filetype";s:8:"Filetype";s:7:"folders";s:7:"Folders";s:5:"fonts";s:5:"Fonts";s:10:"formatting";s:10:"Formatting";s:17:"formatting_normal";s:6:"Normal";s:10:"forum_post";s:10:"Forum Post";s:20:"frequency_of_updates";s:20:"Frequency of updates";s:9:"full_size";s:9:"Full Size";s:11:"go_advanced";s:11:"Go Advanced";s:4:"good";s:4:"Good";s:13:"group_picture";s:11:"Group Photo";s:29:"have_uploaded_maximum_x_files";s:43:"You have uploaded the maximum of %1$s files";s:9:"heading_1";s:9:"Heading 1";s:9:"heading_2";s:9:"Heading 2";s:9:"heading_3";s:9:"Heading 3";s:9:"heading_4";s:9:"Heading 4";s:9:"heading_5";s:9:"Heading 5";s:9:"heading_6";s:9:"Heading 6";s:4:"help";s:4:"Help";s:11:"home_folder";s:4:"Home";s:4:"html";s:4:"HTML";s:8:"html_off";s:8:"HTML Off";s:26:"html_on_convert_linebreaks";s:28:"HTML On - Convert Linebreaks";s:31:"html_on_dont_convert_linebreaks";s:34:"HTML On - Don't Convert Linebreaks";s:15:"increase_indent";s:15:"Increase Indent";s:6:"indent";s:6:"Indent";s:17:"insert_attachment";s:17:"Insert Attachment";s:28:"insert_attachments_in_window";s:51:"Insert attachments directly into the editor window.";s:17:"insert_email_link";s:17:"Insert Email Link";s:9:"insert_hr";s:22:"Insert Horizontal Rule";s:13:"insert_inline";s:13:"Insert Inline";s:15:"insert_inline_x";s:20:"Insert Inline (%1$s)";s:11:"insert_link";s:11:"Insert Link";s:17:"insert_page_break";s:17:"Insert Page Break";s:20:"insert_preview_break";s:20:"Insert Preview Break";s:12:"insert_table";s:12:"Insert Table";s:25:"insert_table_column_after";s:25:"Insert Table Column After";s:26:"insert_table_column_before";s:26:"Insert Table Column Before";s:22:"insert_table_row_after";s:22:"Insert Table Row After";s:23:"insert_table_row_before";s:23:"Insert Table Row Before";s:12:"insert_video";s:12:"Insert Video";s:17:"insert_video_clip";s:17:"Insert Video Clip";s:12:"invalid_file";s:12:"Invalid File";s:6:"italic";s:6:"Italic";s:16:"keep_attachments";s:16:"Keep Attachments";s:8:"keywords";s:8:"Keywords";s:5:"large";s:5:"Large";s:4:"left";s:4:"Left";s:13:"link_to_image";s:13:"Link to Image";s:8:"link_url";s:8:"Link URL";s:4:"list";s:4:"List";s:36:"make_changes_to_post_x_from_thread_y";s:102:"Make changes to post %3$s from the thread %5$s";s:12:"max_filesize";s:13:"Max File-size";s:10:"max_height";s:10:"Max Height";s:9:"max_width";s:9:"Max Width";s:7:"maximum";s:7:"Maximum";s:37:"maximum_number_of_attachments_reached";s:37:"Maximum number of attachments reached";s:6:"medium";s:6:"Medium";s:22:"message_by_x_on_y_at_z";s:110:"Message originally posted by %2$s on %3$s at %4$s";s:17:"message_too_short";s:100:"The message you have entered is too short. 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Quote this post as well, or deselect this post.";s:20:"selected_attachments";s:21:"Selected Attachments:";s:18:"selected_post_icon";s:18:"Selected post icon";s:32:"selected_x_posts_not_part_thread";s:238:"You have selected %1$s posts that are not part of this thread. Quote these posts as well, or deselect these posts.";s:25:"separate_tags_using_comma";s:28:"Separate tags using a comma.";s:16:"show_all_smilies";s:16:"Show all Smilies";s:19:"show_your_signature";s:19:"Show your signature";s:27:"show_your_signature_explain";s:63:"If enabled, your signature will be displayed below the message.";s:5:"sizes";s:5:"Sizes";s:33:"soft_delete_leave_deleted_message";s:49:"'Soft' delete - Leave "Deleted" Message";s:10:"sort_order";s:10:"Sort Order";s:17:"stick_this_thread";s:17:"Stick this thread";s:5:"stuck";s:5:"Stuck";s:6:"styles";s:6:"Styles";s:14:"submit_message";s:14:"Submit Message";s:17:"submit_new_thread";s:17:"Submit New Thread";s:12:"submit_reply";s:12:"Submit Reply";s:18:"submit_to_thread_x";s:14:"Submit to %1$s";s:9:"subscript";s:9:"Subscript";s:8:"subtitle";s:8:"Subtitle";s:11:"superscript";s:11:"Superscript";s:16:"supported_videos";s:25:"Supported videos include:";s:14:"tag_management";s:14:"Tag Management";s:20:"tags_for_this_thread";s:20:"Tags for this Thread";s:22:"tags_visible_all_users";s:34:"Tags will be visible to all users.";s:8:"terrible";s:8:"Terrible";s:12:"text_changes";s:12:"Text Changes";s:29:"the_following_errors_occurred";s:34:"The following errors occurred: ";s:43:"this_forum_is_not_accepting_new_attachments";s:43:"This forum is not accepting new attachments";s:45:"this_message_already_contains_a_preview_break";s:45:"This message already contains a preview break";s:29:"this_user_on_your_ignore_list";s:40:"This user is on your Ignore List.";s:29:"thread_has_more_than_x_review";s:114:"This thread has more than %1$s replies. Click here to review the whole thread.";s:19:"thread_subscription";s:49:"Subscribe to this thread and notify me of changes";s:9:"thumbnail";s:9:"Thumbnail";s:12:"time_of_edit";s:12:"Time of Edit";s:13:"title_changes";s:13:"Title Changes";s:25:"topic_review_newest_first";s:55:"Topic Review (Newest First)";s:10:"total_size";s:10:"Total Size";s:39:"unable_to_parse_attachmentid_from_image";s:40:"Unable to parse Attachmentid from image.";s:27:"uncheck_tag_remove_bold_you";s:59:"Uncheck a tag to remove it. 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  And more. 45200 characters total. :eek:

I got a smaller version of that yesterday. Once I refreshed the page I never got it again. I have said some bad stuff about the President. I just assumed it was the NSA
I have seen something similar too but only on this site. Maybe we have been infiltrated by the NSA.
Those are just various server-side scripts being displayed. VBScript or PHP. Could be a minor bug or could be some testing is going on with the live site. The PHP code is often used to build a tailored webpage and return it to your browser. Not the NSA.
I don't think I got 45200 characters, but I did get something similar looking when I went to my "Likes" page yesterday. For the last couple or three weeks, I've been getting a couple or three lines of the same kind of stuff every time I enter my or someone else's Profile page. Haven't gotten anything like that in the main or sub-forums though.

I'm running Firefox 35.0.1 on Windows 8.1, which I hate with a passion, and Firefox hates it too as it crashes several times a day on the laptop I'm on, while the same version on Vista on my desktop never crashes.

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I don't think I got 45200 characters, but I did get something similar looking when I went to my "Likes" page yesterday. For the last couple or three weeks, I've been getting a couple or three lines of the same kind of stuff every time I enter my or someone else's Profile page. Haven't gotten anything like that in the main or sub-forums though.

I'm running Firefox 35.0.1 on Windows 8.1, which I hate with a passion, and Firefox hates it too as it crashes several times a day on the laptop I'm on, while the same version on Vista on my desktop never crashes.


Same version of Firefox but on Win7Pro. No crashes in a long time. This laptop runs programs in the background 24/7 and is a secondary heat source in the winter. The 4 cores are at 95% use all the time. 50 watts of heat.

By the way, M$ is supposed to provide a free upgrade to Win10 to those who have Win6, Win7, or Win8 because of the problems with 6 or 8.
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When I run BOINC on my laptop it will maxed out all eight cores. I have no idea how much heat the CPU is putting out when running that high but the fan runs all the time.
From the task manager, open the performance/resource monitor. Close all apps and let it sit for a few minutes. Sort the CPU utilization by percentage highest. look at the processes that are eating CPU cycles. If you click the check box for them one at a time you can isolate CPU, memory and disk utilization for the task that's eating the CPU cycles. Find what software product is running that task and if it's something you don't need or use, uninstall it.
Check to see if you have "iYogi" on your system. Do any of the processes on the performance monitor for the CPU begin with "iYogi?" This is a product that tries to take-over Windows updates and other functions. When updates fail a message appears with a telephone number for support. When you call they want $175 to fix your system. iYogi is considered malware. The biggest problem is it can eat 35%-55% of the CPU cycles, depending on the processor chip subset. Removing this takes some work. There are a few sites which will advise on he steps necessary to remove it. you can't simply uninstall it because it has put hooks in Windows that cause it to re-install.
For those running Avast for security, replace this with Norton 360. If you're running the free version of Avast you have no malware protection as it's a limited product. Avast is also notorious for continually eating 10%-25% of the CPU cycles. Combined with iYogi I find they take 45%-75% of your CPU cycles, depending on the chip subset. That leaves only a very small amount of CPU cycles for your own tasks like surfing the web, playing music or running other programs. If your idle processor use is more than 10%-12% in total, you have something eating CPU cycles. I found these two products are often at the root of poor performance.
Also look at the disk performance. If the graph is crazy and all over the place you may have fragmentation. Disk access is measured in I/O (input/output). I/O is comprised of "seek" an "latency" which are measured by the rotation of the disk platter and time it takes the head to access the disk sector. In fragmented drives the RBA (relative byte address) is greatly lengthened leading to poor transfer from disk to memory. Run a defrag to ensure the RBA chains are shortened for faster disk I/O.
I didn't know about windoze 6. But I truly hate 8. What happened to windoze 9?
Strangely, Vista was 6.0 and Windows 7 was 6.1. It is kinda bizarre how MS went from Win 3.0 to 3.1 then Win 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, XP-64, Vista then back to Win 7 for their OS names. Not to mention Win NT or the server releases. Actually Windows 7 is a really stable OS and I like it. I agree with you on Win 8. I truly hated it. Not crazy about touch screens either. As for me, I'm gonna stick with Win 7 until 2020 so MS has 5 more years to get it right.
Win 8 is a bear, I literally had to give my wife her computer back before I would chunk it across the room. Enough to give anyone high blood pressure. Slow printer response also....
I do like Win 7, user friendly and quite stable!

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