Think Fast!!


New member
You awake to the sound of breaking glass and someone forcing your front door open in the middle of the night... You pull open the door to your nightstand and this is what you have..


What do you grab first?
Car keys and hit car alarm..... Than flashlight and firearm and set up in a tactical position and assess the situation without giving away your position.At my house my dog would have already been on the scene and most likely scared the BG the second he heard any noise. Gotta have a good guard dog .My faithful lab is the best
I'd grab the phone first, dial 911, so the following events are recorded. Screw the air horn and scaring him off. Take the SOB out now or else he will just keep breaking in and the next victim may not be so lucky when the guy does violence to keep from getting caught.
I grab the paper and pen and write a strongly worded letter to the criminal letting him know this is a crime- and gun-free zone. Then after I'm shot and robbed, spend the rest of my life working for the Brady campaign trying to ban firearms.

I'm with the car alarm first. Then the phone, then the revolver and flashlight....hole up behind some cover and wait. IF 911 answers tell them what's up and that you're armed. If you want a fast police response and perhaps another deterent to the bad guy rip off a round in a safe direction while the 911 operator can hear it.
I grab the paper and pen and write a strongly worded letter to the criminal letting him know this is a crime- and gun-free zone. Then after I'm shot and robbed, spend the rest of my life working for the Brady campaign trying to ban firearms.

I would add this. I would shake my index finger at the BG and say, "Naughty! Naughty!"
It's surprising to see that some people on here would grab the phone first rather than the gun.

So as you are calling 911, the bad guy may come in and kill you. The end.

I would grab the gun first so my safety is taken care of. Then grab the phone and hold it with my weak hand.
I'd hand my wife the phone, grab the flashlight and gun, make sure she had HER gun, then go call my 4 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers off of the bad guy (if he was stupid enough to come in with them growling and barking on the inside!)

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Dialing 911 is good and you should but I was reading somewhere that this lady call 911 to report the bg breaking in her house, she told the 911 operater that she had a gun. The operater told her to go in the closet and stay there, the operater told her to put the gun "DOWN", the police is on the way. Well while she was talking the bg heard her and came in where she was at and killed her after the operator had told her to put the gun down that the police where on the way. Hmmmm the homeowner died because she did what the operator told her to do. Hmmmm, yea right not before I put some ammo in him first.
No car alarms so that is out as from what I see, 95% of the public ignore alarms going off on cars. Thinking the dogs will alert me long before the BG gets to the break the glass stage, if they are crazy enough to actually break the glass with two large dogs barking on the other side, I have become the least of the worries.

Only shot I may have to consider is a mercy shot to put them out of their misery from the dogs chewing on them. :smile:
Gun first. Then after I have stopped whoever is threatening my wife and me, I will dial 911. I don't like to aim and fire while holding the phone.
It's surprising to see that some people on here would grab the phone first rather than the gun.

So as you are calling 911, the bad guy may come in and kill you. The end.

I would grab the gun first so my safety is taken care of. Then grab the phone and hold it with my weak hand.

You ignored several things Deserteagle that are part of my protocol and thinking--1)In my home the bedroom door is locked with door stopper under it--this takes a bit of effort for any "standard" BG slimebucket. 2) At the first sign of the bump in the night, this classic schmoe is not on top of me yet and I still will make the 911 call first, open the garage doors with remote and set off car alarms second---kindly note to those who had car alarms first on list that having the open garage door is equally important in that it clearly will assist any police from your 911 call if, and it is a big if, they are just a few minutes away. 3) (1) and (2) will take less than 10 or 20 seconds while schmoejoe is still trying to figure out where the hell he is and what the hell he is looking for 4) After the first 10 or 20 seconds I have already made contact with my "pillow friend" (FN5.7X28 semi) and have also said hello to my big boom boom friend (12g pump) and we have "snuggled" into a space reserved for my wait (I will not leave the bedroom--only wife and I and I do not intend to fight over insured and replaceable stuff--I am insured but NOT replaceable--just not worth it). If Mr. Schmoe should end up forcing his way into the bedroom after a few well placed and considerable onslaughts, his last memory will be the blackness he sees in my bedroom from the open door as it is quickly replaced with total and complete darkness as his trip to hell is planned for him by the powers that be. My problem at this point is the cost of a door jam replacement and fresh/clean bedroom carpet. End of story.
Gun & Flashlight first- nothing else is as useful for SD against an armed intruder. (Though, the fire extinguisher and screwdriver could be useful in a pinch.)

Phone 911 when it's over (if your spouse hasn't already), and use the pen & paper to request an attorney and maybe jot down a few notes of the event and give them to your spouse for safe keeping.

Plus 1+ on the dogs. (I've got two pitbulls as my early warning system & immediate line of defense. If the BG gets by them, all bets are off.)

Gun & Flashlight first- nothing else is as useful for SD against an armed intruder. (Though, the fire extinguisher and screwdriver could be useful in a pinch.)


No flashlight for me. I know my house and I know where everything is even in the dark (which is not total darkness). The schmoe does not know my house and I'll be damned if I am going to light up his pathway to my center mass. Distances will be minimal and point/shoot will do the rest. With my FN5.7X28, I have 21 opportunities to make sure my point shoot methodology and know how are good.
No flashlight for me. I know my house and I know where everything is even in the dark (which is not total darkness). The schmoe does not know my house and I'll be damned if I am going to light up his pathway to my center mass. Distances will be minimal and point/shoot will do the rest. With my FN5.7X28, I have 21 opportunities to make sure my point shoot methodology and know how are good.

The flashlight is not for me to see my way at all. I know my way around my own home as well. For me, the flashlight is a stun weapon to disorient the BG just before the bang.

I've been the victim of two HIRs in my lifetime. The house we lived in was pretty big and totally dark in places; so, the BGS had to use flashlights themselves. This made it easy to see where they were in the house and enabled me to lie in wait from a defensive standpoint.

But, I'm curious-
If your house is as dark as you say how would you see the BG well enough to take a COM shot without a flashlight?

Calmly get up placing hands on Shotgun and 45, walk to where dogs both over 90 pounds are tearing the BG apart, pick up his guns, shoot said intruder, let dogs continue to feed, go back to bed and call for ambulance/body car/police and depending on response get another couple of hours of sleep before morning. Example: Called about neighbors alarm yesterday and waited 1 hour and 45 minutes for response, sorry we were busy, hince the extra hours of sleep.
Gun and flashlight. Wife gets the phone. I have one adult son that lives with me (heavily armed) and two other adult sons with keys to the house (one who likes to drink a bit more than he should). I am going to make damn sure that it is not one of them before I pull the trigger. The way my house is arranged, sound will go around the corners but bullets will not. My first response (after grabbing my weapon) is to call out "who is there?" So far, either my wife or one of my boys has always answered. If someone does not, I would wait for them to get into the hallway which has a night light placed where I can see them, but they will have a hard time seeing me (the light will be in their eyes, not mine). If it is not someone who should be there, I will act accordingly.
You ignored several things Deserteagle that are part of my protocol and thinking--1)In my home the bedroom door is locked with door stopper under it--this takes a bit of effort for any "standard" BG slimebucket. 2) At the first sign of the bump in the night, this classic schmoe is not on top of me yet and I still will make the 911 call first, open the garage doors with remote and set off car alarms second---kindly note to those who had car alarms first on list that having the open garage door is equally important in that it clearly will assist any police from your 911 call if, and it is a big if, they are just a few minutes away. 3) (1) and (2) will take less than 10 or 20 seconds while schmoejoe is still trying to figure out where the hell he is and what the hell he is looking for 4) After the first 10 or 20 seconds I have already made contact with my "pillow friend" (FN5.7X28 semi) and have also said hello to my big boom boom friend (12g pump) and we have "snuggled" into a space reserved for my wait (I will not leave the bedroom--only wife and I and I do not intend to fight over insured and replaceable stuff--I am insured but NOT replaceable--just not worth it). If Mr. Schmoe should end up forcing his way into the bedroom after a few well placed and considerable onslaughts, his last memory will be the blackness he sees in my bedroom from the open door as it is quickly replaced with total and complete darkness as his trip to hell is planned for him by the powers that be. My problem at this point is the cost of a door jam replacement and fresh/clean bedroom carpet. End of story.

You're ignoring my point.

The police don't protect you. Your car alarm doesnt protect you.

Grab your gun first. It will protect you.

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