TSA now offers a good guy card!


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Woohoo! Yet another chance for me to send the government money and fingerprints so they can do a background check to prove my innocence to them! And this one is only $85, but you won't have to take your shoes off at the airport.... until they change the rules.

Doesn't this kind of go against the rule of law, innocent until proven guilty. Why should we have prove ourselves to be good guys to be treated decently by paid government employees.
We pay a fee to get special privileges, special treatment, our own line to get all this special treatment. Even when checking in at the airline ticket counter, right. Like this is really going to work, it was just 3 months ago TSA wanted to allow knives back on planes and couldn't even get that through without EVERYONE just going ballistic.
The public will pay anything to get to the front of the line, it is like catnip, being first is all they are interested in doing. Giving up what ever they ask to get there, blindly giving away their identity and paying for the privilege to do so.
Never have been fond of giving anyone more than is absolutely necessary, but that's just me.
$85.00 is high for 5 years of convience. And it is a tax on a right. Why should I pay them a dime when they can instantly scan your fingerprints and find out everything they need to know. Next they will charge $ 500.00 for a retina scan. They already have mine (not TSA) or they may have lost it. Just passed a background with the FBI waiting on appointment for prints and picture ID. Typical hurry up and wait.
Can't do that in fresh water as you'd get charged with feeding the gators. Or salt water for feeding the crocs. And you'd face pollution charges too. Safest place to get rid of them? At a place like Updated: Army considers new uses for Anniston chemical weapons incinerator | al.com

Nope, Alabama has more TSA agents than it needs, wants, or will tolerate indefinitely.

Between TSA agents and people like me, it sure as heck ain't me who needs a "good guy card."

Do you ever remember the days before TSA? Life was so much simpler then.

Absolutely. There was no TSA back then. I guess the last time I flew was probably the early '80s.
I have no reason I can think of to ever fly commercial again.
Funny memory: Way back as a smart aleck teenager, we were taking my grandfather to the airport for his trip home. As he was going through the gate, I said, "Have a nice trip. I hear the weather in Havana is nice this time of year." Boy oh boy. Did I get some looks!
Yes. That was a looong time ago.
$85.00 is high for 5 years of convience. And it is a tax on a right. Why should I pay them a dime when they can instantly scan your fingerprints and find out everything they need to know. Next they will charge $ 500.00 for a retina scan. They already have mine (not TSA) or they may have lost it. Just passed a background with the FBI waiting on appointment for prints and picture ID. Typical hurry up and wait.

...sort of like the pre-approved Nexus border passes (US/Canada) to speed you through. Pay 50.00 for a 5 year "membership", get permit, only to drive up to the border station to see "that lane" closed - please use the regular 1-hour stop and wait to and get a thousand questions before they wave your through with a smirk....no thank you.
OK guys, I understand your point of view, but reality....If you fly a lot (and I do) it really is convenient. There is a separate line (and even at NYC airports I'm usually alone), you let your backpack go through the Xray machine, don't take off your shoes, belt, etc, show the card and walk in. So in the real world we live in (unfortunately) it's well worth it if you'r a frequent traveler/flier.
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Woohoo! Yet another chance for me to send the government money and fingerprints so they can do a background check to prove my innocence to them! And this one is only $85, but you won't have to take your shoes off at the airport.... until they change the rules.

My city owns one of the first airports to implement this? Never would have believed that
OK guys, I understand your point of view, but reality....If you fly a lot (and I do) it really is convenient. There is a separate line (and even at NYC airports I'm usually alone), you let your backpack go through the Xray machine, don't take off your shoes, belt, etc, show the card and walk in. So in the real world we live in (unfortunately) it's well worth it if you'r a frequent traveler/flier.

So #$%* passenger safety on the airplanes, lets make some cash by letting them keep their shoes and belts on. Boy I bet a shoe bomber can't pay for one of these cards:sarcastic:

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