Watchman on the wall

"I used to believe that the biblical pestilences described as occurring during the Tribulation period would be the likes of Ebola, Smallpox or some other equally horrific virus. The reality is they may well simply be a variant of the common cold run rampant. Once again, the shadow cast by the Tribulation period falls over our own collective horizons. Time is short".

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~ God Uses Prophecy To Prove He Is Who He Says He Is, And To Authenticate ALL The Warnings And The Promises Found In The Bible ~
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This Is The Last Generation: How Close Are We To The Rapture Of The Church?

This is the last generation. As far back as 2500 years ago, the Bible predicted many of the prophecies that we are experiencing in this very hour. Many of these prophecies began when once again Israel became a nation (1948). In fact, the Bible is clear, once Israel became a nation, a generation would not pass away before we would see the Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24:4-34). It's fascinating that the Bible would predict, 2500 years in advance, the starting point and the ending point of the last generation. The starting point being the rebirth of Israel and the ending point being the Second Coming of Christ. Many prophecies that are slated to be a part of this last generation have come to pass. I believe a generation is between 70-80 years as stated in Psalm 90:10 (NIV.."Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away") It amazes me that out of the last 2500 years it is within this 70-80 year time span that these prophecies have begun to take shape. Below is a list of the prophecies that have come about within this last generation:

* The re-gathering of the Jews into their homeland (Ezekiel 37:11-13) after thousands of years of God ordained exile. Another amazing fact, after thousands of years living in other nations, there Jewish culture has remained intact.
* The rebirth of Israel as a nation in 1948 (Ezekiel 37:10-14; Isaiah 43:5, 6; 66:7-8) in one day. Israel literally became a nation again in one day. Following their declaration of statehood, the next day, five Arab nations attacked Israel. But Israel defeated them and has grown into a major world military power. This prophecy of rebirth essentially kicked off the beginning of the last generation.
* The Arab world will claim they are rightful owners of the land of Israel (Ezekiel 35:5, 10; 36:2, 5). It wasn't until the Jews began migrating back to Palestine in hopes of declaring Israeli statehood that the Arab world laid claim to the land. Before that, it was of no value to them.
* The desert land of Israel will bloom again during this last generation (Luke 21:29-31; Isaiah 41:18-21).
* The city of Jerusalem recaptured by Israel 19 years later in 1967 (Zechariah 8:7-8; 12:3). Jerusalem couldn't be a stumbling block to peace with Israel if it wasn't back in their hands.
* A Middle East peace plan with Israel, where Jerusalem is considered a major stumbling block will develop in the last days (Daniel 9:27; Zechariah 12:3).
* This peace plan with Israel will ultimately have a seven-year time limit (Daniel 9:27). Virtually every Middle East peace plan calls for a timeline for which peace must be established. The splitting of Jerusalem will be the final jewel of the peace accord.
* The ruins of Israel will be rebuilt (Amos 9:11 &13). This has kicked into high gear since Israel became a nation (1948).
* An eastern nation capable of fielding a 200 million man army (Revelation 9:16) will arise during the Tribulation Period. No nation has ever been able to field an army of this magnitude until this generation.
* The Euphrates River will be dried up to enable a great army to cross (Revelation 16:12). This could not be done until 1990 without the help of modern day technology.
* During this generation, man will obtain the ability to view an event simultaneously all over the world (Revelation 11:9-10). Certainly, this was impossible until satellite technology was invented during this generation.
* Russia, Iran, a host of northern African nations, and the surrounding Islamic world will forge an alliance and attack Israel (Ezekiel 38 & 39). Today, most of these nations (listed in Ezekiel 38) are already in an alliance with each other.
* World leaders will begin talking abut world governance as a necessary evil. This will eventually lead to a one world government led by the Antichrist (Revelation 13). If you are a frequent reader of mine, you know that this is happening as I write. The first significant world body called the United Nations was created in 1945 to encourage global cooperation. Today, they have more power global power than anytime in their history.
* The temple will be rebuilt (Revelation 11:1, 2; Daniel 9:27). This is yet future, but it is a foregone conclusion that various temple organizations, once the okay to rebuild is given, will have it completed within months.
* The Antichrist will rise up out of the New Roman Empire known today as the European Union (Daniel 9:27).
* In the last days, knowledge will increase dramatically (Daniel 12:4). There is no debating the fact that knowledge has increased in leaps and bounds over the last 100 years, but particularly during the last 70-80 years. Medicine and technological discoveries have exploded in this last generation.
* Earthquakes will increase in strength and intensity as we head toward the rapture of the church and the beginning of the tribulation period (Mark 13:8). Just in the last few years we have seen major earthquakes in Chile, Haiti, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Japan that have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. The years 2000-2010 was named the most deadly and destructive decade for global natural disasters in history and earthquakes claimed the most lives of all the natural disasters. Even secular world news reports acknowledge that we have had an increase in freakish natural disasters over the last ten years.
* In the days unrest among the nations will breakout (Mark 13:8) with troubles. This trouble and unrest is currently spreading throughout the Middle East (April 2, 2011) and is a sign of the nearest of the coming of the Lord.

It's during this narrow block of time that all these prophecies are beginning to or already have come to past. We are very close to the rapture and the start of the tribulation period. If a Biblical generation is indeed as Psalm 90:10 states, between 70-80 years, we are already 68 years into the final years of this last generation. This last generation began in 1948 when Israel became a nation. If we add 70 years (2018) or 80 years (2028) to our proposed starting date and subtract 7 years for the tribulation period we come up with a date between 2011 and 2021. It's also very likely that there will be a gap of time (2-3 yrs) between the rapture of the church and the start of the tribulation period. Are you ready for the rapture of the church? Are you sure you are going when the Lord calls Christians home? There's only one way you will be taken in the rapture and it's the same way you can know that you are going to heaven when you die. You must be born again (John 3:3). Just having knowledge or a belief in God is not enough. You must have a personal relationship with the Lord. That all starts with a complete surrender of your life to the Lord from this day forward. Repent of your sins, believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay your sin penalty, and that He rose again. Trust in the Lord from this day forward and live for Him.

~ ISRAEL...God's Prophetic Timepiece ~​
Howdy Reverand Ringo,


Many of these prophecies began when once again *Israel* became a nation (1948). In fact, the Bible is clear, once* Israel* became a nation, a generation would not pass away before we would see the Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24:4-34).


I have bad news for you........

Based on your post the rapture has already happened and guess what?

You missed it and are still here with the rest of us pagans.


While those who truly grasp the lateness of the hour and what the issues and events of these strange, troubled times mean, there is the overwhelming majority that hasn’t a clue. There are millions upon millions of others who are within Christendom, that is, who claim to be under the umbrella of Christianity. Most of these, statistics bear out, would not qualify as “Christian” under the definition of being “born again.” That is, they haven’t truly “believed” as given in Romans 10:9-10. Among those who are truly born again, there are many views of how things will play out, prophetically speaking. At the same time, there are also many who don’t know and many who don’t care about prophecy–what God has foretold about their future. They are too busy living out their increments of life one heartbeat and breath at a time. Sadly, the latter by far constitute the majority. That is, most don’t know about Bible prophecy, and most don’t care. They are aided and abetted in their willful ignorance by the pastors and Bible teachers within their church bodies in this disregard for the prophetic portion of God’s Word. That prophetic Word is almost one-third of the Scripture the Lord has given us through His Love Letter to mankind.

It's in America that this attitude of not embracing the Rapture among Christians is most pronounced. Not desiring the Rapture is, for American believers, as natural as breathing. Life in the United States is not bad, and for the most part, pretty comfortable. Compared to living as a Christian in, say, the Middle East, Africa, or other parts of the world, being a Christian requires that no heavy price be paid. That's what I mean when I say it's as natural as breathing. When American Christians in this category do think of the Rapture, they fear it will take them away from the pleasures of this earthly life. That event will, they think, snatch them from their comfortable American lifestyle and cause them to lose homes, family closeness, friendships, other relationships, and their “stuff, all of which provides familiarity and pleasure. How sad for these people that they and their families will, in the very near future, "experience great suffering, the kind that hasn't happened from the beginning of the world until now and certainly won't ever happen again". Don't be foolish and get LEFT BEHIND, "Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to ESCAPE ALL these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man".

~ Things Are Going To Get Very Ugly, Very Soon ~
Playtime is definitely over.

CONVERGENCE of the End Time Signs.
Bible Prophecy fulfillment is in a period of acceleration, a time of Quickening. As the world is racing towards Armageddon, America is racing towards it's imminent DESTRUCTION.
We have entered a time like no other time, a time that no man has ever seen, a time like no other time in the history of this world, the End Times. Since the dawn of mankind, there have always been wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, disease, strange-weather and false Christ's just as Jesus predicted. Fast forward nearly 2,000 years since Jesus made this prediction, and you have today's headlines lining up exactly with the Word of God. The big thing isn't that these events are happening today. The big thing is that they are all happening at the very same time to bring this world that's already teetering over the edge into the abyss, to a point of no return! Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes. Fulfilled prophecy is increasing in frequency and intensity just like birth pains, and Jesus said when you see these know that I am near, even at the door. This is the LAST GENERATION. As far back as 2500 years ago, the Bible predicted the prophecies that we are experiencing in this very hour. These prophecies began when once again Israel became a nation (1948). In fact, the Bible is clear, once Israel became a nation, this generation would not pass away before we would see the Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24:4-34). It's fascinating that the Bible would predict, 2500 years in advance, the starting point and the ending point of the last generation. The starting point being the rebirth of Israel and the ending point being the Second Coming of Christ.

More than 2,500 years ago, God gave the prophet Ezekiel an astonishing prophecy to give to the world, one that would be fulfilled in this "LAST GENERATION". The prophesied events found in Ezekiel 38 and 39, could be fulfilled in the immediate future. We are already witnessing the stage being set and the actors being moved into place, in light of current events happening in the Middle East, right now. Within a few months, maybe a year, the war of Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 will take place. The IDF will be the victor. This victory will infuriate ISRAEL'S remaining enemies, causing Russia, Iran, and an alliance of Muslim nations invade Israel (Ezekiel 38-39). For 19 centuries, the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world, and until May 14, 1948, there was no nation of Israel to invade. With the nation of Israel now a reality, the stage is being set for the Gog & Magog war that will usher in the Tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist; a war that will end with the destruction of Israel's enemies by God Himself, and lead to the signing of a peace treaty with the Antichrist. America isn't mentioned in prophecy pertaining to this Last Generation because "America Will Soon Cease To Exist". Frightened men can manipulate Scripture, however, the Scripture is clear:"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for ALL people: ALL that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though ALL the people of the earth be gathered together against it". (Zechariah 12:3) "And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy ALL the nations that come against Jerusalem". (Zechariah 12:9 )

Reality is also very clear, America is the "Chief Instigator" and carries the heaviest burden in DEFIANCE of God in relation to the dividing of His Land, ISRAEL, and His Holy City, JERUSALEM. If a Biblical generation is indeed as Psalm 90:10 states, between 70-80 years, we are already 68 years into the final years of this last generation. It's very likely that there will be a gap of time (2-3 yrs) between the Rapture of the church and the start of the Tribulation Period. There's only one way you will be taken in the Rapture and it's the same way you can know that you are going to heaven when you die. You must be "Born Again"(John 3:3). Wake up people, it's no coincidence that out of the last 2500 years it is within this 70-80 year time span since the re-birth of ISRAEL that these prophecies have begun to take shape. Get ready, because when it hits the fan, it’s going to hit hard and fast. Life as we know it will NEVER return to what we know as normal. The judgment of God is coming, and soon. Prepare your hearts and look up, for our redemption really IS drawing nigh! Playtime is definitely over.

~ After Only One Hundred Million Years Of Eternity, IN HELL, Not One Second Of Time Has Yet To Pass ~
Trending Toward Tribulation
"Many signs seem to indicate that the world is trending toward the Tribulation period and only a few are aware of how close it is to becoming a fundamentally changed global police state. Billions will perish".
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Are You Ready for the Rapture?

The Rapture itself will also arrive suddenly and without warning for believers who are not watching for their Lord's return and are not paying attention to the Signs Of The Times. Likewise, the events that will take place after the Rapture, which will include the Tribulation portion of the Day of the Lord, will arrive suddenly and without warning for unbelievers who are obviously not watching for the Lord's return at all.

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Today more than ever, so-called Evangelicals are increasingly becoming dismissive of Bible Prophecy because they believe it is a fool’s errand, that Christ may never return, or that it impedes their ability to enact cultural change through the social gospel. This is promulgated in the Reformed Theology groups as well as thru the Prosperity Gospel and Emergent Church movements. It’s like it has become popular again in Christendom, to no longer care if or when Christ will return, as if it is some distraction we needn’t concern ourselves with.

Christ Will Return

The Bigger One Is Coming

Since a lot of people think quakes are triggered by each other, the recent earthquake in Alaska and Mexico have caused the focus of prognosticators to shift to the western coast of America

February 8, 2016

There has been a growing interest in earthquake activity on social media. I’ve run across several sites that speculate about where and when the next big earthquake will take place. Since a lot of people think quakes are triggered by each other, the recent earthquake in Alaska and Mexico have caused the focus of prognosticators to shift to the western coast of America.

The “Big One” has long been seen as a future earthquake of a magnitude of 8.0 or greater. Scientists have predicted this seismic event will happen along the massive San Andreas Fault. Over the years, countless movies have been made that show the city of Los Angeles being leveled by this looming disaster.

However, the eruption of the San Andreas Fault may not live up to its anticipated blow-out reputation. The fault, at its closest point is 35 miles north of Los Angeles. Since the San Andrea runs through dryer and less populated areas of California, secondary faults like the Puente Hills Fault or the San Jacinto may be a greater risk to southern segments of the state.

Another limiting factor for a great calamity in L.A. is the California building code. Because the city is prone to large quakes, most structures are designed to withstand a major seismic event. If a magnitude 5.0 trembler should strike the Hollywood area, it would be a one day news story. If a quake of the same strength were to strike the eastern coast of America, all kinds of damage would take place.

It is not easy to exactly determine America’s most dangerous fault zone. The New Madrid fault is capable of shaking vast areas of the southern Mississippi valley. Because the bedrock of this fault is hidden beneath 100 - 200 foot thick layers of soft river deposited soils, we have no way to directly measure it.

The fault with the greatest threat to life is probably the Cascadia subduction zone. This fault is located about seventy miles off the Pacific Northwest Coast. It stretches seven hundred miles from California to Vancouver in Canada.

When the Cascadia Fault erupts, a mega-tsunami will sweep across the Pacific Ocean. We know from history that a tsunami event is the most deadly result of an earthquake. Very few people died from the shaking produced by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that occurred off the coast of Indonesia in 2004, however, the waves generated by that quake killed 240,000 people.

A 9.0 earthquake on the Cascadia Fault would strike the Pacific Northwest coast with waves as high as 50 feet. Residents of many communities would have less than 20 minutes to find higher ground. Since we never had a major tsunami in North America, few people would know how to react if one struck.

A Cascadia earthquake would easily be the worst natural disaster in American history. FEMA projects that nearly 13,000 people will die. Another 27,000 will be injured, and the agency expects that it will need to provide shelter for a million displaced people.

The City of Seattle would be hit hard by the quake. It has the misfortune of being on soft soil and located on a shallow shoreline. Seattle area buildings that were not damaged by the seismic shaking would be at risk from the tsunami waves.

A key reason why the Cascadia Fault Zone comes to mind is because an earthquake on this fault is long overdue. Last month marked the 316-year anniversary of one of the greatest earthquakes on record along the Pacific Coast; the estimated 9.2 “Cascadia” quake that struck on January 26, 1700. Since a quake occurs on this fault once every 240 years, we are now 76 years past the average.

I have noticed that several fault zones around the world are strangely long overdue in producing a major earthquake. The San Francisco bay area; the U.S. Pacific Coast and southern segments of the state; Tokyo, Japan; Jakarta, Indonesia; the holy city of Jerusalem are all on borrowed time. I can only guess that God is storing up wrath for the Tribulation hour. It is my hope that believers living in the Pacific Northwest will soon be transported to a higher ground that no tsunami can reach.

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:8-11, 25-28).

--Todd Strandberg --
America has joined the rest of earth's nations in the gathering against Israel and is leading the way into setting up the worldwide anti-Israel marginalization prophesied by Zechariah. As prophesied by Zechariah in Zechariah12:1-3, her betrayal will mean America's doom. All nations who come against the Jewish state, God says, will be cut to pieces. Israel, on the other hand, will remain no matter what, the God of heaven declares in the strongest possible terminology... "This is what the Lord says, 'He who appoints the sun to shine by day, Who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, Who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar--the Lord Almighty is His Name; Only if these ordinances vanish from My sight,' declares the Lord, 'will the descendants of Israel ever cease to be a nation before Me" (Jeremiah 31:35-36). "I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coast-lands (America), and they will know that I am the LORD" (Ezekiel 39:6)

Israeli ascendancy, American decline
( A Sign Of The End Of The Age & This Last Generation )
Is nuclear Armageddon more likely than ever?

New weapons, unstable nations, and terrorism are raising the nuclear stakes. Is a doomsday attack more likely? Here's everything you need to know about the new nuclear arms race:

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The Gay Bullies: Exclusion, Intolerance, Uniformity

For more than a decade, I've been warning that those who came out of the closet - meaning, gay activists - want to put conservative Christians in the closet.

I've been saying that, in the LGBT activist lexicon, "tolerance" means the intolerance of all views but their own, "diversity" means their way or the highway, and "inclusive" means the exclusion of all opposing opinions and values.

Day by day, we are watching all this unfold before our eyes.

In the UK, Pink News reports that, "Scotland is training a small army of LGBT-friendly police officers to stamp out hate crime."

This "small army" has been tasked with encouraging victims of "hate crimes" to report those crimes to the police, since such crimes are allegedly underreported.

The problem is that, in the UK, preachers simply reading the Scriptures on a street corner have been charged with LGBT "hate crimes."

On at least one occasion, a preacher was charged with a hate crime because a lesbian listener simply felt discriminated against. (Thankfully, the case was thrown out and compensation of about $4,000 was paid out due to the preacher's arrest and 11-hour, jail cell detainment.)

What will happen now with this "small army" on the lookout for such "crimes"?

Some years ago, I began to write about "the diversity police," using the term metaphorically. Today, it is no longer a metaphor.

Yet there's more. There will be increasing scrutiny in Scottish schools as well.

As explained by Fergus McMillan, Chief Executive of LGBT Youth Scotland, "We are currently working with a range of partners, including Equality Network, to increase the reporting of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic hate crimes and incidents and improve the support available to those targeted."

Presumably, if a little girl objected to a confused little boy sharing her bathroom, she would be guilty of a "transphobic hate crime."

John Knox must be turning over in his grave.

Back here in America, the Insider Higher Ed website reported on March 10 that, "In a letter sent to the National Collegiate Athletic Association on Wednesday, more than 80 lesbian, gay and transgender organizations urged the NCAA to 'divest from all religious-based institutions' that discriminate against transgender students."

In other words, if a religious-based institution of higher education cannot support transgender activism on its campus - because of its explicit religious convictions - then the NCAA must boycott that schools.

Talk about intolerance and bullying!

So, if a religious-based university like Wheaton or Oral Roberts or Brigham Young was not willing to admit a biological male as a female, thereby allowing him to room with women, use the women's locker rooms and bathrooms, play on the women's sports teams, and join women's collegiate groups, that school would be guilty of transgender "discrimination" and the NCAA should boycott them.

Once again, in the world of gay activism, "inclusion" is a one-way street, to be enforced by bullying and boycotting.

Over in Australia, a concerned mother wrote to our ministry:

"I listen and read your articles here in Australia and wanted to alert you to what's happening here. The government has initiated a program:

"They want to make it compulsory to be taught in all schools. There is information in there to teach transgender kids to bind breasts and tuck genitals. Doctors have warned this is very dangerous for kids and could even be fatal.

"Even worse, some large Pentecostal preachers reviewed it and said it's not that bad as some other Christian leaders have warned us about."

Some of the resources on the "Safe School" website include, "All of Us," described as, "A ground-breaking teaching resource that supports gender diversity, sexual diversity and intersex topics." And, "Guide to Supporting a Student to Affirm or Transition Gender Identity at School," described as, "A step by step guide for schools supporting transgender and gender diverse students who want to affirm their gender identity at school - suitable for both primary and secondary schools."

The document itself explains that it "includes people who identify as women, men or as neither male nor female. The terms people use to describe their gender identity may include transgender, gender non-binary or agender."

And this educational "resource" could become mandatory in children's schools in Australia, just the latest example of the war on gender.

In my book Outlasting the Gay Revolution, I warned that gay activists would overplay their hand, stating that those who were once bullied would become the bullies and that the LGBT war on gender distinctions and natural marriage would destroy itself, since it goes against the very fabric of human society.

Little by little - no, quite rapidly and aggressively - we are seeing this come to pass in front of our eyes. Unfortunately, many conservative Christians are still sleeping while others, like the proverbial frog boiling in water, are spiritually dull, having become accustomed to our world being turned upside down.

Now is the time to wake up to reality and say, "Not in my school, not on my campus, not in my city."

We can take a stand for what is right while loving those who oppose us.

And if we are unable to turn the tide just yet, no one is stopping us from swimming against it.

As Malcom Muggeridge once stated, "Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream."

Don't be a dead fish!

- Michael Brown -

~ Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow ~
Nearing Midnight: Antichrist Near

Once upon a time I wrote in an early draft of a book manuscript about the spirit of Antichrist as given in the Bible. It was more or less a question positing whether this passage might have something to do with anti-Semitism to some extent. Here is the Scripture.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." (1 John 4:1-3)

My cogitation revolved around whether the words:"in the flesh" might somehow include/involve the fact that Jesus came into the world through Jewish " flesh." After all, Christ came into the world through the Jewish race. Satan has always wanted to have the world deny that the Jew has any special place in God's plan for humanity.

The Jew has been hunted and hated throughout history. Adolf Hitler said the Jew is sub-human, and much of the communist world would agree with the Nazi thought in that regard, history shows. They were mistreated--brutally--by Stalin and subsequent dictators and held as the scapegoat for all problems the dictators themselves created and perpetuated. This is still going on in our time in Russia and other places. Anti-Semitism is on the grow in virulence and scope in Europe in a way that has not been seen since pre-Nazi Germany.

Islamist hatred is not only on the grow as violently as at any time in history, it is accepted with hardly an objection by the rest of the world. Our own president, in my view, is culpable in looking the other way as burgeoning anti-Semitism explodes around the world. As I was saying, I wrote in the manuscript about this question--and it was in an inquiring, speculative tone, intended as mere examination, not as adamant postulation. I wondered if denying that Christ came in Jewish flesh somehow figured into the matter of anti-Semitism, because Antichrist, himself, will certainly champion great hatred for God's chosen people.

Bible prophecy is replete with foretellings of how Antichrist will persecute and murder those of the Jewish race during the Tribulation--i.e., might denial that "Jesus Christ has come in the flesh" mean, in part at least, that the Antichrist spirit has at its core hatred for the Jew because that is the "flesh" through which God chose to usher His only begotten Son into this fallen world?

This went over not at all well at the publisher with whom I was under contract to do the book. I was told this was false teaching--or as I recall, that was the tone and threat I inferred the response to mean. The words were rather strongly put that I must cut that portion or they couldn't be a part of such heresy. Well, again, that was how I interpreted the charge and subsequent threat.

Someone at the publishing house had a quite sensitive spot which I had obviously touched, not able to understand that I wasn't challenging the standard take on what constitutes ”the spirit of antichrist." I know that the meaning is, primarily, that there is a visceral denial among those of this lost world that God came to earth in the flesh to die for the sin of mankind and to redeem mankind. Still, He did enter this world through the Jewish flesh.

I find the fact that Christians who truly have a pre-Trib, pre-Millennial view of Bible prophecy seem the only core entity that doesn't display animus for Israel. Most of the world sees Israel as the cause of the problems with regard to the so-called Palestinian question. That the Jewish state is illegitimate, and the illegal occupier of land belonging to the Palestinian people, is the never-ceasing mantra. Those who aren't openly hostile to Israel either give nods of approval to those who say Israel is the problem or say nothing at all as that nation is verbally pounded and hounded from every quarter.

So-called Christian organizations--even those churches claiming to be evangelicals--join in the satanic stream-of-consciousness insistence that Israel no longer is inheritor of God's promises made to that people. These enthusiastically join the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction" (BDS) movement in their denial that the Jews are God's chosen people.

Okay, I might be way off the mark in my ruminations about the Jewish race--about Israel--being a part of John's warning in this antichrist spirit passage. But, the Jews are indeed being hated today like throughout all of history. That anti-Semitism is on the rise can't be denied by anyone other than those who are cerebrally incapable of realizing it, or who are liars.

Every indicator points to the likelihood that the one called Antichrist is about to step out of the shadows of this rising hatred and into the spotlight for doing his dastardly deeds against God's chosen people, the Jews.

Thankfully, born-again believers will have to exit the world stage first. The antichrist spirit so prevalent today is proof-positive that the time of that exiting--the Rapture-- must be near indeed.

--Terry James -
Pope Francis Declares That Muslims And Hindus Are All Children Of God
by Geoffrey Grider

Pope Francis is the king of Vatican City, the Roman Catholic Whore of Babylon, who has the blood of countless millions on his filthy hands.

"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-28 (KJV)

The Bible emphatically declares that we can only be considered 'children of God' by faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. The reason for the new birth found in John 3:3 is because we are all created in the image of Adam since Genesis 5:3. Outside of the Body of Christ, there is no universal brotherhood of man from God's perspective. But you cannot build a One World Church on such a narrow and exclusive doctrine as that, as Pope Francis is well aware. Please note the following that happened yesterday:

Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of 12 refugees Thursday at a migrant center in Castelnuovo di Porto outside of Rome, Italy. The ceremony took place as part of the observances of Maundy Thursday, the Holy Thursday before Easter that dates back to the story of Jesus’ Last Supper.
Pope Francis Washes Feet on 'Holy Thursday'

In a powerful gesture of interfaith embrace, the pontiff knelt down before a group of eight men and four women, among whom were Muslims, Coptic Christians and one Hindu.

“All of us together: Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Copts, Evangelicals ... all brothers and children of the same God,”
the pontiff said during a Mass before the foot washing ceremony. “We want to live together in peace.”

Islam rejects Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and reduces Him to the level of a mere prophet, like Mohammed. Neither do Hindus recognize Jesus Christ as the appointed Messiah to Israel. Because of that, God does not consider Muslims or Hindus to be His children because they reject the sin payment Jesus made on the cross.

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3 (KJV)

If Pope Francis really loved the Muslims and Hindus, if he really wanted to show them true compassion, he would open up a King James Bible and show them how to get saved and become born again. But the pope never tells anyone how to get saved, he never tells them of their need to become born again.

"And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth." Revelation 18:16,24 (KJV)

Pope Francis is the king of Vatican City, the Roman Catholic Whore of Babylon, who has the blood of countless millions on his filthy hands. He washed and kissed their feet, and never once told them how to get saved. That is the work of Antichrist.

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