Pocket pistol comparisons


New member
As the title says pocket pistols. Please let this be about them and their place in ccw. I'm sure there are many who don't like them and would never carry one,that's OK , I have nothing against carrying a 1911 (own 1 myself). I just read on another board a reply to such an argument,to paraphrase ; 'who in their right mind would knowingly take any handgun to a gunfight? ' A rifle or shotgun would be much preferred. Well in Ks we can't ccw long guns and for me I'd rather have a gun than not. In many situations IMO a pocket gun or 'mouse gun' has it's place. Some of the newer ones offer more power and capacity than the guns of old and ammunition improvements have greatly increased the power and accuracy of these weapons.
I like the Kel Tec line and have several models. I some times pocket carry a P3AT (.380) and or carry a P11 (9mm) in a smartcarry. I took the P11 to the 1st annual ksccw meet and shot it in a friendly spinning wheel competition. We did very well knocking the 8" plates off at 25 yards and a few were very inquisitive of the 'mouse gun'. I now have a couple of conversions for the P11 so I can now carry it in .40 S&W or .357 Sig.
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I bought a Beretta Tomcat the day I took my CCW class. I still like it and carry it in a pocket holster when I don't have my PT140 on my, which isn't too often.

I would like to get a revolver eventually.
I always have my Beretta 21a with me. I've had it for more than 10 years and have carried it in every conceivable pocket. In fact, it stays in a pocket on my seat cover in my car for the most part now. I need to get a picture of that. I believe the .22 version is the same size as the .32, is that right Luke? If so, can you tell me how it compares in size to the Kel-Tecs? The 21a fits perfectly in the car-seat pocket I have it in. I'd like to get a bigger caliber, but if the gun itself is much bigger, it won't fit. Anyway, here's my two EDCs:

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The Smith won't exactly be "EDC" until I get a SmartCarry rig.

I'm not sure how much bigger the Tomcat is, I'll have to check. It can't be that much bigger. I actually thought it was the same gun that my dad had when I was growing up but turns out it was a 21a.
I have a Kelt Tec p3at. For what it is it's great little pistol. I did have some ftf initially. I stopped that when I took it apart and polished the feed ramp. Much better than nothing
Kel Tec P32; ( P3AT is slightly larger but not much and 6+1 .380 )
Calibers : .32 AUTO
Weight unloaded lbs. : 6.6 oz. 186g
Loaded magazine : 2.8 oz. 81g
Length : 5.1" 129mm
Height : 3.5" 89mm
Width : .75" 19mm
Barrel Length : 2.7" 68mm
Sight radius : 3.8" 96mm
Muzzle Energy Max : 200 ft lbs 240J
Capacity : 7 + 1 rounds
Trigger Pull : 5lbs 23N

21 Bobcat 22 LR total length 4.9 / bl length 2.4 / mag. cap. 7 / unloaded wt 11.8
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I love my little Beretta 950BS in 25 cal. It fits everywhere and anywhere.
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Then there is of course my 9x18 Mak or the P64.
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Still pocket sized and potent enough.
Pocket Gun

In my experience,

When I am forced into summertime business casual with a tucked-in shirt, my KelTec P3AT disappears nicely into a Don Hume pocket holster in the front pocket of my trousers. It is a first generation model and I did have to polish the feed ramp to get 100% reliability. My son has a second generation which was 100% right out of the box. His holster is, I believe, a Desantis Elite(?). It is a very nice holster. Stays put in the pocket and is soft and flexible.

As we agree, it's not the caliber of first choice but six rounds of Golden Sabre .380 are a lot better than no rounds at all! It is quite easy to lay six fast rounds into a three inch circle at three yards.

I am considering trying a Desntis Elite pocket holster for my Kahr PM9. That gun disappears well into a jacket pocket but it might be a tad too big on my smallish frame for a pants-pocket. I'll let you know if I try it. Has anyone else already tried the PM9 as a pocket gun?

Your mileage may vary but I look forward to hearing about it,

In my experience,

When I am forced into summertime business casual with a tucked-in shirt, my KelTec P3AT disappears nicely into a Don Hume pocket holster in the front pocket of my trousers. It is a first generation model and I did have to polish the feed ramp to get 100% reliability. My son has a second generation which was 100% right out of the box. His holster is, I believe, a Desantis Elite(?). It is a very nice holster. Stays put in the pocket and is soft and flexible.

As we agree, it's not the caliber of first choice but six rounds of Golden Sabre .380 are a lot better than no rounds at all! It is quite easy to lay six fast rounds into a three inch circle at three yards.

I am considering trying a Desntis Elite pocket holster for my Kahr PM9. That gun disappears well into a jacket pocket but it might be a tad too big on my smallish frame for a pants-pocket. I'll let you know if I try it. Has anyone else already tried the PM9 as a pocket gun?

Your mileage may vary but I look forward to hearing about it,


I would suggest adding a +1 extension to your P3AT mag. It doesn't add any significant bulk and why not have the extra round.
Yeah, my P64 is a good summer in-the-pocket gun. Makarov is a little big for my pockets, but works great in my thin holsters ;)

My CZ P01 is nearer to what other people carry but that's my home defense "big gun".

It all depends on what fits you I guess.
PF9 Kel Tec fits in some of my pockets and some it doesn't.
Pocket holster for those it does.
IWB on those it doesn't.
Except Fridays then its CZ P01 IWB, only work half a day on Fridays.:D
However sometimes P3AT Kel Tec 380 in pocket holster with spare mag.
Variety is the spice of life.
My pocket gun is a Keltec P32. Absolutely reliable from day 1. I'd like to get either the P3AT or the PF9. Anybody own their new 9mm. I haven't seen one in our gun stores yet and was wondering if it can be pocket carried.
I carry my PM9 in a IWB tuckable holster at 4 o'clock. I have put it in my jacket pocket sometimes. I also used a Tact 5.11 T-shirt, but I was allegery to the seams. Now I wear a ArmorX shirt to keep the gun from contacting my skin and getting sweat on the weapon. Then I wear a shirt over that.

I have tried putting my PM9 in my pants pocket but I'm short and my pockets aren't big enough to completely hide it. I like the weapon It is very accurate for the first 6 shots. Then the barrel gets hot and it shoots to the left a little. It is much more accurate than my Ruger P95.
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No matter what else I may be carrying (usually a first generation Kimber Compact) I always have a Kel Tec P32 loaded with magsafes in my pocket (in a very ugly homemade pocket holster) :)

It goes EVERYWHERE with me.