Prayer back in school...well, sorta.


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I want to thank God and congradulate the kids in Castroville TX. Court of appeals over turned judges ruling. Thank God for the Texas Attorney General.
Copy and paste this link to read story.

I don't have a problem with having a prayer at a graduation ceremony. I don't even mind if they have a "moment of silence" in the school for students each day. When I take issue is when they REQUIRE the students to have a prayer. It should be voluntary. Not everyone is a christian or jewish, or ANY faith for that matter. If the kids want to worship, they should be allowed. But its not the job of the government make it mandatory.

I am glad to see a community stand up for what they believe in, and I hope they go ahead with their plans no matter what the court rules.
I don't have a problem with having a prayer at a graduation ceremony. I don't even mind if they have a "moment of silence" in the school for students each day. When I take issue is when they REQUIRE the students to have a prayer. It should be voluntary. Not everyone is a christian or jewish, or ANY faith for that matter. If the kids want to worship, they should be allowed. But its not the job of the government make it mandatory.

I am glad to see a community stand up for what they believe in, and I hope they go ahead with their plans no matter what the court rules.

I agree. If that's what the majority of the community wants then so be it. I also agree that nobody should be required to take part in any religious service nor should anyone declining to do so be discriminated against. Lastly, such prayer options need to be generic........Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc. should all be comfortable. In spite of what many people think, this country was not founded as some sort of Christian enclave. The United States is not a theocracy. The men who created this country and wrote the Constitution may themselves have been Christian but they made it clear that the U.S. was to be religiously neutral.
My view would be that if the valedictorian or class president earns a speaking slot that it is their slot and if they want to pray, read lady gaga lyrics, or rant about illuminati it is their time as they earned it
G50AE:204608 said:
You gotta leave it to a Texan to do and fight for the right ya, Texans!!!

This country is trillions of dollars in debt and we waste our time on this............?
The Texas Attorney General has no effect on the fiscal matters of the United States of America and as for the Governer, Texas dispite our relatively modest budget concerns is economically sound and strong. So I'd say the guy is doing ok even though I'm not a real big fan. What your comment regarding national debt has to do with a state 1st Amendment issue I dont get. But since you brought it up. If not for the rights promised according to the 1st Amendment, who would be able to stand up and raise their voice against the debacle that is our current state of government. Sounds a bit like south korea maybe or china or cuba or just about any one of those middle eastern countries we've heard so little about lately(<-this is sarcasm) on the "news". So yeah, I'd say it is worth "wasting" some time on.
This country is trillions of dollars in debt and we waste our time on this............?
What is your problem, mate? We are being overrun by other religion and some atheists that prayers were taken out of schools...maybe the next place will be enacting a law to erase prayers in our homes too. This post has nothing to do with the country's debt. Somewhere there is a God we all believed in in different ways. When you end up in a foxhole somewhere, perhaps you will experience the power of prayers which is slowly being taken away from us and this country.

I hope you have a nice life so nice that you do not have to rely on prayers every now and then! And I mean this.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first amendment states congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of a religion. There for these judges that rule on crosses being on public land and prayer in public schools is a clear violation of the first amendment, in my opinion. Why is it that nothing was objectionable about this for over 150 years. Then all the sudden someone is offended and we have to stop. Like it or not this is still a Christian nation. Apparently it is ok to offend Christians but you had better not offend atheists or non-Christians.
G50AE:204666 said:
Apparently it is ok to offend Christians but you had better not offend atheists or non-Christians.

Oh hogwash!!! It seems to me that a lot of people including those in government seem to think that freedom of religion is ok, but only if you are going to practice Christianity. Christians are not, and have not ever been discriminated against in this nation.

Either you're being very naive or you live under a rock. Assualt on christian beliefs is nearly a daily activity in today's society. Both domestic and certainly abroad. This is an Oprah generation. Folks wanna do what "feels" right rather than abide by pre-ordained standards. Even the suggestion of Christianity induces rolling of eyes and scoffs round the room. When Tiger woods went through his ordeal Brit Hume, out of compassion for a man in pain, suggested looking to "the christian faith" for its redemptive aspects. Immediatley every liberal at the table pounced. People in general repel conviction and call it judgement to justify their anger and continue living as they please. Christianity in its truest form is a call to live beyond yourself. And in a self centered world there just isn't much room for others. Take the liberal progressive swabs in the federal government. They scream and decry the injustices in America today. Where from the very same cushy chairs they score the few conservative statesmen, who are actually trying to accomplish a better America, these socialist nuts pad their own wallets on the backs and causes of the down trauden and the middle class. Are all who claim christianity pure and selfless folk, no of course not. Look a the president. He claims to be a christian and I'm positive he his a true socialist zealot. Point is, the moral back bone of this nation has be gnawed at continually for longer than most folks realize. Now there are almost as many "christians" attacking christians as non-christians. What happened recently here in this small south Texas school proves what can happen when we stand together. My God is not a liar and He promised that those who chose to Follow Christ would surely endure the same persecution that Christ did. It is the "cross" we bare for making a stand. The young lady in this story made a choice to praise God in her reflection over the previous schooling. Immediatley she and the other 300 plus students that agreed with her suffered discrimination. Be she, as well all who stand their ground for Christ's sake, persevered. To God be the glory, to God be the Praise. Amen.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first amendment states congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of a religion. There for these judges that rule on crosses being on public land and prayer in public schools is a clear violation of the first amendment, in my opinion. Why is it that nothing was objectionable about this for over 150 years. Then all the sudden someone is offended and we have to stop. Like it or not this is still a Christian nation. Apparently it is ok to offend Christians but you had better not offend atheists or non-Christians.

The 1A makes it clear that the government will not help nor hinder any religion in favor over any others. All religions are to be treated equally. The Founding Fathers made this very clear....not only in the Constitution but also in subsequent writings and rulings.

I have no problem with having a moment of silent prayer in a public school or even a very generic spoken prayer, but I do have a problem if scripture of some sort is to be quoted. Private institutions can do as they please. I have a HUGE problem with putting religious symbols in public places such as courthouses, city halls, etc. I know my POV will rankle a lot of people but a cross (or Star of David or crescent moon & star) or a sculpture of the Ten Commandments has no business in such places.

I don't care much for theocracies or anything that smells like one.
The 1A makes it clear that the government will not help nor hinder any religion in favor over any others. All religions are to be treated equally. The Founding Fathers made this very clear....not only in the Constitution but also in subsequent writings and rulings.

I have no problem with having a moment of silent prayer in a public school or even a very generic spoken prayer, but I do have a problem if scripture of some sort is to be quoted. Private institutions can do as they please. I have a HUGE problem with putting religious symbols in public places such as courthouses, city halls, etc. I know my POV will rankle a lot of people but a cross (or Star of David or crescent moon & star) or a sculpture of the Ten Commandments has no business in such places.

I don't care much for theocracies or anything that smells like one.

How do you explain the Ten Commandments in the Supreme Court. Must not have been a big deal at the time. But now it's a violation in your opinion. For me I have no problem with it. Hope we can agree to disagree on this. I know religion is a touchy subject to get into. Too many points of view.

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