Non-Resident to Resident


New member
Ok. I sent in all my paper work about a month ago for my Non-Resident CCW for Fl. Well no kidding 2 days later I had a RIP and orders in my hand to Fl. I'm in FL already and I'm still waiting for my Non-Resident permit. Can I just go the the local sheriff's and have then switch it to a resident permit or do I have to do everything all over again?
The Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Division of Licensing handle all permits for Florida. So I don't believe going to the local Sheriffs will accomplish anything. Call (850)-245-5691. They should be able to give you a status on you non-res and tell you what you need to do to get a perm one.
Does anyone know if you get a non-resident CCW here, are you still good with all the reciprocating states?
Does anyone know if you get a non-resident CCW here, are you still good with all the reciprocating states?
A "few" states only recognises resident permits


see the states in "yellow"
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Click on the reciprocity map on this site's home page. It will tell you which states recognize FL permits, both resident and non-resident.

It is still YOUR responsibility to check a particular state before carrying there--if the laws change, and you carry where you're not allowed, saying that you saw it on a website will not get you off the hook.

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