Senators Attempt To Override VA Gov's Vetoes


Staff member
Senators in Richmond, VA tried to override Gov. Timothy M Kaine's Tuesday vetoes on bills involving concealed carry in cars, restaurants, and bars.

The bill that would allow non-permit holders to carry a gun in a locked glove box was voted 25-15. And the bill that would allow concealed weapon permit holders to carry concealed into restaurants and bars as long as they didn't drink alcohol was voted 22-18. They came up show as a two thirds vote of both chamers is required to override a veto.

Gov. Kaine had vetoed the concealed weapon in the glovebox bill once before. It seems that some law enforcement agree with the veto as they would rather see the gun on the seat during a traffic stop. I personally would rather be able to carry it in the open. I live in Florida and am waiting for my new holster to come in that will allow me to carry it in the open in my vehicle.

As for the bill that would allow you to carry in a restaurant, they already allow you to carry it in the open so I don't see why letting permit holders carry it concealed since that is what the permit is for in the first place.
Licensed permit holders SHOULD be allowed to carry concealed in a restaurant. Currently we have to OPEN CARRY in a restaurant that sells alcohol by the drink.
I carry mine in concealed also i eat my dinner,dont drink,dont bother anyone,but i have a right to protect myself and family out eating as i do at home.better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6
Just realized... Lukems post is from last summer... this issue is before the Gov. as we speak still. I'll try and find out what's the latest on this matter.
If the Gov had not signed a bill allowing a commonwelths atterny to CC in a abc resterant I could respect his (flawed) logic. As it it He is a hypocrite who uses his power to help "friends in high places" and ignore the masses. I have sent two e-mails to the Gov, he ignored both without answering my questions about his motives. THE GOOD NEWS IS HE WILL NOT SEEK RE-ELECTION, the bad... Obama has given him a new job allowing him to help friends on the national level
If the Gov had not signed a bill allowing a commonwelths atterny to CC in a abc resterant I could respect his (flawed) logic. As it it He is a hypocrite who uses his power to help "friends in high places" and ignore the masses. I have sent two e-mails to the Gov, he ignored both without answering my questions about his motives. THE GOOD NEWS IS HE WILL NOT SEEK RE-ELECTION, the bad... Obama has given him a new job allowing him to help friends on the national level

Governor Kaine wrote me back on my letter asking him to sign the bill. It said he was still considering the matter and had not made any final decision yet.
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Write your local delegates about overriding the veto on this one! Our reps need to hear from us.
It failed again.kaine vetoed the bill again,you can not carry concealed in a restrant that servers alcohol in Va. but u can carry open carry,figure that one out.thats why they call it concealed,,,,ha ha.
He finnally did veto the bill and another one that would allow retired LEOs to carry in a resterant, he never responded to my emails but I did not expect him to I started out sayng I am a working class virginian, not a commonwelths atterney so my oppinion (and life) is not important to him.
well 2 years later than it should have been gov Mcdonnell has signed the bill, to overturn the resturant ban! Effective July 1st.

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