Now is absolutely the right time to speak out!


New member
I've been a 'carrier' longer than many others have been around.
fortunately i was raised to appreciate and respect my rights to hunt and enjoy shooting sports from an early age. My decison to carry came after a drug addicted and troubled young man threatened my family and shot at me. In those times I had to prove a need to carry and did so.

Over the years I've quietly carried or been real close to a reliable handgun and I've practiced and practiced and practiced.

The fact that I've been armed has been my secret. There was no need to speak of it. Regular practice, common sense and situational awareness have become important parts of who I am. Interestingly, my wife saw these attributes, recognized them as valuable and many years ago she began carrying as well. As a matter of fact she out-shot all the vocal young men in her CCW class!

If a business doesn't allow a concealed weapon on their premises; so be it............ there are other places to do my business.

For or than thirty five years I have never unholstered my weapon in anger. I train, I keep my eyes and ears open and understand the responsibilties that go along with carrying a weapon and I AM FULLY PREPARED TO DEFEND MY FAMILY AND YOURS.

I'm not a "gun nut." I am a professional with a PhD and a strong business background, I am a grandfather now of nine good kids and a solid forty-one year marriage. I detest the way politicians have manufactured arguments both for and against my rights for their own purposes and I believe with all my heart disarming me will not make this country stronger!

So..........if, God forbid the shooting starts where I am I will return fire. I will comply with the CCW laws and i will honor and respects the valiant men and women in law enforcement knowing they cannot be every place and all times.

I will not be a helpless victim. Moreover I am committed to not allowing you to become a helpless victim. But I can't be every place either. You have the same rights and responsibilities I have........ so carry and keep it quiet; carry and keep it concealed; practice regularly, obey the law and stay out of my sight line when another fool believes he has the right to fracture my family tree.

John R. Hanson

awesome post.
exercising rights is the best way to keep them.

Why keep it a secret though?'s better to encourage others to do the same..exactly as you did, through example & practiced responsibility.
One of the best first or second posts I've ever seen on this site, Mr. Hanson. Don't be a stranger now that you've broken the ice.
I know several people who carry illegally. No big surprise there.
Not that it has anything to do with this thread, but it's no surprise to me that, living in Kommifornia, you know of some who carry illegally. How's that go? "Better to be caught by the police with a gun than by the gangbangers without one."
awesome post.
exercising rights is the best way to keep them.

Why keep it a secret though?'s better to encourage others to do the same..exactly as you did, through example & practiced responsibility.

Simple answer is that there are many benefits of carrying concealed. Telling people you are carrying is a silly thing to do!

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