SB93 Passes Assembly Concealed Carry In Wisconsin!


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The Wisconsin State Assembly has passed SB 93 to clear the way for concealed carry in Wisconsin. The bill now moves to the Governor's desk for his signature. Governor Walker has stated that he would sign it in it's current form.

Congratulations to the state of Wisconsin! Only the state of Illinois denies it's Citizens the right to self defense.
Now if only Illinois.....

Sadly there are already politicians in Wisconsin cities looking to pass their own agendas off to the people and pass laws to restrict firearm ownership.
Now if only Illinois.....

Sadly there are already politicians in Wisconsin cities looking to pass their own agendas off to the people and pass laws to restrict firearm ownership.

This is so....and we better not let our guard down. Listening to the Madison and Milwaukee anti-gun Democrats today, they can't wait to start chipping away.
Does anyone know whether Wisconsin intends to establish reciprocity agreements with, or at least recognize the permits of, any other states? Has that issue been a part of the discussion?
Does anyone know whether Wisconsin intends to establish reciprocity agreements with, or at least recognize the permits of, any other states? Has that issue been a part of the discussion?

I watched the whole thing, and according to one dem who wanted stricter training, YES. WI is more lenient,and will not have reciprocity with Min, Iowa, or other light blue states on the reciprocity map of USCCA. boar out. :biggrin:
Sounds like there is not going to be reciprocity. Are we able to get non resident WI permits? Next step for the state is to pass a pre-emption law to prevent restrictions from cities like Madison and Milwaukee... oh and Reciprocity / Recognition
Yes there will be...

Sounds like there is not going to be reciprocity. Are we able to get non resident WI permits? Next step for the state is to pass a pre-emption law to prevent restrictions from cities like Madison and Milwaukee... oh and Reciprocity / Recognition

...reciprocity. Any state that meets or exceeds our training mandates will have reciprocity that will allow them to carry in our state. You have to meet the residency requirements that are laws already on the books to apply for, and receive a WI permit. If our training requirements meet, or exceed that of other states,this would be the required criteria, and the basis for those states to allow us reciprocity. We are all for it. states that have constitutional carry will not meet our requirements due to the fact that no training is needed to carry under the second amendment, by being permitted we exceed there requirements. I hope this has helped. For more information go to click WI,and follow threads. Boar out.
If I understand my huntersafty card will work for my training standard?, so I can go ahead and apply with the D.O.J. when the time comes.
The Wisconsin State Assembly has passed SB 93 to clear the way for concealed carry in Wisconsin. The bill now moves to the Governor's desk for his signature. Governor Walker has stated that he would sign it in it's current form.

Congratulations to the state of Wisconsin! Only the state of Illinois denies it's Citizens the right to self defense.

Very nice indeed.
I'm still not clear on this, especially the residence part. I understand that since Alabama does not require training, Wisconsin will not recognize Alabama's permit. (Alabama issues only to residents.)

But will Wisconsin recognize nonresident permits from Florida, Utah, Maine, and other states that do require training?
hey illinois hows it feel being the ODD man out

I tend to lump states like Hawaii, NJ, portions of California, NYC in the same boat as Illinois. Although on paper they have rights to a CC permit, they are De-facto Right denied states (or counties or cities). As much as I disagree with Illinois at least it's more honest to not have Concealed Carry laws on the books, then to have them hijacked through administrative, politically motivated, and capricious interpretations of the laws. Let's make all states (and DC) at least shall issue with preemption so cesspools like Chicago, DC, SF, NYC can't override the laws.
In the news: "Gov. Pat Quinn said Thursday he has no problem with Illinois being the only state where it's illegal to carry a concealed weapon. Quinn stood by his opposition to letting residents carry concealed guns—just days after lawmakers in neighboring Wisconsin passed a law to lift that state's ban. Quinn maintains most Illinois residents don't approve of concealed weapons. He said public safety must come first."

So how about a ballot referendum, Pat?

Well, as marcparis points out, at least Illinois is honest. New Jersey, Hawaii, Maryland, and NYC are no better than Illinois.
...reciprocity. Any state that meets or exceeds our training mandates will have reciprocity that will allow them to carry in our state. You have to meet the residency requirements that are laws already on the books to apply for, and receive a WI permit. If our training requirements meet, or exceed that of other states,this would be the required criteria, and the basis for those states to allow us reciprocity. We are all for it. states that have constitutional carry will not meet our requirements due to the fact that no training is needed to carry under the second amendment, by being permitted we exceed there requirements. I hope this has helped. For more information go to click WI,and follow threads. Boar out.

The way I understand it....a state only needs to do a background check as part of the permit process in order for WI to recip with that state. See Question #2 Link Removed

I'm still not clear on this, especially the residence part. I understand that since Alabama does not require training, Wisconsin will not recognize Alabama's permit. (Alabama issues only to residents.)

But will Wisconsin recognize nonresident permits from Florida, Utah, Maine, and other states that do require training?

WI does not make any difference between resident/non-resident permits for reciprocity purposes.
Thanks, mrjam. Very helpful. It does appear that Wisconsin will honor all permits from other states. I can't imagine that any state issues a permit without a background check.

This is a major victory for the good guys. A "right denied" state becomes "shall issue" and honors out-of-state permits.

The loss of Iowa and now Wisconsin has shrunk the Anti-carry Club to eight: its charter members of Hawaii, New Jersey, Illinois, and Maryland and their half-baked fellow travelers Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, and California.

This board should run a pool for which will be the last domino to fall.
Anybody know when the law goes into effect. Is it the day after the governor signs it or will it take effect Jan 1st 2012 or something? Also does recognition kick in right away or does the state of WI need to agree with each state on a state by state basis?

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