I just need to sell this POS pistol and get one that can handle the ammo.
My Ruger P95 will use it for Christ’s Sake!
Glock even told me that their pistols “eat those rounds for breakfast” but S&W, with their “Military &Police” line up, can’t handle anything above the OCCASIONAL +p shooting or you’ll destroy their gun!
Sounds like a POS to me.
Not very “Military & Police” oriented, huh, unless our “Military & Police” don’t need good ammo to defend their lives with....
Bottom line...
I’ve watched a dozen videos of people shooting +p+ LAW ENFORCEMENT AMMO out of the S&W Shield as well as Glocks..
The ammo will create additional wear and tear on the weapon but it won’t be used for the life of the gun.
Smith & Wesson should be ashamed of themselves for calling this lineup of weapons “Military & Police” while the weapons are INCAPABLE of using rounds DESIGNED for the frigging COPS!
The rounds will be sent down range and the gun will either survive or not.
Should it fail and I survive, I plan on hocking a luggie down the barrel, hammering it closed on both ends, melting the whole pile of shyte down and mailing it back to S&W with a lovely note on what they can do with all of their future products too!
Federal Cartridge Company Product 9BPLE +p+ Law enforcement ammo...
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