New member
Do the laws need to be changed? Yes!
Is the Felonious Civil Disobediance you advocate the answer? No!
Tell me how it helps "The Cause" or gets laws changed, for members of the NFOA forum or this one for that matter to be convicted of felonies.
Gents, I am afraid that the above my be the only way some of these laws that are outright unconstitutional can be challenged. Not getting convicted under but by being charged under and then takeing the case to a higher state or federal court to get them tossed out. Here in Lincoln there are city mistomeniors that result in loosing ones right to own firearms within the city. This is outragious, the city council of Lincoln has taken it upon themselves to remove ones rights under both the state and federal consitutions for non felony officences. There is getting to be a lot of laws that are like this, they are passed knowing that they are a violation of our rights. And just how long are we going to just go along with this before some type of action is taken? I not advocating or planing on violating any laws but just want to point out that Tut brings up a valid issue. By just going along with what ever is put into law no matter how out of bounds it is we are slowly giving up our freedoms. It should be an open topic to at least have a debate over it and not claim that just bringing it up is an act of felonious civil disobediance.