Nye County Sheriff Does It Again

Once again, Nye County Sheriff Tony DeMeo refuses to follow Nevada law.

Via telephone on July 28, 2008, Sheriff DeMeo told me he would NOT accept our sheriff's certification of our CCW instructor even if our sheriff himself sends the certification. DeMeo said he wanted to see our instructor's full credentials and course curriculum (in addition to our sheriff's certification). As time permits, our CCW instructor does hope to provide all of the above to Sheriff DeMeo, but we don't know how long that will take - and we have NO guarantee Sheriff DeMeo will accept it.

The research:

NRS 202.3657 states a sheriff shall issue a permit to any person who is qualified and who submits an application and who demonstrates competence by presenting a certificate to the sheriff which shows that he successfully completed a course in firearm safety approved by a sheriff in this State.

The Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association (NSCA) document entitled “Nevada Concealed Weapon Training Standards” (current; revised December 5, 2002 (available here Link Removed), page two, paragraph V, which quotes NRS 202.3657 and reiterates “a course in firearm safety approved by a sheriff in this State.”

Further, I reviewed the audio CD recorded at the July 11, 2007 Nevada CCW Holders Forum in Carson City, hosted by the Nevada Sheriffs & Chiefs Ass'n. Mr. Rick Morello (a full time firearms instructor) asked if his Nevada CCW Instructor credentials (as authorized by the Washoe County Sheriff) were valid/accepted by all Nevada sheriffs. Douglas County Undersheriff and NSCA Forum Panel Member Paul Howell unequivocally stated, “Yes.” (The CD is available for $9.50 from the state.)

It certainly appears to me that Sheriff DeMeo MUST accept other sheriffs' CCW instructor certifications.

I believe this to be yet another flagrant violation of Nevada law by Sheriff DeMeo. Apparently, DeMeo believes he can legislate from his position of authority.

I encourage Nevadans - especially Nye County citizens - to take the issue to Sheriff DeMeo - and any other authorities as necessary to correct Sheriff DeMeo's unlawful activities. Perhaps the Nye County District Attorney, Commissioners, Assemblyman, Senator, Attorney General, Governor, NRA, NSCA should be involved.

I don't have a valid email address, but per Contact:

North Area Command

Area Commander: Asst. Sheriff Johanna Cody
Sheriff's Office Headquarters
Located at: 101 Radar Rd.
Tonopah, NV 89049
Administration : 775-482-8110
Sheriff Dispatch
Non-Emergencies: 775-482-8101
Detention: 775-482-7358
Tonopah County Seat

Central Area Command

Area Commander: Lt. Frank Jarvis
Sheriff's Office Substation
Located at: 426 C Avenue
Beatty, NV 89003
Records : 775-553-2345
Non-Emergencies: 775-553-2345
Detention: 775-553-2345

South Area Command

Area Commander: Capt. Bill Becht
Sheriff's Office Substation
Located at: 1520 East Basin Rd.
Pahrump, NV 89060
Records : 775-751.7011
Sheriff Dispatch:
Non-Emergencies: 775-751-7000
Detention: 775-751-7027

Or write:

Sheriff Anthony L. DeMeo
1520 E. Basin Road Ste. 102
Pahrump NV

Once again, Nye County Sheriff Tony DeMeo refuses to follow Nevada law.

Via telephone on July 28, 2008, Sheriff DeMeo told me he would NOT accept our sheriff's certification of our CCW instructor even if our sheriff himself sends the certification. DeMeo said he wanted to see our instructor's full credentials and course curriculum (in addition to our sheriff's certification). As time permits, our CCW instructor does hope to provide all of the above to Sheriff DeMeo, but we don't know how long that will take - and we have NO guarantee Sheriff DeMeo will accept it.

The research:

NRS 202.3657 states a sheriff shall issue a permit to any person who is qualified and who submits an application and who demonstrates competence by presenting a certificate to the sheriff which shows that he successfully completed a course in firearm safety approved by a sheriff in this State.

The Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association (NSCA) document entitled “Nevada Concealed Weapon Training Standards” (current; revised December 5, 2002 (available here Link Removed), page two, paragraph V, which quotes NRS 202.3657 and reiterates “a course in firearm safety approved by a sheriff in this State.”

Further, I reviewed the audio CD recorded at the July 11, 2007 Nevada CCW Holders Forum in Carson City, hosted by the Nevada Sheriffs & Chiefs Ass'n. Mr. Rick Morello (a full time firearms instructor) asked if his Nevada CCW Instructor credentials (as authorized by the Washoe County Sheriff) were valid/accepted by all Nevada sheriffs. Douglas County Undersheriff and NSCA Forum Panel Member Paul Howell unequivocally stated, “Yes.” (The CD is available for $9.50 from the state.)

It certainly appears to me that Sheriff DeMeo MUST accept other sheriffs' CCW instructor certifications.

I believe this to be yet another flagrant violation of Nevada law by Sheriff DeMeo. Apparently, DeMeo believes he can legislate from his position of authority.

I encourage Nevadans - especially Nye County citizens - to take the issue to Sheriff DeMeo - and any other authorities as necessary to correct Sheriff DeMeo's unlawful activities. Perhaps the Nye County District Attorney, Commissioners, Assemblyman, Senator, Attorney General, Governor, NRA, NSCA should be involved.

I don't have a valid email address, but per Contact:

North Area Command

Area Commander: Asst. Sheriff Johanna Cody
Sheriff's Office Headquarters
Located at: 101 Radar Rd.
Tonopah, NV 89049
Administration : 775-482-8110
Sheriff Dispatch
Non-Emergencies: 775-482-8101
Detention: 775-482-7358
Tonopah County Seat

Central Area Command

Area Commander: Lt. Frank Jarvis
Sheriff's Office Substation
Located at: 426 C Avenue
Beatty, NV 89003
Records : 775-553-2345
Non-Emergencies: 775-553-2345
Detention: 775-553-2345

South Area Command

Area Commander: Capt. Bill Becht
Sheriff's Office Substation
Located at: 1520 East Basin Rd.
Pahrump, NV 89060
Records : 775-751.7011
Sheriff Dispatch:
Non-Emergencies: 775-751-7000
Detention: 775-751-7027

Or write:

Sheriff Anthony L. DeMeo
1520 E. Basin Road Ste. 102
Pahrump NV


While there are statewide training requirements to be a Nevada CCW instructor, I thought that each county reserved the right to decide which CCW instructors they would allow for their CCW applications. I agree with what your point, but isn't there the issue of the controlling which instructors are complying with the requirements that they have to follow?

As I mentioned many times, my brother just got his CCW from Sheriff Pierini in Douglas. We took our training from Mike Motta at Semper Firearms. When my brother went to apply, Douglas County Sheriff's Office. asked him who the instructor was. He asked the lady why and she told him that there were some certified instructors that weren't complying with proper procedure. An example of noncompliance given was a failure to fill out forms properly and turning them in late. When he mentioned Mike's name, the lady had heard of him and had nothing but good things to say about him.

I am guessing that this is the same kind of problem that Sheriff De Meo if facing. With a 2007 estimated population of 46.308, I am guessing that there are not a lot of certified CCW instructors there. De Meo may have to rely on instructors from other counties, but is keeping to neighhboring counties, such as Clark County.

Like I mentioned before, I agree with your point on this. Just sharing an experience we had and some possible rationalizaton for what De Meo is doing.
I used to think that too. But that is incorrect.

I reviewed the law. And I reviewed the audio CD recorded at the NSCA hosted CCW Holders Forum of July 2007.

The law is the law - and even the NSCA stated that if approved by a sheriff, all other sheriffs shall honor others' instructors.

Incidentally, our instructor is also our District Attorney and is widely reputed to instruct one of the best CCW classes in Nevada. The fact that he is also our DA doesn't grant him/us any special treatment. But I can assure you his class meets/exceeds the requirements.

There have been a (very) few instructors that have been disqualified and their "instructor certification" removed by sheriffs. If an instructor has been disqualified, it is a simple matter to inform another sheriff of that.
I encourage Nevadans - especially Nye County citizens - to take the issue to Sheriff DeMeo - and any other authorities as necessary to correct Sheriff DeMeo's unlawful activities. Perhaps the Nye County District Attorney, Commissioners, Assemblyman, Senator, Attorney General, Governor, NRA, NSCA should be involved.
Don't expect much help from the Nye County DA for this reason. The person to get involved with be Frank Adams and your State legislators. The NVSCA made the statement on the validity of NV CFP certified instructors. However since this is an election year it is possible not much will be done until after the elections will be over with with respect to legislators unless they are not up for reelection. John Lee and James Settelmeyer, if they get reelected, will hold the NVSCA's feet to the fire if Frank Adams doesn't get the issue resolved.

We can also hold the Nye County Sheriff's feet to the fire during the next NVSCA meeting next month.
I used to think that too. But that is incorrect.

I reviewed the law. And I reviewed the audio CD recorded at the NSCA hosted CCW Holders Forum of July 2007.

The law is the law - and even the NSCA stated that if approved by a sheriff, all other sheriffs shall honor others' instructors.

Incidentally, our instructor is also our District Attorney and is widely reputed to instruct one of the best CCW classes in Nevada. The fact that he is also our DA doesn't grant him/us any special treatment. But I can assure you his class meets/exceeds the requirements.

There have been a (very) few instructors that have been disqualified and their "instructor certification" removed by sheriffs. If an instructor has been disqualified, it is a simple matter to inform another sheriff of that.

The Washoe County website gave the impression that the counties take care of their own instructor list. How open are they to accepting CCW instructor certs that are not on their list? If the training standard has been ratified by the Nevada Sheriff's & Chief's Association, then all certified instructors' completion certificates should be accepted by all counties. It was a surprise to hear what my brother had told me about Douglas County, but we know what Sheriff Pierini has done in the past too. He seems to make up rules as he goes along.

Since your instructor is a DA, you would think that Sheriff De Meo would be more receptive to any communication between the two of them.

I don't profess to be an demographics expert. I got that population estimate from Wikipedia.org. It's amazing what can be found in there. I have been able to read a lot about Nevada county information there.
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The Washoe County website gave the impression that the counties take care of their own instructor list. How open are they to accepting CCW instructor certs that are not on their list? If the training standard has been ratified by the Nevada Sheriff's & Chief's Association, then all certified instructors' completion certificates should be accepted by all counties. It was a surprise to hear what my brother had told me about Douglas County, but we know what Sheriff Pierini has done in the past too. He seems to make up rules as he goes along.

Since your instructor is a DA, you would think that Sheriff De Meo would be more receptive to any communication between the two of them.

I don't profess to be an demographics expert. I got that population estimate from Wikipedia.org. It's amazing what can be found in there. I have been able to read a lot about Nevada county information there.
The county you apply in is supposed to contact county sheriff or their designee where the training took place to verify the instructor is on that respective county's list. If they are, the training is supposed to be accepted.

The NVSCA has stated in the last CCW public meeting that if you're certified for one, you're certified for all counties in Nevada. Assemblyman Settelmeyer was present at the last NVSCA public meeting. The NRS also implies that is supposed to be the case as well.

Ideally what should be done is just turn over NV CFP issuance to NV DPS since they do the background check anyway per NRS. That will not feasibly happen until Bernie Anderson is out of office and he doesn't successfully get into the State Senate. This will be Anderson's last term in the Nevada Assembly if he gets reelected. The NV legislature and NVSCA is also going to have their feet held to the fire for the loss of our NICS exemption as that's costing all of us Nevadans money every time we buy a firearm.
Net is correct. The law says what it says - and the NSCA CCW guy Paul Howell confirmed it at the forum in July 2007.

Bernie has an opponent - Mr Ron Longtin. I wish Mr Longtin the best - and I'll even drive into Washoe County and hold a "Longtin for Assembly" sign on a street corner if he so wishes.
Net is correct. The law says what it says - and the NSCA CCW guy Paul Howell confirmed it at the forum in July 2007.

Bernie has an opponent - Mr Ron Longtin. I wish Mr Longtin the best - and I'll even drive into Washoe County and hold a "Longtin for Assembly" sign on a street corner if he so wishes.

I figured out why this Sheriff De Meo is such a tool. He's got a big head from all the publicity that Heidi Fleiss has generated. You know he likes the attention. I saw him on Hollywood Heat on Tru TV talking away about how Heidi Fleiss won't allowed to serve alcohol in her proposed stud farm brothel because she is a felon. They won't issue a liquor license to a felon.
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