Quote of the Day for my fellow Vets


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LA Times Quote of the day - priceless

Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way, and government should prevent them from owning firearms."
Yep, - she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.... and the quote below from the LA Times is priceless. Sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right!!!

Quote of the Day from the Los Angeles Times: PRICELESS!!!

"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we're Number One. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on ' Macbeth '. The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."

Columnist Burt Prelutsky,
Los Angeles Times

Be sure to forward this to all of the "mentally ill" vets you know. Especially the ones with guns...

I think I understand what she is trying to say. Who, in their right mind, would voluntarily raise their hand and swear to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I did and what was I thinking :D

Oh wait....she is saying that vet "mental illness" is synonymous with courage.
People need to verify sources before posting. This is an exaggerated paraphrase of what Senator Feinstein said in a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on her proposed 2013 Assault Weapons Ban. She did not say that all veterans are mentally ill.

The bill contained exemptions for retired police. Senator John Cornyn proposed extending the exemption all veterans. She brought up PTSD and questioned how a seller would verify someone was a veteran and not suffering from PTSD.

The Scopes article contains more detail, including a rebuttal against her actual distorted views. I am not supporting Sen. Feinstein, and oppose her “Assault” weapons ban. She has proven herself to be an anti-gun extremist. There are enough true facts to report about her without spreading false rumors.

Here's another good quote:
Martial Arts is good, but nothing takes the fight out of a person like a sucking chest wound.
Author unknown, unfortunately.
People need to verify sources before posting. This is an exaggerated paraphrase of what Senator Feinstein said in a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on her proposed 2013 Assault Weapons Ban. She did not say that all veterans are mentally ill.

The bill contained exemptions for retired police. Senator John Cornyn proposed extending the exemption all veterans. She brought up PTSD and questioned how a seller would verify someone was a veteran and not suffering from PTSD.

The Scopes article contains more detail, including a rebuttal against her actual distorted views. I am not supporting Sen. Feinstein, and oppose her “Assault” weapons ban. She has proven herself to be an anti-gun extremist. There are enough true facts to report about her without spreading false rumors.

First, if you didn't know, "snopes" is a progressive liberal man and woman that google things from their basement to provide "definitive" answers. Sometimes they get it right, but often times their "verdict" leans so far to the left that it bears no resemblance to an unbiased fact.
That said, even given the Lib spin of what she was saying, there are a few points:
PTSD is not limited to Veterans. First responders of any kind (cops, paramedics, firefighters etc.) are highly susceptible to it based on their profession.
This is from the VA, but is not based on veterans or job descriptionHow Common is PTSD? - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How Common is PTSD?

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur after you have been through a trauma. A trauma is a shocking and scary event that you see or that happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. You may feel afraid or think that you have no control over what is happening.
Going through trauma is not rare. About 6 of every 10 (or 60%) of men and 5 of every 10 (or 50%) of women experience at least one trauma in their lives. Women are more likely to experience sexual assault and child sexual abuse. Men are more likely to experience accidents, physical assault, combat, disaster, or to witness death or injury.
Going through a trauma does not mean you'll get PTSD, though. Even though over half of us go through some type of trauma, a much smaller percent develop PTSD.
Here are some facts (based on the U.S. population):
•About 7 or 8 out of every 100 people (or 7-8% of the population) will have PTSD at some point in their lives.
•About 5.2 million adults have PTSD during a given year. This is only a small portion of those who have gone through a trauma.
• About 10 of every 100 (or 10%) of women develop PTSD sometime in their lives compared with about 4 of every 100 (or 4%) of men.
Who is most likely to develop PTSD?
Although most people who go through trauma will not get PTSD, you are more likely to develop PTSD if you:
•Were directly exposed to the trauma as a victim or a witness
•Were seriously hurt during the event
•Went through a trauma that was long-lasting or very severe
•Believed that you were in danger
•Believed that a family member was in danger
•Had a severe reaction during the event, such as crying, shaking, vomiting, or feeling apart from your surroundings
•Felt helpless during the trauma and were not able to help yourself or a loved one
You are also more likely to develop PTSD if you:
•Had an earlier life-threatening event or trauma, such as being abused as a child
•Have another mental health problem
•Have family members who have had mental health problems
•Have little support from family and friends
•Have recently lost a loved one, especially if it was not expected
•Have had recent, stressful life changes
•Drink a lot of alcohol
•Are a woman
•Are poorly educated
•Are younger

The percentage of Veterans that have been out of country, much less in combat, is relatively small. Simply being a soldier, or being deployed does not mean you will be exposed to anything traumatic. If any 2 groups would be the most likely to have adverse effects from trauma it would be cops and paramedics because they WILL be placed in traumatic situations, it is just a question of how. Unfortunately, they also have to go back to the job every day, and admitting to their issues could cost them a job. You notice it is only veterans that are back in the real world that you hear about having PTSD? Same stigma, you don't want to let your friends/co-workers down by quitting on them.
Last, if a law is good, a law is good for everyone. If a law is so bad that it needs exceptions (Obamacare maybe?) it needs fixed, not passed.
Link Removed

Here is another description of her statement. It is from Real Clear Politics; hardly a collection of left-wingers sitting in their basement making up things. It verifies the she did not say all that all veterans are mentally ill and should not be allowed to have weapons..

Feinstein: Veterans May Have PTSD And Should Not Be Exempt From Assault Weapons Ban | RealClearPolitics

No one here has said they support her position or the bill. But to repeat an unsubstantiated rumor just because it makes the other side look bad is intellectually dishonest, and can later become a point of embarrassment for those spreading it. The Scopes article included a link to a letter to Senator Feinstein from Shawn J. Gourley, Author of The War at Home: One Family’s Fight Against PTSD, and Co-Founder Military with PTSD.

Senator, PTSD is not a "new phenomenon of the Iraq war" - CNN iReport

Most of that letter is quoted in the Scopes article including him asking her why she exempts law enforcement even though it has a report 18% incidence of PTSD.

snopes.com: Senator Dianne Feinstein: 'All Vets Are Mentally Ill'?
She is also the one that recently said she believes that there are terrorist sleeper cells on our soil, and still wants to take your guns. Granny needs to be in a home and heavily sedated, not making legislative decisions. My point was that she does relate PTSD with veterans, not other professions. Like most Prog-Libs, she despises us. Here is the entire exchange in question, and this woman asserts that PTSD never existed before the Iraq war, and is unique to veterans.
“She is also the one that recently said she believes that there are terrorist sleeper cells on our soil, and still wants to take your guns. Granny needs to be in a home and heavily sedated, not making legislative decisions. My point was that she does relate PTSD with veterans, not other professions. Like most Prog-Libs, she despises us. Here is the entire exchange in question, and this woman asserts that PTSD never existed before the Iraq war, and is unique to veterans”.

Although I could not find any source, I doubt she still believes PTSD only occurs in veterans. The Senate hearing took place in March 2013. Surely numerous individuals, friendly and hostile, would have provided her with the correct information by now.

The bill was defeated in the Democrat-controlled Senate in April 2013.

As I stated above, my purpose was to post the truth and not to support Senator Feinstein or the bill. There should not have been a discussion of exemptions. The bill was wrong, period!
I think arguments are best won by telling the truth; not with taking things out of context or twisting them around.

For example based on your posts: You do not think it is possible that sleeper cells exist here? Apparently law enforcement no longer has to worry about it. You must also think all old people should be placed in institutions and heavily sedated. Also in none of your posts on this thread have you said you opposed the ban. Does that mean your support banning of so-called assault weapons? I do not believe you have any of these points of view, but am just showing how easy it is to twist someone’s meaning.
Although I could not find any source, I doubt she still believes PTSD only occurs in veterans.
Watch the video. She infers it by saying that PTSD is a new thing since OIF/OEF.

As I stated above, my purpose was to post the truth and not to support Senator Feinstein or the bill. There should not have been a discussion of exemptions. The bill was wrong, period!
I think arguments are best won by telling the truth; not with taking things out of context or twisting them around.
Which is exactly why I posted the damn video. Try watching it.

For example based on your posts: You do not think it is possible that sleeper cells exist here? Of course they do, yet she still doesn't think we should have guns to defend ourselves. Apparently law enforcement no longer has to worry about it. You must also think all old people should be placed in institutions and heavily sedated. Nope, mainly old people in Congress, both houses, both parties. Her and Pelosi just top the list. Once they reach the GOVERNMENT stipulated retirement age, boot 'em, no option for reelection Also in none of your posts on this thread have you said you opposed the ban. Does that mean your support banning of so-called assault weapons? Well, I must then insist that you are a proponent of global warming, alien abduction, bigfoot and the socialist takeover of the US, because you haven't said otherwise in you posts. I do not believe you have any of these points of view, but am just showing how easy it is to twist someone’s meaning.
There is a difference between "twisting someone's words" and being able to intelligently infer meaning from both the spoken word and the context in which they were spoken. Watch the video.

Here is the link for the youtube page containing the video. It verifies that this took place in 2013 as I stated above.

“Published on Mar 8, 2013
Crazy Lady, Dianne Feinstein At It Again”

I oppose Senator Feinstein on several areas, abortion, Obama Care, illegal immigration, so-called gay-rights to name a few, as well as for being an extreme liberal in general. But as I pointed out above, noting that I could not find any documentation, it is likely that she has received more accurate information on the incidence of PTSD among civilians. Even in the video she expresses some doubt about her information by stating “I believe” before saying PTSD started with the Iraq War. She also offered to meet with Senator Cornyn after he pointed out the anyone diagnosed with PTSD would not be allowed by other federal laws to purchase a firearm.

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