North Carolina


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Possibly relocating to North Carolina. Between 1 and 10, 1 being bad. How would you rate the gun laws there?

Very friendly Carry State. Recently, several concealed carry restrictions were repealed. Open carry is welcome. One note, "open carry" in an automobile is a very gray area. Get your CCW as soon as you are able. You need to be a resident of NC for 90 days before you can apply.
9 seems way too generous to me. Let's deduct points based only on the restrictions listed in the NC state sub-forum, and see where we end up. With full compliance with the 2nd Amendment not being infringed in any way, shape, manner or form being the only way to earn a 10, which Vermont practices so that's not an unheard of standard, let's deduct one point for each infringement from there.

  • Permission slip required to begin with: -1 point. Running Total: 9.
  • Mandatory notification to law enforcement if you're carrying: -1 point. RT: 8.
  • $90 initial tax, $75 renewal tax thereafter just to exercise your rights: -1 point. RT: 7
  • As long as 90 days after application before the Sheriff is obligated to issue permission slip: -1 point. RT: 6
  • Arbitrary and ineffective training requirements: -1 point. RT: 5
  • Other-than-Honorable discharge from military (not Dishonorable which is equivalent to a felony conviction in civilian law, but even a General disqualifies with that wording): -1 point. RT: 4
  • Full set of fingerprints required (like a common criminal): -1 point. RT: 3
  • A release that authorizes and requires disclosure of records by medical personnel concerning your mental health. -1 point (should be -10 points for that one alone, but I'll stick to my own scoring scheme). RT: 2

So what I did here is only deduct for the provisions that aren't just mimicking federal law. There was at least one restriction which I wasn't positive whether it mimics federal law or not, so I left it off the above list and didn't deduct a point for it (having to do with conviction or awaiting trial for a violent misdemeanor, which I think exceeds federal law, but which I'm also not positive about, so it's excluded above). Though most of the deductions are quite common throughout the states, it is also true that only the permit requirement itself is included in some states, my state of Alabama being one of them. Well, I take that back. We also have to pay a tax to exercise our rights. Otherwise, no fingerprints, no medical records disclosed, no waiting period after application (takes a couple of minutes and issuance is immediate right there in the Sheriff's Office), no notification to LE, no training requirements, and no military discharge scrutiny.

That said, both my state and NC have one good thing in common; Open Carry eliminates a permission slip requirement. Not sure how it's applied in NC, but as with most places that I've researched and/or just seen videos of etc., Alabama can be tricky to OC in, though I've been doing it since it was clarified and strengthened as being fully legal last August, still without anyone saying a word to me about it. Transporting in a vehicle is really a hassle if you don't have a permission slip though, so I will continue to maintain mine unless and until the state legislature decides to make OC in a vehicle without a permission slip legal.

For the record, I am seriously not trying to rag on NC. I have noticed though, that what many people see as "gun friendly," I see as clear and blatant infringements of my rights. To my way of thinking, every state in the Union except for AK, AZ and Vermont has infringements that should be repealed, or at the very least, opposed by the gun owners that live in them, and "gun friendly" should be judged from the standard of a literal reading of the 2nd Amendment first, then by the standard of comparison to the most free states, and never from the standard of the least free states (or Districts). Like, I think in terms of working towards being just like Vermont, and never let myself say or think, "Well, at least we're better off than fill in the blank." So I am not saying Alabama is better than NC, I'm saying we all have work to do, and we all have infringements to oppose (except the aforementioned states).

So with all that said, NC gets a 2 from me.


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