Perhaps The Real Reason They're Tormenting George Zimmerman


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Why are Barack Obama and Eric Holder now using the Justice Department to continue tormenting George Zimmerman? I think the race factor is only a small part of it. This is an effort to stigmatize gun ownership, and setting the stage for it's use as an issue. If they can stigmatize George Zimmerman for carrying a gun, then anyone else who does is now a George Zimmerman wanna-be. Further, they're sending a chilling message to better not have a gun, you better not carry a gun, because if you ever use it...well...look what happened to George Zimmerman. We can come after you, too. Better to forget all that Second Amendment stuff.

We need to get it out of our heads that President Obama and these people are sincere, well-intentioned, simply trying to do what they think is right. They're tyrannical, and diabolical.

..... they're sending a chilling message to better not have a gun, you better not carry a gun, because if you ever use it...well...look what happened to George Zimmerman. We can come after you, too. Better to forget all that Second Amendment stuff.QUOTE]

THAT IS......IF IT MEETS THEIR POLITICAL AGENDA!!! Why aren't they sending a chilling message to the gang-bangers killing each other by the dozens every weekend in Chicago....Yeah, the place with the strictest gun laws in the land....with no current permitting process and no legal way (yet) for law abiding citizens to carry.

Maybe if GZ was a gang-banger, we wouldn't have even heard of him. The mainstream news media wouldn't have reported or even cared about it. Why aren't Obama and Holder screaming about the dozens of Chicagoans who've had their "civil right to walk home" violated each and every day and week there?

The other question that nobody has asked.... Why was Trayvon, at age 17, 5'11", 160+-lbs portrayed as a defenseless "CHILD". The media and prosecutors jumped right on that bandwagon. I've seen cases of even younger "children" prosecuted as adults...again when it fits the prosecutors or a politician's agenda.

He was bigger and apparently stronger than GZ...and ...he's characterized as a Child?????
If he had wrestled the gun away from GZ, and there was evidence of an assault resulting in GZ's death, would the same prosecutors have prosecuted him as an ADULT or CHILD?
Would Obama, Holder and the media advocate prosecution of Trayvon Martin for violation of GZ's 'civil right' to get home?

I don't know about you, but all this anti-2A rhetoric has done nothing but increased my resolve.
..... they're sending a chilling message to better not have a gun, you better not carry a gun, because if you ever use it...well...look what happened to George Zimmerman. We can come after you, too. Better to forget all that Second Amendment stuff.QUOTE]

THAT IS......IF IT MEETS THEIR POLITICAL AGENDA!!! Why aren't they sending a chilling message to the gang-bangers killing each other by the dozens every weekend in Chicago....Yeah, the place with the strictest gun laws in the land....with no current permitting process and no legal way (yet) for law abiding citizens to carry.

Maybe if GZ was a gang-banger, we wouldn't have even heard of him. The mainstream news media wouldn't have reported or even cared about it. Why aren't Obama and Holder screaming about the dozens of Chicagoans who've had their "civil right to walk home" violated each and every day and week there?

The other question that nobody has asked.... Why was Trayvon, at age 17, 5'11", 160+-lbs portrayed as a defenseless "CHILD". The media and prosecutors jumped right on that bandwagon. I've seen cases of even younger "children" prosecuted as adults...again when it fits the prosecutors or a politician's agenda.

He was bigger and apparently stronger than GZ...and ...he's characterized as a Child?????
If he had wrestled the gun away from GZ, and there was evidence of an assault resulting in GZ's death, would the same prosecutors have prosecuted him as an ADULT or CHILD?
Would Obama, Holder and the media advocate prosecution of Trayvon Martin for violation of GZ's 'civil right' to get home?

I don't know about you, but all this anti-2A rhetoric has done nothing but increased my resolve.

Right on!!! Because, as you have already said, it does not click with their agenda. The reason that you do not hear about the daily blood baths in Chicago is:

1. With their strict gun control their crime rate proves gun control does not work.

2. It's the home town of Obummer, the head guy pushing gun control.
..... they're sending a chilling message to better not have a gun, you better not carry a gun, because if you ever use it...well...look what happened to George Zimmerman. We can come after you, too. Better to forget all that Second Amendment stuff.

I think what this trial showed America is...... thank God for guns.
As long as I keep reading about stories like this, I am not giving up my weapon. I just wonder if the Attorney General and Big All will protest about this. I am not holding my breath.

According to the warrant, the four teenagers are accused of starting a fight with Chellew at a Chevron gas station in the 6200 block of Mableton Parkway near Community Drive at about 1:20 a.m. Sunday. They repeatedly punched and kicked him, according to police.

While attempting to escape, Chellew backed into the center five-lane highway and was pushed to the ground and knocked unconscious, the warrant states.

They then walked away from Chellew, “leaving him helpless,” and he was eventually hit by a car, the warrant states.

Witnesses on the scene told police that “at no time did (the four teenagers) attempt to aid (Chellew), or to stop the approaching vehicle,” according to the warrant.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Mableton teens linked to gang are accused in beating death Link Removed
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Mableton teens linked to gang are accused in beating death Link Removed

One of these guys is 19, and the other three are 18. With 100 protests planned for this weekend all across the country, just imagine a tall, slender 17 year old black kid is involved with a group like this and another white (or white Hispanic if you prefer) gets killed. Will the 17 year old be tried as an adult? Isn't it fair to assume that if Trayvon had survived because Zimmerman waited too long to fire, and he was either severely injured or killed himself, Trayvon would have been tried as an adult? Isn't it a common practice for 17 year old defendants in cases of extreme violence?

All that jive during the trial about just a poor child armed with nothing more than a bag of Skittles might take on a whole new light if a candy-carrying teenager gets involved in killing someone this weekend, and ends up being tried as an adult.

I must be getting more skeptical as I get a little older, but I don't think whether GZ was a gang banger or not makes any difference with how all of this is playing out. I think that probably if GZ were black then we wouldn't have ever heard of him or TM.

I would also like to make the observation that this is the same Nobama The Socialist who a couple of weeks ago was telling a group of Congressional Summer interns to not celebrate the Fourth Of July. (The Liberty Paper, July 2,2013, "Obama to college students: Do not celebrate the Fourth Of July"). Yes I know that Nobama is a lame duck and therefore considered powerless to effect any real change (or so I have been told). But I do wonder if our country can survive this idiot finishing out his term. It sure seems to me that he is doing everything that he can to tear down and disrupt our beloved country.
All that jive during the trial about just a poor child armed with nothing more than a bag of Skittles might take on a whole new light if a candy-carrying teenager gets involved in killing someone this weekend, and ends up being tried as an adult.

If you haven't seen it, give this a watch - it explains the skittles.
I would also like to make the observation that this is the same Nobama The Socialist who a couple of weeks ago was telling a group of Congressional Summer interns to not celebrate the Fourth Of July. (The Liberty Paper, July 2,2013, "Obama to college students: Do not celebrate the Fourth Of July").

I don't want to start anything, but, at the bottom of that article it clearly states that it is "Political Satire". While I believe it is something he could have said this is completely inaccurate and fabrication for entertainment. Obama's address on the 4th of July however paints a slightly different story. Transcript here
There's so many stories that the mainstream media doesn't report. Like the one where 3 minorities followed a white kid home, beat the crap out of him, and then set him on fire. Where's the "outrage" from that story? Sad,,, just very sad. And don't even get me started on "President" Obama, Holder, Sharpton & Jackson. To me honestly, they are the racists, because they made a non-racial case, about race.
I think obama's first trout in the morning is "What can I do to divide and tear down the United States today?" And creating racial tensions it a great way to do that. The rest of it is an application of the liberal strategy of never letting a crisis - even, or maybe especially, a manufactured crisis - go to waste.
Don't make the mistake of believing Obama's lame duck status makes him less effective. He has the bully pulpit and he's a master at using it for what ever agenda he chooses. He will never be questioned and/or challenged by the main stream media about any of his statements. He will continue to drag this country into moral and economic destruction. Again he will never be questioned and/or challenged by the liberal main stream media as he blames others for his inability to lead.
If you haven't seen it, give this a watch - it explains the skittles.

I've been subscribed to Rev. Manning's YouTube channel and his church website for about five years now. He is among a handful of Christian speakers who helped me cross over from being "open" to religion, to being born again and Saved.

I hadn't seen that particular sermon yet, and thank you for posting it. When mainstream black "preachers" start speaking the kind of truth to their congregations as Rev. Manning speaks to his in that clip (and many hundreds of others), the state of race relations in this country might actually have a chance of becoming a non-issue before the Blessed Hope arrives.

Just to clarify, I put the word "preachers" in quotation marks above because I was referring to professional race-pimps and race-whores live "Revs." Sharpton and Jackson, whom I don't believe serve the God of the Bible at all in their "ministries." It certainly wasn't to denigrate the noble calling of real preachers who strive to serve God, whether or not they always get it right in what they say from the pulpit.

Sharpton and Jackson serve them selves. Calling them Reverends is a disgrace to the religious profession. Without race baiting and preaching hate, they would have no relevance. Jesus said to love you brother as yourself. How is it that Sharpton, Jackson and others of their ilk are promoting the message of brotherly love?
You have to wonder. There are tremendous numbers of black teens killed by other blacks each year. Their parents are hurting just like Travon's parents are hurting. Is their pain less important? Do they grieve any less? Al, Jesse, Obama and the other race baiters don't want to breach this subject. If they do, people will expect them to come up with a solution. Gun Control isn't the solution. These kids are usually gunned down with stolen or unregistered weapons. Until black pastors and other leaders in the black community take responsibility and tell the truth, things won't get better. Scripture tells us a house divided against itself cannot stand. Obama and friends are doing their best to create racial divides. It almost appears he wants to destroy America instead of preside over it.
IMHO, there are multiple reasons for the Zimmerman/Martin attention. Race is part of it. The radical black community will use any racially mixed incident to press their restitution agenda. They insist the reason the black community is as bad as it is, is because of the non-black boogie man. We that are not black are called racists and the meaning of racism is convoluted to their benefit.

For some reason they think that it is the non-black community holding down the black community. They don't realize how stupid and ignorant that statement is. The "white man" cannot hold back a black man unless he has the power to do so. No individual has that power at his disposal. Only the government has the power to hold them back. No matter what an individual tries to do against another individual, no matter their color, That individual has the power to say "NO! I will not do what is not good for me."

Racism, by definition:
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Only #2 has the power to hold one back. 1 and 3 obviously have the power to hurt the feelings of, but cannot hold anyone back unless they allow them self to be held back.

With all this Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman media frenzy, it has given the media the license to forget about the really important issue that are detrimental to Obama like the economy, Benghazi, the support of the Muslim Brotherhood, the disastrous support for the Muslim Spring movements, Affordable Care Act, The IRS targeting of political action groups and the list goes on and on.

As mentioned previously, the attention also gives the anti 2A people to beat on a louder drum than they had before. This was a tragic event, without any doubt. But it never would have gotten the traction it did if it weren't for the race pimps seeing a window to push their desires and the liberal media seeing an opportunity to support an agenda that will divert attention away from Obama and this administrations utter failure to lead this country in the direction it needs to go for recovery.

Again, IMHO. YMMV.
It's interesting that Trayvon Martin's parents were in Buffalo, NY for a convention last weekend on the same day that a rally (protest?) was held in their son's name....they did not attend the rally. ALSO...the same day that a 14 year old shot and killed a 17 year old.... both black, so it only appeared on local news, but nobody heard anything about it on the national news.

In addition, it's interesting that the 6', 185 lb Trayvon was "just a child", but the 14 year old is being charged with murder "AS AN ADULT". HMMM, nobody in the local black community is screaming to the heavens that 'he's just a child", nor are they claiming that the 17 yr old "victim?" had his 'civil right' to walk home violated. I put a question mark with the word 'Victim' for a reason, because I believe it was said that they knew each other....and I doubt either were innocent.

But where are Revs Al and Jesse...where is the "Liar in Chief" and his minions...Eric Holder...Jay Carney...the mainstream media???
How can they call the 6', 185lb, 17 yr old Trayvon a "child", but stay silent when a 14 yr old is an "adult" under the eyes of the law? HMMM, could it be because the shooter and deceased are the same race? Could it be because they can't get political mileage out of this event? Could it be that they can't create further division between the races?
One of these guys is 19, and the other three are 18. With 100 protests planned for this weekend all across the country, just imagine a tall, slender 17 year old black kid is involved with a group like this and another white (or white Hispanic if you prefer) gets killed. Will the 17 year old be tried as an adult? Isn't it fair to assume that if Trayvon had survived because Zimmerman waited too long to fire, and he was either severely injured or killed himself, Trayvon would have been tried as an adult? Isn't it a common practice for 17 year old defendants in cases of extreme violence?

All that jive during the trial about just a poor child armed with nothing more than a bag of Skittles might take on a whole new light if a candy-carrying teenager gets involved in killing someone this weekend, and ends up being tried as an adult.

My wife said something similar last night. Had the police arrived while TM was on top and saw him swinging he would have been charged with assault.
In addition, it's interesting that the 6', 185 lb Trayvon was "just a child", but the 14 year old is being charged with murder "AS AN ADULT".
TM's autopsy report put his weight at 158 pounds on arrival at the ME's office. Not that it matters much. A 158 pound wiry kid can do a lot of damage. And that gave me pause to think. I was a tough kid. My high school was 38% black. I was quick to the punch and afraid of no one. Now I'm early fifties and not nearly as capable. Considering I've had a heart attack and cardiac surgery, I can't fight like that anymore. So when I hear Obama say he could have been Trayvon I realize I could be Zimmerman. Put that in your pipe Barry.
One truism this case emphasizes is that "when seconds count the police are minutes away."
TM's autopsy report put his weight at 158 pounds on arrival at the ME's office. Not that it matters much. A 158 pound wiry kid can do a lot of damage. And that gave me pause to think. I was a tough kid. My high school was 38% black. I was quick to the punch and afraid of no one. Now I'm early fifties and not nearly as capable. Considering I've had a heart attack and cardiac surgery, I can't fight like that anymore. So when I hear Obama say he could have been Trayvon I realize I could be Zimmerman. Put that in your pipe Barry.
One truism this case emphasizes is that "when seconds count the police are minutes away."

When I graduated HS I weighted 165. Played football and basketball. At 18 when I graduated I could have very easily killed GZ with my bare hands. Not bragging, just saying. I at no time from 16 up was a child. Trayvon is being called a child for political reasons, we all know this. It's just them playing on emotions like they always do, their M.O.
Trayvon was no more a child than I was! The summer after graduation I went to work doing a man's job for a man's wage.
Obama and Sharpton and the rest can kiss my **** Trayvon was not a child!

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