Police Kill Man Who Stomped Baby to Death

+1 Well put Toreskha, but I do disagree about the "90 lb Thai women" part. I've seen many Thai women in the 90 - 100lb range who would be able to put a guy three times their weight on their back.


That makes the most sense, Toreskha - the child was probably obviously dead by the time a crowd gathered. That explains why nobody intervened effectively.

You're right, it was unfair for me to be judgmental towards the witnesses, I guess this story really got under my skin.

As a state Correctional Officer at a med/max security prison I can honestly say that this does not surprise me in the least. There are sicker people than this out there and they don't look any different than any of us. Always carry and have a plan!
This type of story where you have people that will watch while someone is being attacked and do nothing is disturbing and not all that rare. There was a case back in the 1960's in NYC where a woman was being attacked by a man with a knife. She screamed for help over and over. A number of people looked out their windows and doors, as many as twenty or more I think, Some even yelled at her to shut up. The attacker walked away and came back to stab her a number of times. She died because no one would help.
It gets under my skin least favorite thing is to see a child harmed.

This guy was probably one of those people who is totally out of it though, walking around and talking to "people" next to him. He might not even be aware of reality in the same way that we are. Punishment and revenge do not mean anything to people who are seriously insane.

There's probably someone in this situation who never should have let this guy drive around at all, much less with a kid in the car. There was a time when people like this would have been committed to a mental institution and not allowed to leave.