Virginia Concealed Carry


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This may have been discussed before, however, I am unable to find this information.

After reviewing multiple sites, (, virginia state police, among others), the laws pertaining to carry in VA are very vague. Yes they have limitations on as to where you can carry, but those to me are more common sense locations (schools, fed buildings, etc.) There are no specifics. If anyone has any further details, it would be very appreciated.

Is this something that is covered extensively in a class. I got my permit based on my veteran status so I did not sit through a class (only what I learned in the military). My wife is planning on signing up for a class soon though. Would it be beneficial to sit through the class as well, if only for additional knowledge? I just don't want to go to a class and have them speak of things that I already know, ie. gun safety/mechanics.

The most enjoyable gun classes that I had enrolled to was also the most enjoyable time for my husband. Going through the same courses, we get to compare our scores nonchalantly, he surpasses me in many things and when I do got a break through, I do not let him forget about it...(weeeee....weeeee....weeee....all the way home....:sarcastic:). And I complained and needed those reassurances from him. It was fun especially if the place you went to takes a long time to go home...enjoy the are with your best friend and you share at least that interest in more topic to add to your conversation.
You question whether it would be beneficial to sit through the class with your opinion is, yes it would be. I'm sure your wife would appreciate having you there and you would learn when and where you're allowed to carry, what to do if stopped by the police while you're carrying, etc.

I have in the past been a NRA certified rifle and pistol instructor, but I took the class along with my 25 year old granddaughter and we both enjoyed it.
Compared to many states, Virginia has relatively few restrictions on where we may lawfully carry. I suggest checking out Link Removed's Link Removed page.

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