Picked up an Eotech for the AR today


New member
Found a Eotech today for a decent price so I finally broke down and bought it. So far I love it. Very fast target acquisition, large site window, and sharp dot. I'm going to the range Tuesday so I'll write up a review after that. Here is my rifle:

Did you ever post a review? Im planning on building an AR15 sometime in the future and have been looking alot at the EOtechs.
Did you ever post a review? Im planning on building an AR15 sometime in the future and have been looking alot at the EOtechs.

No never sat down and wrote anything up. But I love mine. Bright sharp red dot. Even the 1 moa dot does not washout in the bright Florida sun. So far every time I've taken it to the range its still dead on. Fast target acquisition and easy to use with both eyes open. The large square view window makes using the BUIS sights or co-witnessing very easy. The only thing so far that I liked about the aimpoint over the EOTech was the battery life. For a small light carbine you can not beat it. Money well spent. Good luck with your build and let me know if you have any other questions.
At least it is not one of those evil black rifles.

LOL thats why I built it with OD green furniture. I didn't want it sneaking out at night running around killing people. Or worse yet turn me into a homicidal nut case! lol

Actually I really like the look of the OD green furniture. My next build, 20" or 24" 6.5 grendal will be all black.
This is the first AR I've ever seen in OD green. It looks awesome! Did you build it or buy it somewhere? BTW, the EOtech looks awesome too. Let us know how it works for you. Do you think it would be possible for you to post pics of its sight picture ?
From the picture it looks like an Anvil Arms lower. I had Jon build my AR, and he also laser engraved it for me.

Great lowers, and great guns from a great guy.
If you have an AR, don't waste time THINKING about the EOTech, just GET one. My go-to gun (lives in the corner behind the front door) is a Bushie V-Match carbine with EOTech. It's the greatest tool for connecting with assorted varmints, especially on the run, ever invented. Amazing what you can do with it even out to 300Y.

If you have an AR, don't waste time THINKING about the EOTech, just GET one. My go-to gun (lives in the corner behind the front door) is a Bushie V-Match carbine with EOTech. It's the greatest tool for connecting with assorted varmints, especially on the run, ever invented. Amazing what you can do with it even out to 300Y.


From the looks of it, the AR in this picture has neither a flash suppressor nor a bayonet lug, and for that reason, cannot be considered a true "assault weapon," based on the typical anti's definnition of the term. May I ask why? Not necessarily that you need either, but if it will piss off Sarah Brady and her ilk, then why not?
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"From the looks of it, the AR in this picture has neither a flash suppressor nor a bayonet lug, and for that reason, cannot be considered a true "assault weapon," based on the typical anti's definnition of the term. May I ask why? Not necessarily that you need either, but if it will piss off Sarah Brady and her ilk, then why not?"

Neither are useful or required in this application. Bayonetting coyotes is generally a losing proposition, and I do not shape my life in any form around Sarah Brady.
"From the looks of it, the AR in this picture has neither a flash suppressor nor a bayonet lug, and for that reason, cannot be considered a true "assault weapon," based on the typical anti's definnition of the term. May I ask why? Not necessarily that you need either, but if it will piss off Sarah Brady and her ilk, then why not?"

Neither are useful or required in this application. Bayonetting coyotes is generally a losing proposition, and I do not shape my life in any form around Sarah Brady.

Who cares if they're "necessary?" They just make the gun look cool. ;)

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