my full time job i drive a big truck for a nation wide trucking company that has NO CCW policy. It's the safest and legal way to allow personal choice with their employee's. I often drive 1-80 (which in itself any toll road sucks the life out of it's surrounding area and is a second and illegal tax) but I degress, I'm a company driver, so I don't pay the toll. I NEVER carry in a rest area, where everthing is highway robbery prices to begin with. Best advice i've given people is get off the highway and find a place, then get back on. Don't give Ohio turnpike any money. They are the goverment and will not change there minds because they loose money. but, I am not interested in putting my life on the line for any business or enity that does not allow me freedom. In fact, the only place I go, In Ohio, unarmed, is every 4 years to the DMV to renew my CDL and retake my hazmat endorsment. I have no choice. Not parinoid, but it's our GOD given right, stated in the 2nd ammendment, that Ohio so "graciously" allows us to (sorta) exersize.