On line gun auctions

A local gun store had a regular "customer" who bought Savage or Fox shotguns through GunBroker. That customer bought 10 or 11 shotguns (that I know of) and did the paperwork at the local store for a small transfer fee.
I have heard good things, but I had a frustraiting experience with them. So caveat emptor. They charge a dollar to you when you create an account. You can only inquiry about things after you have created a "free" account for a dollar. Now if you ever list something, then you can use that dollar dollar toward listing, but for buying or asking questions, you lose your dollar. I failed to see how that is "free".
I have heard good things, but I had a frustraiting experience with them. So caveat emptor. They charge a dollar to you when you create an account. You can only inquiry about things after you have created a "free" account for a dollar. Now if you ever list something, then you can use that dollar dollar toward listing, but for buying or asking questions, you lose your dollar. I failed to see how that is "free".

Was to be able to sell?
I made a account cost me nothing I have not bid or sold any thing but I an account
I've been using GB for years and I have never had a problem. I buy most of my hardware through the site, and occasionally I sell an item or two. I highly recommend it!
I have used AuctionArms, the one associated with the NRA. One year ago I bid and bought a nice like new, Winchester 94 made in 1975 for $300.00. A $30.00 transfer fee from a local FFL and done. It was real easy.
I have issues with online purchasing of firearms... simply because I prefer to hold one in my hands and FEEL it before I buy it. But that's just me.
Oh I have no objections to the online auctions, I just can't participate myself. Sorry, felt the need to elaborate for clarity! Support them all!
I have excellent experince with cheaperthandirt . Com
and budsgunshop.com. I have bough 2 guns from buds
way cheaper than gunbroker, getting ready to get my xdm3.8
next! Just got my doublestar AR 15 yesterday, hell half the price
EVERYTHING I have seen around. Super fast shipping from both
going to do more bussiness now.... C-YA! :biggergrin!:
I've made about 10 purchases though GunBroker and GunsAmerica. GA is generally a little higher, but will sometimes have things its GIANT cousin, GB, does not. I highly recommend both. I also recommend calling the seller if an item is not new and judging his sincerity by his voice.
Using internet firearm auctions?

I started using GB 5 or 6 years ago for selling an occasionally firearm. I found out that if you monitor the site and find out what your particular firearm is worth you can sell it for what its worth instead of taking it to a gun show and allowing a dealer to take advantage of you. I would recommend using GB because they require everyone to submit a credit card which ensures a little more fraud protection for a buyer. Good part is everything has to go thru a licensed FFL dealer and the US government has no beef. Shop around for a dealer who promotes the FFL transfer system. Costs will very from $10 dollar per transfer to over $50 dollars. Some dealers detest the system because they feel the system is cheating them from a sale. I personally know dealers who make several hundred a month from tranfers and in turn builds their customer base. Have fun, keep shooting and don't forget to vote in November because were going to "transform' this country back to "sensible government control".