Storm Shows Americans Are Totally Unprepared...


PEW Professional
I think it goes without saying (but, I will) that many, if not most of us here understand the importance of being prepared. Just as I'm sure many of us understand that most of those around us are NOT prepared for catastrophic events. Just imagine if there were a much larger catastrophic event that effected most of the country. What if the emergency services that are available failed to address the needs of such a massive population? What if such an event lasted longer than a few days or weeks? It may be remote but, it is possible. Either way, being prepared can't be argued against as being foolish.

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When the SHTF, we will become a Mormon nation. They are the only major group, that religiously (pun intended) sets aside food and water provisions for their group. Might be kind of fun having 6 or 8 wives, if they can all shoot. lol

Survivalist since 1974, very prepared since Y2K. As to the LDS issue my county is LDS/Roman Catholic and protestant. I like to joke that the a survivalist v a prepper is about 5,000 rounds. If you are not now a "Mormon" then you will not be one at SHTF by then it is too late. And no, I am not LDS.
Common sense is one of the major deficits that has doomed this country.

Fire and safety code requires all garage doors have a manual release and you can open the door by hand. These are the same people that would spend a day stuck on an escalator if it stopped, or the person that can't unlock their car because the battery in the key fob died.
When the SHTF, we will become a Mormon nation. They are the only major group, that religiously (pun intended) sets aside food and water provisions for their group. Might be kind of fun having 6 or 8 wives, if they can all shoot. lol[/img]
I wouldn't want to have to feed and arm that many!
Well with their one wife and children they have enough food for one year. That is what they're required to do.

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More than one wife is too much crazy to have to deal with...just sayin.

I like the mormon ethic vis a vis being prepared. I have lived 40 miles outside the closest city for 30 years and have plenty of long term food/water, plus replenishable water supplies and the means to defend them. Though I don't "worry" about the SHTF, massive upheaval, or whatever disaster du jour is going to happen tomorrow (or not). Worry leads to bad decisions in my opinion, so just have your poop in a group and relax. Whatever will happen, or not happen is going to happen, or not happen. Deal with it as it comes up.