Rochester Personal Defense, LLC - Utah permit class at Bass Pro Shops in Auburn NY

Rochester Personal Defense, LLC.
The State of Utah
Non-Resident Permit Class

The State of Utah has revamped their training system and you get the benefit. We are now certified to instruct you in the legalities and carrying of a firearm in Utah as well as the 28 other states that honor the Utah Non-Resident Permit. If you travel a lot, the non-resident permits are a big help if you decide to carry or wish to carry where you want to go.

We will be doing your passport style photos, processing your fingerprints, and we have a notary available. All you have to do is attend, add a copy of your NY drivers license, a check made payable to the Utah BCI for $65.25, and fill everything out and drop your completed application (with your payment) in the mail. We even give you the pre addressed envelope!!

The Utah Permit is valid for 5 years. Note: the class fee does not include the cost of the permit.

Important: Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before the start time. The classroom will not be open until then
What to bring to the class: Your completed application and your Driver's License or other photo ID with your signature (Passport, Permit, etc)

This IS NOT a live fire class. No firearms or ammunition are required.

The following states currently honor the Utah Non Resident permit: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming
(info taken from USA Carry - Open and Concealed Carry Information and Community, 3-16-09)

Date: Saturday, November 7th, 2009
Time: 10:30am to 3:30pm (check-in at 10:15)
Location: Bass Pro Shops
1579 Clark Street Road
Auburn, NY 13022
Cost: $85.00 per person (Pre-register ONLY)

To register, contact Rochester Personal Defense:
Phone: 585-406-6758
Email: [email protected] or
On the web at:
I would go to Utah's website (Search: Utah BCI) and find their listing of out of state instructors. That should get you in the right direction
I would go to Utah's website (Search: Utah BCI) and find their listing of out of state instructors. That should get you in the right direction

I did, thanks, and got no where. I did find an instructor here on usacarry though. Thanks a bazillion for your response.

Rochester Personal Defense, LLC.
The State of Utah
Non-Resident Permit Class

The State of Utah has revamped their training system and you get the benefit. We are now certified to instruct you in the legalities and carrying of a firearm in Utah as well as the 28 other states that honor the Utah Non-Resident Permit. If you travel a lot, the non-resident permits are a big help if you decide to carry or wish to carry where you want to go.

We will be doing your passport style photos, processing your fingerprints, and we have a notary available. All you have to do is attend, add a copy of your NY drivers license, a check made payable to the Utah BCI for $65.25, and fill everything out and drop your completed application (with your payment) in the mail. We even give you the pre addressed envelope!!

The Utah Permit is valid for 5 years. Note: the class fee does not include the cost of the permit.

Important: Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before the start time. The classroom will not be open until then
What to bring to the class: Your completed application and your Driver's License or other photo ID with your signature (Passport, Permit, etc)

This IS NOT a live fire class. No firearms or ammunition are required.

The following states currently honor the Utah Non Resident permit: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming
(info taken from USA Carry - Open and Concealed Carry Information and Community, 3-16-09)

Date: Saturday, November 7th, 2009
Time: 10:30am to 3:30pm (check-in at 10:15)
Location: Bass Pro Shops
1579 Clark Street Road
Auburn, NY 13022
Cost: $85.00 per person (Pre-register ONLY)

To register, contact Rochester Personal Defense:
Phone: 585-406-6758
Email: [email protected] or
On the web at:
A Pennsylvania Non resident permit is only $26.00 for 5 years that gives you NC,VA,WVA,GA,along the other states included with your NY permit.
A Pennsylvania Non resident permit is only $26.00 for 5 years that gives you NC,VA,WVA,GA,along the other states included with your NY permit.

Good to know. However, PA does not give WA. UT does. I finally found a certified? UT CCW NR instructor at a gun store in Las Vegas who emailed me that she would do the UT paperwork for us non gratis if we came in to do our NV renewals with her.

I feel like I'm writing in a foreign language. :sarcastic:
Still booking dates and doing classes all over NY State. Come see the new website and see all of the other training we offer....

Still booking dates and doing classes all over NY State. Come see the new website and see all of the other training we offer....

The Florida & Utah non resident permits are not honored in Pennsylvania from what I learned.This is very important for New York residents who have a permit to apply by mail to the Centre County Sheriff.It's very simple all done by mail $26 USD and photo copy your current pistol permit & drivers license.The Pennsylvania LTC is good in VA,WV,GA,MO,ND,SD,NC,LA,along with the other states that recognize the NY permit.

What is your source?

According to PA's Attorney General's Website: Link Removed


Utah and Florida are valid and honored in PA

For Florida, check this link: Link Removed
And read the section that says:
" The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will recognize valid Florida licenses to carry concealed firearms by valid Florida permit holders while said permit holders are present in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania"

As for Utah,

Look for the paragraph that reads:

Category 2: States that have statutory reciprocity under 6106(b)(15) of the Uniform Firearms Act.

The following states have been granted statutory reciprocity without a formal written agreement under 6106(b)(15), based on the determination of the Attorney General that the other state has granted reciprocity to Pennsylvania license holders, and that the other state's laws governing firearms are similar.

North Dakota

PA has had, and still has, reciprocity with Utah and Florida

I have heard this rumor, because a lot of the counties are upset with the state legislature about the passing of the new bill that will effectively wipe out the mail in type non resident permit system that Centre County and others utilize.

The site is current as of five minutes ago. The info is up to date. If, for some reason, the local flavor is saying that the Utah is not valid, they are wrong. The state Atty General says otherwise - it's valid....


What is your source?

According to PA's Attorney General's Website: Link Removed


Utah and Florida are valid and honored in PA

For Florida, check this link: Link Removed
And read the section that says:
" The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will recognize valid Florida licenses to carry concealed firearms by valid Florida permit holders while said permit holders are present in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania"

As for Utah,

Look for the paragraph that reads:

Category 2: States that have statutory reciprocity under 6106(b)(15) of the Uniform Firearms Act.

The following states have been granted statutory reciprocity without a formal written agreement under 6106(b)(15), based on the determination of the Attorney General that the other state has granted reciprocity to Pennsylvania license holders, and that the other state's laws governing firearms are similar.

North Dakota

PA has had, and still has, reciprocity with Utah and Florida

I have heard this rumor, because a lot of the counties are upset with the state legislature about the passing of the new bill that will effectively wipe out the mail in type non resident permit system that Centre County and others utilize.

The site is current as of five minutes ago. The info is up to date. If, for some reason, the local flavor is saying that the Utah is not valid, they are wrong. The state Atty General says otherwise - it's valid....

It has to do with the" Florida non resident" which is not recognized in Pennsylvania.I know many permit holders in NY that have the Florida permit and a PA LTC.The non resident Florida CCW is not recognized in PA because Florida does not recognize a PA LTC that is issued to a out of state resident.Centre county is the way to go for NY permit holders because most are restricted to Target and the Sheriff allows it to be done by mail.I have a PA LTC issued by Pike County and that is done in person and requires that you have a unrestricted permit.I see an upcoming class for Utah for August,you include all the paperwork photo notory and finerprints.I know a few guys from the gun club would be interested.

I quote from the PA Atty General's site:

Click on one of the articles under 'Category 1' and read the PDF on FLA....specifically sections 1 and 2 on the FLA mention of non/vs resident...just 'permit holder'

Note: It has come to the attention of the Office of Attorney General that there has been confusion over the applicability of Pennsylvania's reciprocal privileges with regard to the residency status of an individual who has been issued a valid license/permit. It is the position of the Office of Attorney General that recognition within Pennsylvania is based on the issuance to an individual of a valid license/permit by the reciprocal contracting state, and not on the license/permit holder's place of residence.

Categories of Firearms Reciprocity

Under Pennsylvania law, there are six categories of firearms reciprocity status.

Category 1: States that have entered into written reciprocity agreements with Pennsylvania. (Title 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 6109(k))

The following states have entered into formal written reciprocity agreements with Pennsylvania under section 6109(k) of the Uniform Firearms Act. These agreements provide for reciprocal recognition of valid licenses/permits issued by both states. Recognition in Pennsylvania is based on the individual's issuance of a valid license/permit by the reciprocal contracting state, and not on the license/permit holder's place of residence.

Now, to satisfy my curiosity........I called.........

I have also just spoken to the Atty General's office and in response to the following question, "Hello, my name is Dave...... and I am calling with a request for some information. I am a resident of NY state. I currently hold both a FLA non resident and a Utah non resident permit. Are either of these non resident permits valid in PA?"

In the gentlemans response, I got this answer:

"If you refer to the website (See above), and if it says we have an agreement either by statute or by written agreement, then we honor ANY permit, be it resident OR non resident from that state. The wording does not differentiate between the two. A valid permit is a valid permit. It does not matter the licensee's place of residence.As long as your permit is current and valid, it is recognized by PA"

That was from a gentleman in the office of the State Attorney General. Their number is: 717-787-3391

I don't know who else would have the answers. The SAG is the one that makes the agreements, and they are the ones that gave me the following answer......

Hope that helps.
The info given to me was from a subject who was part of a class at Gander mountain.He made some valid points like New York is allowed to place restrictions and that is the reason PA doesn't issue a LTC permit to a NY target & hunting permit holder.It was also brought up that a Florida non resident is not honored in PA.For $26 USD you have a LTC in PA.Are you going to host a Utah course in the Catskill area soon.
Ahhhh one of the Gander Mtn experts. OK. That's why you were confused. I've had to defend the program here from lots of stuff like that so I know where to go and who to call to get the answers.

Too many rumors get started a lot easier that that and they make a whole lot more of a mess once they get going.

No plans, yet, for the Catskills......but you never know. I have three more people going this weekend to become certified. THEN the expansion happens......
Ahhhh one of the Gander Mtn experts. OK. That's why you were confused. I've had to defend the program here from lots of stuff like that so I know where to go and who to call to get the answers.

Too many rumors get started a lot easier that that and they make a whole lot more of a mess once they get going.

No plans, yet, for the Catskills......but you never know. I have three more people going this weekend to become certified. THEN the expansion happens......
I have to defend him as he was correct on a few other topics.He was correct with how Pike county doesn't issue a PA LTC to a NY permit who has a restricted permit.He was also correct with how NY may deny a civlian a permit if the judge feels you're not of good moral character.An excellent question was a NY restricted permit holder was issued a PA LTC from Centre County and he happened to get involved in a situation with his NY registered handgun which was restricted to Target & hunting.The answer he gave was look at what is required for you to get a PA LTC.It clearly states you must have a concealed handgun permit from your home state.A CCW in NY is a retired Police officer or a self defense no restrictions permit.This is why you must have the restrictions lifted.Get the proper training keep checking the laws as they continue to change.
I've been searching for a Utah NR CCW class in lower Nevada. I've checked online everywhere I can think of including BPS and other stores in the greater Las Vegas areas with no luck. Any thoughts?

I did my class at The Gun Store. Instructor is licensed in UT and FL so he can sign off on your application. He doesn't charge extra for the UT or FL class since it is the same as the NV class.