I tried some in my CZ RAMI (which is a little finicky in its ammo preference) thinking that it should work great as it's essentially ball.......not so fast: 4-5 FTF/FTE's per 10 round mag despite several different mags. I've since tried several different 147gr rounds (not +P) and have had no FTE/FTF's at all through several hundred rounds. I think it's a slide velocity thing with my RAMI; the +P stuff kicks the slide back so fast (on such a short frame), that it doesn't always feed reliably. The RAMI is technically +P rated, but mine doesn't seem to like them as well as bigger, slower rounds. On the other hand, I've shot some Powerball through my S&W 910 (economy 5906) and they work great. Powerball seems like a great idea, but just be sure your weapon likes 'em.