One in the chamber.... or not


New member
I have been having this discussion lately, and am out of ideas. So, majority rules, does it really make a difference, is it worth the "risk", I need opinions to further my argument.


You might as well leave the gun at home if you're not gonna have one in the pipe. Once SHTF good luck remembering to charge it.
In MHO I think a gun shouldn't be "ready to fire." I use a semi-automatic and figure I'll have time to pull the slide. If I don't, I'm not sure it would really matter in the situation I'm in at that time. It's too easy to have your gun go off unexpectedly and just as easy to ready it.
I say absolutely 100% in the chamber. I sit here now at my desk in a medium sized office building with my Ruger SR9C on my hip (CCW of course) with a clip of 10 and one in the pipe. I like the Ruger because it tells me if there is one in the case at my aging self...i forget. Plus the safety is on. Everywhere I Ruger is with me and ready to go. In my opinion if I ever have to fire my weapon, which i never hope I don't I may not have time to chamber a round...and I dont want to find out either. I have practiced drawing, flipping the safety and firing all in one swipe. In a bad situation...things can and will happen fast. Put yourself in that movie theater in Colorado...would you have had time to chamber a round? You don't do you want to find out or just fire?
If you have a good holster and a gun that had a drop safety, the risk is with out a doubt worth the reward. It is a personal issue. If you have small children or you don't feel like you have the proper training to not automaticaly put your finger on the trigger when you draw your weapon under stressfull situation. In my case I am always ready! You don't get to choose the situation under which you might have to use your gun. What if you are already shot and have little strenth to chamber a round, or if you are in an altercation where your are is not free. you are giving your weapon one more chance to have a malfunction. Just my thoughts. Like I said I always carry with one in the chamber.
Personally, I think that if I find myself in a life threatening situation I don't want to have any extra steps to take to address the situation. Time is an issue...think about the response time if you had a person charging you with a knife. You're probably familiar with Tueller drill (knife attack). You simply do not have much time to react. As far as safety is concerned, I see no safety issue with having a round in the chamber as long as you're practicing the basic rules of safety 100% of the time. That's not to say that a person couldn't train enough so that racking the slide would be an automatic response to a threat. I think that the Israeli's use that technique (or they used to). I just prefer to be as ready as possible.
No risk if carried right with one in the chamber. Big risk if you need to defend and your gun isn't loaded.
First off this is my first response being new to this forum. My answer is Yes put one in the chamber. If you are going to take the responsibility of ccw then do it properly. Police all carry one in the chamber. Why, because they know that when its needed its needed quickly. Having said this you need to train knowing one is always in the chamber you cannot second guess yourself on this. My feeling on this is that if you are not comfortable in doing this then possibly you should look into carring a revolver as they cannot fire unless the triger is pulled. Even with a revolver some people carry on an empty cylinder this is unnecessary in my opionion. If you do carry a revolver take the time to know and train and know which direction your cylinder turns this may save your life some time. As a 25 year veteren of a city police force who has had the misfortune to have to fight for a loose gun I know what I am talking about on this.
always carry full mag +1. risk? there is no risk if you train and carry the correct way. practice it until it is 2nd nature and then practice some more.
I have been having this discussion lately, and am out of ideas. So, majority rules, does it really make a difference,


is it worth the "risk", I need opinions to further my argument.


What Risk are you talking about?

The risk of not having the time to chamber a round?
Maybe the risk of forgetting to chamber a round altogether?

Either way you or your loved ones may be DEAD because of the "risk" you speak of. So, the questions remains-

What "risks" are you willing to live with; or die for?
What risks to your family's safety are you willing to live with; or see them DIE for?

One area of thought is that the chambering of a round could be considered an "aggressive" gesture. Best always to leave one in the chamber.....
In MHO I think a gun shouldn't be "ready to fire." I use a semi-automatic and figure I'll have time to pull the slide. If I don't, I'm not sure it would really matter in the situation I'm in at that time. It's too easy to have your gun go off unexpectedly and just as easy to ready it.

Excuse me- Firearms just don't go "bang" by themselves. They usually require someone to press their trigger.

I can guarantee you that if you do not have enough discipline to keep you booger hook of the bang switch, you will NOT have enough discipline to rack the slide when S hits the H.

I always have one in the chamber. As has been said already, the police carry with all firearms ready to fire. Why shouldn't I do the same?
I was taught many years ago to carry a revolver with an empty cylinder under the hammer. With older Guns it was possible to drop the revolver and have it go off if it fell on the hammer. With the safety features of modern guns this is no longer true, but many older people still think it is a good idea. My mother at 74 years old carries a .357 with only five rounds because that is what she was taught. I have tried to explain it to her, but she is stuck with her original training and will not change.
Show me a police department anywhere on the face of this planet that carries their side arms with an empty chamber
In MHO I think a gun shouldn't be "ready to fire." I use a semi-automatic and figure I'll have time to pull the slide. If I don't, I'm not sure it would really matter in the situation I'm in at that time. It's too easy to have your gun go off unexpectedly and just as easy to ready it.

I respectfully have to disagree....
I think that this instructional video clip will help to illustrate why I must disagree with you.

It's as simple as A,B,C.....'Always Be Chambered'.

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