Rest Stops/Service Areas

Robert Carr

New member
I'm not an Ohio resident (Michigan) but we have to travel through Ohio to get almost anywhere to the east. When traveling the turnpike or I-75, I've noticed large "No Firearms" signs on the doors to the rest areas. In the small print, there seems to be an exemption for "legally carried" weapons. Does my Concealed Pistol License make my CCW a legally carried weapon?

Robert Carr
Presque Isle, MI
Carry in State rest areas

When you see those signs with the small print, that means us legal ccw guys are not allowed to carry in there.

"The Iceman" Akron, Ohio
Shoot straight and carry with confidence...
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Rest Areas

When you see those signs with the small print, that means us legal ccw guys are not allowed to carry in there. Although some of us may still do so because at 1:00 am I am not going to go in there unprepared to defend myself and others. I know I am taking a chance, but I am not going to be doing anything that may cause me to draw the attention of of LEO...

"The Iceman" Akron, Ohio
Shoot straight and carry with confidence...

Yep, I would keep my gun close at hand. There are some pretty strange goings on in those places at times.
Here in NE Kansas they are refered to as "Pickle Parks.'
If the wifes not with me I just as soon stop and get way off the side of the interstate
less chance of an unwanted guest.
Here in NE Kansas they are refered to as "Pickle Parks.'
If the wifes not with me I just as soon stop and get way off the side of the interstate
less chance of an unwanted guest.

I was under the assumption that term was universal. I say, if it is in the middle of the nite, and you conceal well, better safe than sorry.

but, the far side of the road is handy as long as you don't need rest.

actually, Ohio is an open carry state. But, then you take chances on some sheeple dialing 9-1-1 inducing panic. I never could understand that - open carry = legal, yet inducing panic = bad on you

........ like a criminal would actually walk around like that ! that's almost in the same boat as the "come rob me signs" - a "come arrest me, i am a criminal" look
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First, be very careful about what you post on line. It could come back to haunt you when the antis research you and you admitted to "breaking the law" in a public forum. Just a word to the wise.

Anyway, if you are caught carrying in a state owned building like a rest room on the turnpike, I believe the charge is more than the simple criminal tresspass like would be the case if you were caught in the local ACE hardware. It may result in you losing your weapon and your permit.

Ohio is an open carry state. Yes I suppose that the police could be called and you would have to interact with them. I would much rather have them show up to investigate the bad CHL holder who is complying with the state law regarding carrying CONCEALED in the State Restroom than to have someone make your weapon and you get caught carrying concealed in a STATE prohibited building. If you are not waving the thing around and just go about your business, you probably will not take a ride with the nice po-po.

You have to pick and choose your battles wisely.
my full time job i drive a big truck for a nation wide trucking company that has NO CCW policy. It's the safest and legal way to allow personal choice with their employee's. I often drive 1-80 (which in itself any toll road sucks the life out of it's surrounding area and is a second and illegal tax) but I degress, I'm a company driver, so I don't pay the toll. I NEVER carry in a rest area, where everthing is highway robbery prices to begin with. Best advice i've given people is get off the highway and find a place, then get back on. Don't give Ohio turnpike any money. They are the goverment and will not change there minds because they loose money. but, I am not interested in putting my life on the line for any business or enity that does not allow me freedom. In fact, the only place I go, In Ohio, unarmed, is every 4 years to the DMV to renew my CDL and retake my hazmat endorsment. I have no choice. Not parinoid, but it's our GOD given right, stated in the 2nd ammendment, that Ohio so "graciously" allows us to (sorta) exersize.
Did I miss something?

I'm not an Ohio resident (Michigan) but we have to travel through Ohio to get almost anywhere to the east. When traveling the turnpike or I-75, I've noticed large "No Firearms" signs on the doors to the rest areas. In the small print, there seems to be an exemption for "legally carried" weapons. Does my Concealed Pistol License make my CCW a legally carried weapon?

Robert Carr
Presque Isle, MI

I've seen similar signs at a local mall, here in NY, with the same small print, "unless legally authorized to carry a firearm". If you have a license/permit, you are legally authorized.

In Ohio. the buildings at rest stops are off-limits to CCW, even by a person with a license.

Ohio law regarding CCW specifically prohibits the carry of concealed handguns in buildings that are owned by the State or by any political subdivisions.

The phrase on the sign "unless otherwise authorized by law" does not give CHL holders permission to carry in the rest area buildings. This phrase applies to law enforcement or other persons specifically assigned to do so as part of their job.
The folks over at Ohio Citizens for Concealed Carry have dealt with the signage issue in great detail. Helped me when I travelled into Ohio. I think their site is They have done a lot for Ohio concealed carry and they do a lot of those in Michigan as well.
In Ohio. the buildings at rest stops are off-limits to CCW, even by a person with a license.

Ohio law regarding CCW specifically prohibits the carry of concealed handguns in buildings that are owned by the State or by any political subdivisions.

The phrase on the sign "unless otherwise authorized by law" does not give CHL holders permission to carry in the rest area buildings. This phrase applies to law enforcement or other persons specifically assigned to do so as part of their job.

That's the way I read it also. Here are some links to OHIO CCW laws:

Ohio Concealed Carry Law:
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Misc. Ohio CCW Rules
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Ohio Reciprocity
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Rest Stops

In Ohio you can carry in the rest stop you just can not carry in the buildings. I know kinda nuts, but hay you are in Ohio.

rest stops and service areas are very popular for abductions and if you are out of state they look for that. my oppion is that i never leave home with out my weapon and i will only take it out if my life or the life of another is threatened. i never show it of or use it to threaten, and i would never what to be caught without it because that one time you don't carry you will need it. i travel ohio and carry it were ever i go. the posting of the signs is very loose. there are those who get carried awy with the attitude of carring a gun and think they are clint eastwood.
Excuse me. I thought this was a CONCEALED CARRY forum. And I thought concealed carry meant that no one knows you are carrying. All the laws in the universe don't mean squat if you're dead, do they? Dead right or dead wrong = still dead. Just a couple of cents worth.

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