Walther PPK/S .380 Feedback Requested.

Is a semi-auto with a top 8 rd capacity obsolete?

  • Depends on the accuracy/build of the pistol.

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don't get fancy with the ammo . shoot what it says on the weapon. southpaw is right about what he says , but i would not shoot 9mm kurz through a .380 except under the most extreme circumstance. and when you take your girl out..... don't forget the tux.......
I didn't think there was any diff between .380ACP and 9mmKurz...

I'm here too late to do any good, but wanted to add a few comments. I own 2 PPK/s (a US-made blue, and a blue "German made" .22RF with adjustable sights). Both are fine pistols and have had a lot of use from me. I carried my .380 for many years until I replaced it with a S&W M342 .38 Spcl +P that weighs 13-ounces loaded. Nuff said.

I wouldn't hesitate to carry the .380 again. Ammo changes have created some respectable SD loads for it. Someone earlier said they jam. Any gun will "jam." But I have to say that my .380 never has and that includes feeding it some pretty aggressive HPs.

I would say you are well armed, and with STYLE to boot!
I didn't think there was any diff between .380ACP and 9mmKurz...

Correct. 9mm Kurz is the German designation for the .380, or perhaps it's the other way around! :) They are the same round.

I've been using Win SilverTips in my Walther, I'm going ot put some Rem Golden Sabers though it, as I like that round in my Ruger LCP. It's about 10% heavier than other JHP rounds, and the .380 can use all the weight it can get.
4 Boris's ATTN:
Hi B. Trying to figure out your words (not doubting them!) "be sure to charge the weapon and then top off the mag. that will give you 9 shots" I don't see how I can get more than 7 (.380) in a mag that will not go to 8 no can push 'em down after 7, one in the spout ='s 8 tops. How do U get 9? Drop to 9mm Luger/Federal maybe to up mag to an 8-rd load? Would love to up it by even 1 more round, I hope I get 2 keep the same MecGar mags I bought, or I just blew a Ben Franklin on pretty good 7-round clips.
At your speed my friend....


i am sorry. i thought i had read themagazine would hold 8 rds. i will recheck to make sure, but here is the gist of what i was trying to say. load the magazine,then chamber a round{ put on the safety!} and then replace the chambered round in the magazineand then load the magazine into the weapon. 8rds in the mag and 1 in the pipe shouldgive you 9 shots. unless i am missing something.... which as HK will tell you sometimes happens to ol' Boris....!!! hope this makes sense....
ok, ...

ok, i think what i did was base my figureing on the makarov, but the same idea i think would apply, except you would have 8 shots instead of nine. and carry a extra mag or 2. or more if you go int a rough hood.
...This model says on the right: 'Smith & Wesson, Houlton, ME USA' (importers or producers?) on the left side it says: 'Under license of Carl Walther, Waffenfabrik, Ulm, DO, Modell PPK/S Cal 9mm, kurtz/380APC. ...

If my information is correct what you actually have is a virtually brand new gun.

It is not German in it US manufactured under the Walther license by Smith and Wesson. S&W only took over manufacture of the PPK/s in 2007 prior to that the slides would have carried the INTERARMS logo (actually manufactured by Ranger).

The German version would have the location of manufacture on the slide. The Walther was never "imported" by S&W.

If you send the serial number to [email protected] they can likely tell you when it was made.

That noted, it is still a great gun. You could add Crimson Trace grips to it and have "Bond like" aim!
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As someone else noted, I'm a little late here to do any real good, but I have a PPK/S - my second one. The first was a Stainless that I had to get rid of in a deep financial drought. This one is a hand-me-down blue jobby from a cop who used it as a BUG. Like the pants on the guy with the 5 penises, it fits like a glove!

I love 'em! They seem to have a persnickity disposition when it comes to ammo, and mine seems to particularly love Winchester Silvertip JHP's...shoots 10's at 25 yards with them! Quite a treat for such a small item.

As for confidence, I have plenty of faith in both the gun and the ammo. I recommend it fully, but I'd spend some money, and a day at the range, trying all brands and types of ammo until you find the one combination that tells you you've found the right mix. Sure, it's not a .45 . . . but it's way better than a rock or a stick!

Wear it in good health!

I owned one for about a year and a half. I put about 1500 rounds through it before I gave up.

From this and other webb sites I learned that the Smith & Wesson made version is pretty much a
hit and miss proposition (pun intended!). You either get a good one, or you don't. I didn't. I could not
get that thing to fire consistently. It seem that every time I took it to the range, it found a new way to
jam. It absolutely would not fire my reloads without jamming. The thing would not even fire factory
round nose ammo without jamming.

On the good side, it would fire factory hollow-points alright, at more than $1.00 per round.

So, one day I woke up and said ENOUGH! I sold it!

Now one may ask why I took more than a year to decide to give up on it. The thing felt so good in my hand
it seem to be part of me, and it was extremely easy to conceal. I kept trying to find a combination that
would work.

So, if your PPK/S-1 works, you have something worth hanging on to there! Enjoy it!

If like mine, it doesn't work, sell it and buy a revolver!
2bear arms,
I sent the S/N, 5 JPG's and S & W & 'Under license of Carl Walther Waffenfabrik, Ulm/Do'
This came back 2-days from mail.smith-wesson.com, "Gazda, Paul"
"That is a U.S. made model, Smith & Wesson Maine plant 02/2003 on the build date."
Took 2 days from following your advice and now turns out that Walther PPK/S-1 is one of my newer weapons build-wize.
WOW, thanks a million for helping to date it for me, it's a newer Yanky model alright.

2bear arms,
I sent the S/N, 5 JPG's and S & W & 'Under license of Carl Walther Waffenfabrik, Ulm/Do'
This came back 2-days from mail.smith-wesson.com, "Gazda, Paul"
"That is a U.S. made model, Smith & Wesson Maine plant 02/2003 on the build date."
Took 2 days from following your advice and now turns out that Walther PPK/S-1 is one of my newer weapons build-wize.
WOW, thanks a million for helping to date it for me, it's a newer Yanky model alright.


Piece of junk, I'll give you 30 bucks for it just to keep it from blowing up in your hand Link Removed.

Enjoy it, I've never owned one but I've always wanted one.
2 Quoth 2beararms "Enjoy it, I've never owned one but I've always wanted one."
"You'll shoot your eye out kid!" JK ;-}
From that stupid 80's movie they run every Christmas 'bout the kid who wants the BB gun above all else from Santa. I think I got a honey of a BUG and with some COR©BAN's .380 HP, I think 8 tries should bring down something. Stick with normal luger .380's for range fire.
Will post some JPG's on the range or ask the BG to hold my camera as I have his/her attention and hope the vibration stabilizer works on my Nikon CoolPix L15.
Thanks again USA Carry.

Canis, you don't like that movie? I thought it was pretty funny. It has become one of the movies of tradition we watch each Christmas season along with Miracle on 34Th street and It's a Wonderful life, etc.
I love my PPK....however, it has been at S&W for two months now! I dropped it off when the news broke of the recall. I left a message at S&W on the gen voicemail and have not gotten a response. I'd like to have it back before the summer! Enjoy yours.....great gun!
Walther PPK/S .380

I bought my Walther PPK/S .380 last year and love it. I use a Don Hume leather hip holster and you can't see it when I hav a Tee shirt or coat.

As for the weapon itself. I have never had a problem with it. I may shoot 100 rounds every couple weeks just practicing and the shot groups are very good at a fair distance. i find it very accurate and mechanically sound.
For those dressy occasions...Interarms PPK/S with Altamont Oak Leaf Grips and an Alessi Belt Holster. I have 1000's of rounds through this little pistol and she is 100% reliable. I DO use FMJ ammo as this is what the PP series of pistols was designed to shoot.

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