Smaller Government


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I attended the Steubenville, Ohio Tea Party April 15th. and found it wasn’t just about taxes.

It is something that involves all of us.

The growth of Bigger and Bigger Government that wants to control every facet of our life.

Farm Premiss ID, Taxation of farmers for livestock gas emissions, Taking away our right to bear arms, and telling us they will not let the 2nd amendment stand in their way, Bailouts that make Government bigger, Saying we are not a Christian Country, Saying we are an arrogant Country, and creating ways to increase Welfare, not ways to reduce it.

I always felt (We the People of the United States) are a Proud, God fearing, hard working Country that would come to the aid of others.

Our members of Congress and the Senate have nothing better to do than create new laws and come up with ways to spend more and more money.

One of the speakers at the tea party was a founder of Downsize DC .org

There are two bills and they are asking everyone to urge your Congressman and Senators to sponsor .

The first one was:

"Make Congress Read Their Bills Before Voting
Make Congress read every word of every bill they create before they vote on it.
Urge your Representative and your Senators to sponsor's "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA)."

And the second one was:

"Make Congress pass's "One Subject at a Time Act"
Most Americans probably believe a bill has to have majority support in Congress before it can become the law of the land. Sadly, this common sense expectation is totally wrong. Congressional leaders routinely pass laws that a majority opposes. believes every bill should have to stand or fall on its own merits. Toward this end we have crafted the "One Subject at a Time Act" (OSTA)."

These two Bills alone would help to stop the endless waste, by making them atleast read the bill befor voteing on it, and the second one would stop them from attaching unwanted bills to popular bills.

As a closing statement we were asked is this the end or the beginning?

Are we going to go home and keep excepting what is going on or are we going to be involved and ask others to be involved?

Well, I guess this is my answer.

Take Care

Chuck White
If we didn't have 2nd. Amendment there would be no 1st.

I attended the Cadiz, Ohio Tea Party yesterday.
It was interesting their Speaker was an East Germany, and was not an American Citizen, but he was a member of the NRA.
He said if we didn’t have the second amendment right to keep and bear arms, we would never be able to keep our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of Grievances.
We are the only Country in the world that both of these rights, and in his Country in such an assembly protesters would be shot or imprisoned.
These Rights are not given by the Government, they are Our Constitutional Rights, that our Government should abide by, not alter.
The local News 9 was set up before most of the people arrived so they can report
“Not many showed up for the Schedule Cadiz Tea Party”
This is the same thing that happened at the Steubenville Tea Party April 15th.
The next day when I returned to work many said “I see there wasn’t a very good turn out on the news.” Then I showed them my pictures.
I think the word has been put out by the (Obama In the Pocket Media) not to report any positive feedback from the Nations Tea Parties.
smaller goverment

I attended the Steubenville, Ohio Tea Party April 15th. and found it wasn’t just about taxes.

It is something that involves all of us.

The growth of Bigger and Bigger Government that wants to control every facet of our life.

Farm Premiss ID, Taxation of farmers for livestock gas emissions, Taking away our right to bear arms, and telling us they will not let the 2nd amendment stand in their way, Bailouts that make Government bigger, Saying we are not a Christian Country, Saying we are an arrogant Country, and creating ways to increase Welfare, not ways to reduce it.

I always felt (We the People of the United States) are a Proud, God fearing, hard working Country that would come to the aid of others.

Our members of Congress and the Senate have nothing better to do than create new laws and come up with ways to spend more and more money.

One of the speakers at the tea party was a founder of Downsize DC .org

There are two bills and they are asking everyone to urge your Congressman and Senators to sponsor .

The first one was:

"Make Congress Read Their Bills Before Voting
Make Congress read every word of every bill they create before they vote on it.
Urge your Representative and your Senators to sponsor's "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA)."

And the second one was:

"Make Congress pass's "One Subject at a Time Act"
Most Americans probably believe a bill has to have majority support in Congress before it can become the law of the land. Sadly, this common sense expectation is totally wrong. Congressional leaders routinely pass laws that a majority opposes. believes every bill should have to stand or fall on its own merits. Toward this end we have crafted the "One Subject at a Time Act" (OSTA)."

These two Bills alone would help to stop the endless waste, by making them atleast read the bill befor voteing on it, and the second one would stop them from attaching unwanted bills to popular bills.

As a closing statement we were asked is this the end or the beginning?

Are we going to go home and keep excepting what is going on or are we going to be involved and ask others to be involved?

Well, I guess this is my answer.

Take Care

Chuck White
Thomas Jefferson said" the goverment that govern's best, govern's least!":angry:
At these rallies, pictures of the large crowds are ignored by the "mainstream" media. For the most part, I think they are liberal gun-fearing people that love the "anointed One".....:mad:
Debray has the right idea. Take pictures. Show the people you're in contact with the reality. Be calm, rational, and leave the obvious unmentioned. All of us appreciate conclusions that we are not spoon-fed. If you are for limited goverment as intended by our Constitution, you are on the grass roots side of the debate. So win face to face with your neighbors, relatives, etc. Be calm and articulate, and PROVE your point when you can.
I'm all for the tea parties. But we seem to be handicapped by the lack of exposure by the "mainstream" media. It seems that only the Fox network have really presented the real picture of the tea party participation numbers. Plus our many of our "elected" representatives don't seem to be listening to the calls of for fiscal restraint. I suppose we could start a petition for a recall of our Congress people to remind them of their Constitutional responsibilities. BTW, if you don't have a copy next to your computer, they are on line at:

Index Page - The U.S. Constitution Online -

While listening to the Judge on the Glenn Beck (he's on Jay Leno tonight), he had a lively discussion going about the constitutionality of some of the things Congress/President are trying to due with the health care. Very interesting. Had me thumbing through the articles.

The Tea Party people have the right ideas for fiscal responsibility and smaller government.

OK, rant off :pleasantry:
Stop re-electing these people all the way down to the local level and maybe we can start to get our country back and maybe even shrink the government. I know it's just a pipe dream. :pleasantry:

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