+p+ in limited use?

King Kong

I purchased an M&P 2.0 Compact recently and I grabbed a 50 count box of Federal 9BPLE +p+ ammo for cheap!
Question being, can this M&P survive 50 rounds of this ammo or should I regulate it to my Ruger P95 (which IS rated for +p+!).

I want to run a magazine through the gun and use the rest for carry...

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The manual for the M&P states that is can use +p so what the problem?
I know it places additional wear on the weapon but I don’t plan on running +p+ for the life of the gun..

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You gonna tell me that a brand new, M&P 2.0 Compact can’t handle the same ammo that a 300 dollar plastic Ruger can?!?


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The ammo in question is Federal 9BPLE +p+ ammo so it’s not like it’s some third world country crap!
Manufactured by a Reputable Company with a Proven track record in their ammo so if it can eat a steady diet of +p...

Why not the occasional +p+?

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The manual for the M&P states that is can use +p so what the problem?
I know it places additional wear on the weapon but I don’t plan on running +p+ for the life of the gun..

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Bought the exact same gun in January and am still doing break in and am only using 115 grain and 124 grain FMJ loads. Pressures generated by rounds over 147 grains can cause structural and wear issues and I don't use +p loads due to cost more than anything else but I've used it in a revolver on occasion without seeing issues. I've heard that LEO's use +p in their full size carry weapons but not sure how much they train with it.

The +p+ is in excess of 10% over SAAMI proof testing and that could be a problem for chamber pressures so I won't use it because I can't afford to buy a weapon and then have a failure and have to fix it, replace it, or worse.
For me it just comes down to I wouldn't carry with an ammo I don't train with and it seems like training with +p or +p+ could cause a failure and I'd opt for reliability over knock down power. I doubt occasionally running a few magazines of +p would be a problem though.

The Shield has been excellent so far with not a single issue and the only change I made was an Apex trigger kit which is a good mod compared to my buddy's stock trigger which is pretty heavy and not a good break. Enjoy the new rig.

The Place to Be
This isn’t some frigging “Fringe” ammo here, this is Federal 9BPLE +p+!

A god damn Illinois Police round and you’re going to tell me it contains “unknown pressure levels”?

My Ruger P95 is dated for +p and +p+ plus ammo and you’re going to tell me a Major manufacture of a firearms line called the “MILITARY AND POLICE”, line can’t handle +p+ and or NATO pressure cartridges?

Look... +p and +p+ ammo increase the wear and tear on the weapon, Fact.
The manufacturer won’t back this POS because of Liability issues stemming from “unspecified ammo criteria” but this is ammo manufactured by a major ammunition company, designed for Law Enforcement needs.

Federal 9BPLE +p+ not some Russian Tula crap!

Not buying that this Military & Police weapon can handle +p all day but a box of 50 rounds of +p+ ammo from a Major Ammunition Company is going to destroy it..

If it does, it’ll be the last product I ever purchase from s&m again.

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This isn’t some frigging “Fringe” ammo here, this is Federal 9BPLE +p+!

A god damn Illinois Police round and you’re going to tell me it contains “unknown pressure levels”?

My Ruger P95 is dated for +p and +p+ plus ammo and you’re going to tell me a Major manufacture of a firearms line called the “MILITARY AND POLICE”, line can’t handle +p+ and or NATO pressure cartridges?

Look... +p and +p+ ammo increase the wear and tear on the weapon, Fact.
The manufacturer won’t back this POS because of Liability issues stemming from “unspecified ammo criteria” but this is ammo manufactured by a major ammunition company, designed for Law Enforcement needs.

Federal 9BPLE +p+ not some Russian Tula crap!

Not buying that this Military & Police weapon can handle +p all day but a box of 50 rounds of +p+ ammo from a Major Ammunition Company is going to destroy it..

If it does, it’ll be the last product I ever purchase from s&m again.

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Never said it was a "fringe" ammo and every SAAMI +p+ round is at some level above 10% over proof but that doesn't have to be disclosed or quantified from all I know of +p+. If the ammo manufacturer disclosed it or you know the parameters then you already know the number and you'll run it through the gun knowing that information or you won't.

Wouldn't run +p+ through my firearms because it's not necessary for why I carry or range shoot but if I reckoned it was needed then I'd do it but only after verifying the gun being carried or shot could handle it. Bought the exact same gun as you but did it with the full knowledge that it would never see higher pressures than store bought SAAMI tested rounds while I owned it.

The only thing that can be said about LEO use is that every department is different and there are numerous departments using the S&W's. The one constant is that the users (mostly) don't own their guns so not sure why they'd care about long term damage to a gun except for the obvious one which is it had better work if they need to use it. The US military doesn't use it to my knowledge but they did "issue" S&W (model unknown) to Afghani and Iraqi police and security forces back in the day.

Would definitely buy this gun again even though am mostly a Sig guy with a Glock or two. It's only a few hundred rounds old but there's a lot to like about it and am not a LEO so am not being told what gun or ammo to carry. I opt for a round that my gun won't puke on, will not put excessive wear and tear on the weapon paid for, and which will probably be shot frequently enough to want to avoid high chamber pressures that could (not would) damage the firearm.

The Place to Be
Never said it was a "fringe" ammo and every SAAMI +p+ round is at some level above 10% over proof but that doesn't have to be disclosed or quantified from all I know of +p+. If the ammo manufacturer disclosed it or you know the parameters then you already know the number and you'll run it through the gun knowing that information or you won't.

Wouldn't run +p+ through my firearms because it's not necessary for why I carry or range shoot but if I reckoned it was needed then I'd do it but only after verifying the gun being carried or shot could handle it. Bought the exact same gun as you but did it with the full knowledge that it would never see higher pressures than store bought SAAMI tested rounds while I owned it.[\QUOTE]

Holy crap son!

This is from Link Removed for Christ sake!
Not Tula Steel cased crap...
You do know that the M&P 2.0 Compact, that I have and am speaking about, is Rated for +p out of the box, right?

You do know the ammo in question is Federal 9BPLE +p+ , right?

You know... the round developed for the Illinois Police, right?

You do know that “M&P” stands for Military & Police, right?

Know any troops NOT firing NATO spec rounds or better?

Yeah... me neither..

I have the ammo.

I’ll be running it through this gun.

Should this weapon fail, then Smith & Wesson should stop calling their line of guns “Military & Police” ....

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Never said it was a "fringe" ammo and every SAAMI +p+ round is at some level above 10% over proof but that doesn't have to be disclosed or quantified from all I know of +p+. If the ammo manufacturer disclosed it or you know the parameters then you already know the number and you'll run it through the gun knowing that information or you won't.

Wouldn't run +p+ through my firearms because it's not necessary for why I carry or range shoot but if I reckoned it was needed then I'd do it but only after verifying the gun being carried or shot could handle it. Bought the exact same gun as you but did it with the full knowledge that it would never see higher pressures than store bought SAAMI tested rounds while I owned it.[\QUOTE]

Holy crap son!

This is from Link Removed for Christ sake!
Not Tula Steel cased crap...
You do know that the M&P 2.0 Compact, that I have and am speaking about, is Rated for +p out of the box, right?

You do know the ammo in question is Federal 9BPLE +p+ , right?

You know... the round developed for the Illinois Police, right?

You do know that “M&P” stands for Military & Police, right?

Know any troops NOT firing NATO spec rounds or better?

Yeah... me neither..

I have the ammo.

I’ll be running it through this gun.

Should this weapon fail, then Smith & Wesson should stop calling their line of guns “Military & Police” ....

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You should start a petition to get the name changed and see how that works out. Son.

The Place to Be
You should start a petition to get the name changed and see how that works out. Son.

The Place to Be


I just need to sell this POS pistol and get one that can handle the ammo.

My Ruger P95 will use it for Christ’s Sake!

Glock even told me that their pistols “eat those rounds for breakfast” but S&W, with their “Military &Police” line up, can’t handle anything above the OCCASIONAL +p shooting or you’ll destroy their gun!

Sounds like a POS to me.

Not very “Military & Police” oriented, huh, unless our “Military & Police” don’t need good ammo to defend their lives with....

Bottom line...

I’ve watched a dozen videos of people shooting +p+ LAW ENFORCEMENT AMMO out of the S&W Shield as well as Glocks..

The ammo will create additional wear and tear on the weapon but it won’t be used for the life of the gun.

Smith & Wesson should be ashamed of themselves for calling this lineup of weapons “Military & Police” while the weapons are INCAPABLE of using rounds DESIGNED for the frigging COPS!

The rounds will be sent down range and the gun will either survive or not.

Should it fail and I survive, I plan on hocking a luggie down the barrel, hammering it closed on both ends, melting the whole pile of shyte down and mailing it back to S&W with a lovely note on what they can do with all of their future products too!

Federal Cartridge Company Product 9BPLE +p+ Law enforcement ammo...

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I just need to sell this POS pistol and get one that can handle the ammo.

My Ruger P95 will use it for Christ’s Sake!

Glock even told me that their pistols “eat those rounds for breakfast” but S&W, with their “Military &Police” line up, can’t handle anything above the OCCASIONAL +p shooting or you’ll destroy their gun!

Sounds like a POS to me.

Not very “Military & Police” oriented, huh, unless our “Military & Police” don’t need good ammo to defend their lives with....

Bottom line...

I’ve watched a dozen videos of people shooting +p+ LAW ENFORCEMENT AMMO out of the S&W Shield as well as Glocks..

The ammo will create additional wear and tear on the weapon but it won’t be used for the life of the gun.

Smith & Wesson should be ashamed of themselves for calling this lineup of weapons “Military & Police” while the weapons are INCAPABLE of using rounds DESIGNED for the frigging COPS!

The rounds will be sent down range and the gun will either survive or not.

Should it fail and I survive, I plan on hocking a luggie down the barrel, hammering it closed on both ends, melting the whole pile of shyte down and mailing it back to S&W with a lovely note on what they can do with all of their future products too!

Federal Cartridge Company Product 9BPLE +p+ Law enforcement ammo...

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Just found it odd that you stated this on 16 January 2019....


[quote name="lukem" post=650322]I just did a write-up on the MC1sc pistol Mossberg announced today.


but now you want to scrap it. Someone will want that firearm and not give a heck about +p+ loads. Hope the gun runs it and you're not faced with destroying it after buying it.

The Place to Be
Just found it odd that you stated this on 16 January 2019....


[quote name="lukem" post=650322]I just did a write-up on the MC1sc pistol Mossberg announced today.


but now you want to scrap it. Someone will want that firearm and not give a heck about +p+ loads. Hope the gun runs it and you're not faced with destroying it after buying it.

The Place to Be

What the hell are you talking about?!?

I posted Nothing about some Mossberg POS pistol and I could care less about it..

What does that have to do with an M&P using +p+ ammo?

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You can’t be serious... is THIS what your spouting off about?
Of course I’d rather hold onto my 2.0 over some POS from mosberg...

Has nothing to do with my displeasure over its lack of capability now does it cupcake?

And once again, if the POS can’t handle +p+ ammo, it shouldn’t be called Military and Police!

(Seeing as cops use +p+ ammo)



Link RemovedLink Removed


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The Shield has been excellent so far with not a single issue and the only change I made was an Apex trigger kit which is a good mod compared to my buddy's stock trigger which is pretty heavy and not a good break. Enjoy the new rig.

The Place to Be

Your “reading comprehension” sucks...

I. Don’t. Own. A. Shield. Cupcake!

No wonder you’re so lost here...

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You really don’t know what you’re talking about, huh?

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Soon as you name yourself King Kong then it's pretty much guaranteed you're going to go full moron at some point and here you are.

Another idiot killed by his own posts. Do yourself a favor and ignore anyone that says be yourself because this will inevitably be the result. You're a "special" guy[emoji41].

The Place to Be
Don’t worry sweetie... you won’t be queried for q&a in the future as you’ve proven to be a lost cause.

I don’t own a shield buttercup so I have know idea why you’d even comment on it..

Do YOU own a Shield?

You have no clue as to what you’re even talking about Nd it’s painfully apparent..

Oh, I’m not new to this forum either. I’ve been here off and on for over seven years... don’t let the “join date” fool ya.

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Don’t worry sweetie... you won’t be queried for q&a in the future as you’ve proven to be a lost cause.

I don’t own a shield buttercup so I have know idea why you’d even comment on it..

Do YOU own a Shield?

You have no clue as to what you’re even talking about Nd it’s painfully apparent..

Oh, I’m not new to this forum either. I’ve been here off and on for over seven years... don’t let the “join date” fool ya.

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No one cares about your join date or how long you've been on here drama queen. You must be kidding or in high school.

Your OP was less a q&a and more like the beginning of a meltdown about something that you probably should have known when you bought the gun. Don't know what your issues are but I'm betting it's hard to pronounce.

The Place to Be
Can’t help it if you’re an idjit now can I?

Do you own a Shield cupcake?

Yes or no?

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No one cares about your join date or how long you've been on here drama queen. You must be kidding or in high school.

Your OP was less a q&a and more like the beginning of a meltdown about something that you probably should have known when you bought the gun. Don't know what your issues are but I'm betting it's hard to pronounce.

The Place to Be

Actually, sweetie...

I was heading you off from your NEXT ignorant comment which would have revolved around either my age or my time on this forum....

And you did t disappoint either...

I asked a question...

You answered with replies that are both irrelevant as well as ignorant of the very question asked...

You got caught for the moron that you are and now you’re pissed off...

Aw! Poor baby...

(Do YOU own a Shield? Cause I sure as **** don’t.)

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