Tennessee Carry Conceal Laws


SGT Wright
I'm on active duty, stationed at Ft. Campbell, and I just bought a Beretta PX4 SW 40 cal. I live in TN, and I have a question about TN laws. I've got a valid Carry Conceal Permit from Ohio, which is recognized by TN. I can't seem to find a good website that goes over the laws with traveling in my vehicle, can my weapon be concealed on my body while driving, and can it be in the red status? If anyone knows this law, or has a good link for me to view TN Carry conceal laws, I would appreciate the help. Thanks.

Up at the top of this page under the Resources tabe there is Permit Info By State. That should answer alot of your questions. I have used this resource many times and have found it helpful.
First welcome to USAcarry, SGT Wright. If you go to the State Forum & News tab and click on the Tennessee Tab you'll find Links at the top of the page that will just about answer all your questions. If you have any other questions that's the forum to ask your questions. Welcome again!
more resources needed

I'm still needing more information, the laws on this website from the resources link per state, only goes over the laws for Open Carry. I wasn't able to find anything about those with Carry Conceal Permit. To be safe, I'll drive with my weapon in plain view and my magazines away from the weapon. But I'll try to get a contact number to call and ask someone.
TN has Open Carry and CC Carry. If your permit is recognized in TN you can carry it on your person while driving in any condition you want. My SC permit is good in TN and I carry while driving when I'm there. I also have kept it in my console while in TN when going to places you can't carry. From my understanding if you don't have a permit then Automobile carry: Firearms must be unloaded and in plain view or secured in commercial gun cases anywhere in the vehicle. The next time I go there I'm going to open carry just because I can!:happy:
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I'm still needing more information, the laws on this website from the resources link per state, only goes over the laws for Open Carry. I wasn't able to find anything about those with Carry Conceal Permit. To be safe, I'll drive with my weapon in plain view and my magazines away from the weapon. But I'll try to get a contact number to call and ask someone.

Welcome to TN, from Memphis!

First, I'm sure there are others who jumped on this before me, but I'll add my $.02 anyway.

TN is a Handgun Carry state....not concealed. Open carry away!

You can carry a gun any way you see fit....cocked & locked, in your car, whatever.

Places NOT to carry:

Gov't Property
State & Local Parks/WMA's
Businesses that SERVE alcohol (you can go in any store that sells it for consumption off premises)
School properties

If you should so choose to carry in a business that has a "gunbuster" sign (circle w/slash through it), it is NOT a legal posting and you cannot be charged as carrying in a prohibited location.
I know that my Mississippi CCW is good in Tenn. and I can conceal carry here in any where I want to except those places that are prohibited(Places that serve alcohol primarily, schools etc.). They treat your car as if it were your house, same laws apply.

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