Warning shot

Thanks Blues,
No, I hadn't read your link. (have now)
It think we're in agreement on the questionable practicality of warning shots, the abuse of laws by our government and that Calif. is a great place to be FROM.

I can't wait to be From here.


I don't think you're remembering it all quite right. You're probably referring to the Marissa Alexander case. No one was shot or injured in her case. She left the house in which her husband was said (by her) to be abusing her, went to a vehicle and retrieved a gun, returned to the house and fired three shots "towards" her husband. It's a lousy case all around for justifying the need to change FL's law, because from everything I've read, she wasn't even attempting to "warn" him, she was trying to murder him after she'd already escaped the abuse. It was her own asserted defense that they were indeed warning shots that ensured she'd receive a mandatory minimum of 10 years.

Ironically, as of the last time we discussed the so-called "warning shots bill," the same Attorney General, Angela Corey, who forced a reticent local Prosecutor to go after Zimmerman, was trying to get Alexander retried (or re-sentenced) to 60 years, 20 for each shot fired. That makes her much more sympathetic to me, even though I found her asserted defense to be wholly without merit from the beginning.

the only reason her defense even played the "warning shot" gambit was that she missed shooting and hitting the intended target
Behind every bullet, is a lawyer.

Not trying to be anal about it, but although I still almost certainly wouldn't use a warning shot, since we've talked about this bill so much, I have tried to envision circumstances where I believe I should not be restrained by law from choosing to do so, and I've identified at least one set of circumstances where I could see no potential for lawyers getting involved either if I did.

I said we were hoping to move to S. Bama soon. My wife would much rather move to FL, but the entire reason I don't want to leave Bama is because of the carry and use of force laws here, not only compared to FL, but to all other states with a climate that my wife can tolerate (she hates cold weather more than hurricanes fer cryin' out loud!). Regardless of whether we go further South or not though, our main goal is to have a decent sized property to more or less "hermit" up on. We're hoping to find a decent house sitting 20 or 25 acres that we can afford, but more than likely we'll have to settle for 10 to 15 acres. Still, the property we're looking for will be mostly wooded, with only an acre or three of house, yard, out-buildings and garden.

So assuming we find our perfect "Republic of Blues," any shots I fire in my house or on my property would never make it through the woods and harm a neighbor or their property. Since it's perfectly legal to shoot on rural properties in this state, I can't see how a lawyer would ever be behind "every" bullet I fire, whether a warning shot or not.

I have used that saying myself though, and generally agree with it, and 100% agree that it should be assumed in any discharge that actually injures or kills another person, thus my disclaimer above that I'm not "trying" to be anal about it, but I probably am being nonetheless! LOL

Thanks Blues,
No, I hadn't read your link. (have now)
It think we're in agreement on the questionable practicality of warning shots, the abuse of laws by our government and that Calif. is a great place to be FROM.

I can't wait to be From here.


Yeah, we couldn't wait either. So we didn't. HA!

Note: We left on May 30th, 1992. The Rodney King Riots started on April 29th and ended on May 4th, if that gives you any hint as to why we were all waited out! We lived one block off of Normandie Ave. and 182nd St. in Torrance. The fires were that far South, not really all that many, but the night before we hit the road, after the moving van was already packed and we were sleeping in an empty house for that one night, someone opened fire on a gangster's house from the sidewalk directly outside our kitchen window, and killed a 15 year old banger across the street. We didn't see anything, and with all the cop cars on our corner with radios blasting, we couldn't sleep anyway, so we really couldn't wait any longer and left about two hours after the shooting. Never looked back. Best decision we ever made. Good luck getting out before they turn it into a full-on Gulag and fence you in!

the only reason her defense even played the "warning shot" gambit was that she missed shooting and hitting the intended target

Yes, that was exactly the point I was making.

The revision was inspired by the Marissa Alexander case.
Formerly, you could only use the SYG defense if you actually used deadly force. This new version of the law that Gov. Scott signed allows you immunity from prosecution if you use or threaten deadly force.
I think it's a good thing, actually strengthens the SYG principal - and, it's not retroactive.
The 'exceptions-to-the-rules-and-what-about-this-scenario-and-that-scenario' groupies will be in full force, naturally.
Hi All,
I'm new to these forums. Just curious if anyone else is a bit wary of the new Warning Shot change to Florida's SYG law? On one level I get it but I have to ask, Where is that bullet going? You need to know your target and with this I dread what might happen if an innocent gets hurt or killed by a warning shot. The anti gunners will have a field day with that. I'll shoot if I need to but it won't be a warning.
So assuming we find our perfect "Republic of Blues," any shots I fire in my house or on my property would never make it through the woods and harm a neighbor or their property. Since it's perfectly legal to shoot on rural properties in this state, I can't see how a lawyer would ever be behind "every" bullet I fire, whether a warning shot or not.


Were on around 40 acres and the houses are close to the main road spaced about 1/3 mile apart. It's about equal parts woods, hay field and pasture. Any warning shots at two or four legged animals as well as hunting is still carefully done. The risk of hitting a house, cow or horse are great. This is on Very hilly/ mountainous terrain too.
When I was a teenager I can remember hunting in a woods on Ohio and having high power rounds ricocheting through the trees that were coming from another area far away.
If thought a warning shot would do any good it would be best fired into the ground IMO
Not trying to be anal about it, but although I still almost certainly wouldn't use a warning shot, since we've talked about this bill so much, I have tried to envision circumstances where I believe I should not be restrained by law from choosing to do so, and I've identified at least one set of circumstances where I could see no potential for lawyers getting involved either if I did.

I said we were hoping to move to S. Bama soon. My wife would much rather move to FL, but the entire reason I don't want to leave Bama is because of the carry and use of force laws here, not only compared to FL, but to all other states with a climate that my wife can tolerate (she hates cold weather more than hurricanes fer cryin' out loud!). Regardless of whether we go further South or not though, our main goal is to have a decent sized property to more or less "hermit" up on. We're hoping to find a decent house sitting 20 or 25 acres that we can afford, but more than likely we'll have to settle for 10 to 15 acres. Still, the property we're looking for will be mostly wooded, with only an acre or three of house, yard, out-buildings and garden.

So assuming we find our perfect "Republic of Blues," any shots I fire in my house or on my property would never make it through the woods and harm a neighbor or their property. Since it's perfectly legal to shoot on rural properties in this state, I can't see how a lawyer would ever be behind "every" bullet I fire, whether a warning shot or not.

I have used that saying myself though, and generally agree with it, and 100% agree that it should be assumed in any discharge that actually injures or kills another person, thus my disclaimer above that I'm not "trying" to be anal about it, but I probably am being nonetheless! LOL

Yeah, we couldn't wait either. So we didn't. HA!

Note: We left on May 30th, 1992. The Rodney King Riots started on April 29th and ended on May 4th, if that gives you any hint as to why we were all waited out! We lived one block off of Normandie Ave. and 182nd St. in Torrance. The fires were that far South, not really all that many, but the night before we hit the road, after the moving van was already packed and we were sleeping in an empty house for that one night, someone opened fire on a gangster's house from the sidewalk directly outside our kitchen window, and killed a 15 year old banger across the street. We didn't see anything, and with all the cop cars on our corner with radios blasting, we couldn't sleep anyway, so we really couldn't wait any longer and left about two hours after the shooting. Never looked back. Best decision we ever made. Good luck getting out before they turn it into a full-on Gulag and fence you in!

Yes, that was exactly the point I was making.

Blues, I hope you find your mecca for shootin' and livin'. I have woods surrounding me on 3 sides, but neighbors across the ravines are only hundreds of yards away.

I've fretted about the defensive firearm I'd use, given that the round(s) might penetrate walls and the bricks outer wall. I will not shoot through the wall toward the garage area, unless I am certain of a backstop (our cars). Have chosen the AR-15 for my go to self defense longarm protecting myself and family, because of its ammo's tendency to distort and fragment. This over my sidearms and tactical 12 ga. shotgun.

Anyway, when you finally find your dream plot, tell us, and post some pics of the range you setup! I'm too old to make another move, as is my wife, so this is our slice of the pie, with woods and neighbors, and most importantly, no discharge of firearms are allowed, except on our POA outdoor range, just a few miles from me. I've seen tree stands in the woods located near deer trails, so I bet some bow hunters frequent these woods. We have a deer problem here, but who doesn't?

Someone across one ravine does discharge his rifle, when the coyotes congregate and yelp and howl on his property. We have a coyote problem here as well. So far, the shooter has been a good shot. Nobody has turned him in, so no harm, no foul, I suppose.
...The fact is, every single bullet that leaves the muzzle of every single weapon (except, of course, on a dedicated shooting range) has its own individual set of circumstances that require legal scrutiny. I personally can't envision a scenario where I would fire a warning shot, but as creative and imaginative as I consider myself to be, I know also that I can't envision every possible scenario that might arise...
After much pondering, the only possible scenario I could come up with that had anything you could remotely call a semblance of regularity would be in stopping a threat to someone else, where the perpetrator doesn't have his attention focused on you. That's the only real scenario I can imagine where you might be able to claim an outside chance that a warning shot might be needed. But like you said, there's no way to envision every possible scenario. And although protecting someone else where you might need to get the attention of a perpetrator that is focused on someone else may certainly be something easy to envision, it hardly falls within the realm of being able to be called predictable. There's no way you could rely on it and say, 'Yes, use warning shots here.' As was also pointed out, the lawyers are going to pick you apart bullet by bullet even on the clean shoots. Opening yourself up to this is a nightmare you very likely don't want. So like I said, it may be possible, but that doesn't make it advisable.
Someone said that Florida would be like the WILD WEST with warning-shots!!! I have yet to see the "WILD WEST" down here! It must be in the LIBS mind and their media!
Not sure where you're located in FL but I live in the Panhandle between Pensacola and Panama City. The Panhandle is a different world than Central and South Florida. Three and four days per week, every week, target shooting including rapid fire fills the air from all directions - and it's not coming from Eglin AFB - it's coming from locals. Violent crime and theft in my neighborhood, county, is non existent. Our County Police (Walton County) are some of the best cops in the USA and are pro-citizen - we love our cops here but realize that it's a rare area.

Someone said that Florida would be like the WILD WEST with warning-shots!!! I have yet to see the "WILD WEST" down here! It must be in the LIBS mind and their media!
Around Tampa , especially north Tampa a warning shot would most likely be addressed with return fire. Like I said before, if I ever had to pull my gun in a defense situation, someone's getting shot! That will be there warning from me.
After much pondering, the only possible scenario I could come up with that had anything you could remotely call a semblance of regularity would be in stopping a threat to someone else, where the perpetrator doesn't have his attention focused on you. That's the only real scenario I can imagine where you might be able to claim an outside chance that a warning shot might be needed. But like you said, there's no way to envision every possible scenario. And although protecting someone else where you might need to get the attention of a perpetrator that is focused on someone else may certainly be something easy to envision, it hardly falls within the realm of being able to be called predictable. There's no way you could rely on it and say, 'Yes, use warning shots here.' As was also pointed out, the lawyers are going to pick you apart bullet by bullet even on the clean shoots. Opening yourself up to this is a nightmare you very likely don't want. So like I said, it may be possible, but that doesn't make it advisable.

I'm with you. The only scenario I could come up with is with someone mentally ill who you really don't want to shoot if you can help it. I remember reading one story where a woman was threatened by someone obviously impaired; fortunately as he was screaming threats she was able to yell "Do you see this?!" over him as she was holding her CC purse open to show him her hand on her gun. He finally realized he was going to get shot and left, but I could conceivably understand a warning shot if she couldn't yell loud enough in that scenario.

And just to be clear, I'm not saying that's what I would do, just relating the story as I remember it. :smile: I do believe she was in a parking lot, which unless empty for a looong ways around, would be a pretty terrible place for a warning shot.
:warning2:If I shoot someone in the leg, or other appendage, it's only because I missed CENTER MASS.
Someone said that Florida would be like the WILD WEST with warning-shots!!! I have yet to see the "WILD WEST" down here! It must be in the LIBS mind and their media!
wild west the the usual comment from the ill informed libturd crowd whenever the cause of personal protection with firearms comes up. the ignoramuses cried the same nonsense in 1986 when FLA became one of the first states to revamp their gun laws and allowed widespread concealed carry. in the almost 30 years since the laws were loosened the streets are still not stained red from all the blood and the cities and towns of Fla are far from the myth of being the wild west
Notice to criminals, felons, thieves, thugs, bad guys, I do not fire "Warning Shots" if I pull the trigger the bullet is coming to YOU. You have been notified, rob, rape or steal from someone else.
Notice to criminals, felons, thieves, thugs, bad guys, I do not fire "Warning Shots" if I pull the trigger the bullet is coming to YOU. You have been notified, rob, rape or steal from someone else.
They don't hear the one that kills them.
Whether or not I hit the individual I'm aiming at is the sole factor in determining whether or not the shot could be considered a warning.
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They don't hear the one that kills them.

They will in my case. But they won't have time to comprehend what the sound was. The sound from a gun is not just the bang at the muzzle but also the supersonic sound wave as the bullet nears them.

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