+p+ in limited use?

Actually, sweetie...

I was heading you off from your NEXT ignorant comment which would have revolved around either my age or my time on this forum....

And you did t disappoint either...

I asked a question...

You answered with replies that are both irrelevant as well as ignorant of the very question asked...

You got caught for the moron that you are and now you’re pissed off...

Aw! Poor baby...

(Do YOU own a Shield? Cause I sure as **** don’t.)

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As previously stated, no one cares how old you are, how long you've been a forum member, and what you're going to do to destroy the guns you buy that don't pass your ammo torture tests[emoji849]. God had a heck of a sense of humor when he blessed off on your somehow getting oxygen however many years ago that happened.

Stated in my posts that I have a Shield, it's a very good firearm in the short time I've had it, and I'll EDC it occasionally when I run enough rounds through it. It's a carry forum Einstein and we all have different guns and uses for them.

Your politics may be similar to mine but you are proof that there are absolute wastes of skin on both sides of the arguments and political issues aside, I have nothing in common with limp wrists that have forum names that they think makes them them something they likely are the exact opposite of. You'll never be the man your Mom was Ping Pong.

Tried hard to see your post from your perspective but it's obvious I'd never be able to put my head that far up my own butt so recommend you don't buy guns that you don't know jack about in the future and you'll be less disappointed and won't have to scrap them, DA.

The Place to Be
As previously stated, no one cares how old you are, how long you've been a forum member, and what you're going to do to destroy the guns you buy that don't pass your ammo torture tests[emoji849]. God had a heck of a sense of humor when he blessed off on your somehow getting oxygen however many years ago that happened.

Stated in my posts that I have a Shield, it's a very good firearm in the short time I've had it, and I'll EDC it occasionally when I run enough rounds through it. It's a carry forum Einstein and we all have different guns and uses for them.

Your politics may be similar to mine but you are proof that there are absolute wastes of skin on both sides of the arguments and political issues aside, I have nothing in common with limp wrists that have forum names that they think makes them them something they likely are the exact opposite of. You'll never be the man your Mom was Ping Pong.

Tried hard to see your post from your perspective but it's obvious I'd never be able to put my head that far up my own butt so recommend you don't buy guns that you don't know jack about in the future and you'll be less disappointed and won't have to scrap them, DA.

The Place to Be

Link Removed

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As previously stated, no one cares how old you are, how long you've been a forum member, and what you're going to do to destroy the guns you buy that don't pass your ammo torture tests[emoji849].

Ah... it’s not an “ammo torture test” idiot.
It’s called firing the rounds that Law Enforcement uses or is that too difficult for you to understand?
The gun is marketed to the “Law Enforcement &Military” professionals, hence the name “Military & Police”.

(Keeping up so far buttercup?)

Now, if Smith is going to tell me that the Top Dollar Weapon I just purchased can’t handle top shelf ammo, as it was designed for, then the only one who appears to be lost and confused here is YOU!

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I have nothing in common with limp wrists that have forum names that they think makes them them something they likely are the exact opposite of. You'll never be the man your Mom was Ping Pong.

And this, right here is why you’re blocked and your opinion is relegated to the invalid bin...

You are now officially dismissed cupcake..

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And this, right here is why you’re blocked and your opinion is relegated to the invalid bin...

You are now officially dismissed cupcake..

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Blocked? What will happen without hearing from "long time" member Ding Dong about his moronic decision making? I'm deeply hurt[emoji41].

It must be stressful to be a pretend hardo every day of your life but enjoy your safe space and try to not mix your meds with alcohol. You know what I mean and seek help.

Keep everyone updated as to how much satisfaction you feel when you destroy your weapon because you're too dumb or proud to ask questions when you buy it. It definitely takes a special kind of idiot to buy something without knowing it's going to work for the intended task. Measure twice, cut once moron.

And wanted you to have something to read while you're in you're safe space, DA. Back to basics. Shot placement is your best ally so train often.


The Place to Be
Gawd, this is one of the funniest and most entertaining threads I have ever read. Is there some kind of award for this?

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Interesting thread. What was more interesting is that King Kong was the one that reported being harassed. Seemed like he was looking for a fight in the first place.

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