Newtown, Conn Shooting Gun Control or Broken moral compus?

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More like a mentally deranged individual that gained access to weapons due to this parents lack of safeguards against exposing the firearms to theft.

This has nothing directly to do with morals. In order to have or be able to make a moral judgement, one must have full control of their individual faculty. This individual did not. The criminally deranged do not have the same mental status as a "moral" person does.

Even someone that seemingly is "normal" and snaps, thus doing a deed such as a mall or school shooting, no longer operates in the mental or moral world that the average sane or "moral" person does.

This tragic event will be molded and twisted to feed the needs of the anti gun crowd as weel as the pro gun crowd and the "bring God back to the school" crowd. Everyone wil be "piling on" as it were to serve their own purpose.

The fact is when a persons mentality snaps to a level where good and evil, right and wrong are blurred and are indistinguishable, all morals have already been abandoned, not willingly, but by a mental lapse that leaves the individual in a state that we cannot comprehend as the average human individual. So saying that person has lost God or has no morals doesn't apply.

More like a mentally deranged individual that gained access to weapons due to this parents lack of safeguards against exposing the firearms to theft.

This has nothing directly to do with morals. In order to have or be able to make a moral judgement, one must have full control of their individual faculty. This individual did not. The criminally deranged do not have the same mental status as a "moral" person does.

Even someone that seemingly is "normal" and snaps, thus doing a deed such as a mall or school shooting, no longer operates in the mental or moral world that the average sane or "moral" person does.

This tragic event will be molded and twisted to feed the needs of the anti gun crowd as weel as the pro gun crowd and the "bring God back to the school" crowd. Everyone wil be "piling on" as it were to serve their own purpose.

The fact is when a persons mentality snaps to a level where good and evil, right and wrong are blurred and are indistinguishable, all morals have already been abandoned, not willingly, but by a mental lapse that leaves the individual in a state that we cannot comprehend as the average human individual. So saying that person has lost God or has no morals doesn't apply.

Which is exactly why we should have more locked up.
Knowledge. Your key to freedom from ignorance. Give it a try sometime.

You are correct in that knowledge is freedom from ignorance. The Bible is full of the ultimate knowledge of our Creator and it is your choice to accept it or reject it. I choose to accept it.
I'm not going to deny that removal of God from every aspect of our country has created a culture where evil abounds. And what I'm about to say is probably merely a symptom of that.

I have been saying for several years, at least since Columbine, that at least part of the reason for the increase of mass murders in the past 20 years or so is the 24-hour news. If you do something really big, your name will be said at least 1000 times a day for weeks on end. In a broken mind, this is good stuff.....they won't be forgotten.

Today on Facebook is a mass post crediting Morgan Freeman making comments to this effect. If he really said it, THANK YOU. Finally someone is waking up and smelling the coffee.

Though I suspect that he really didn't say it....

"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."

Personally, I think that someone that does something like this should be purged from the news. Their name and photo prevented to be shown on the news, deleted from public documents, all records that this person actually existed removed. Yeah, I know, sounds like what they did in the Soviet Union. So be it.
I find taking advantage of such tragic episodes to advance religious beliefs rather odious.

Presuming belief in superstition as the answer to society's ills is very disingenuous.

"Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had (have)[sic] here..."
@kwimby well I thank God whom u call a "Superstitious" entity that we all men created equally and were endowed certian inalienable rights such as the right to bear arms and to exercise the freedom of free speach. Hmm hold on shouldnt you be thankful that our founding fathers belief in "Superstition" blessed U? I assume you exercise your imaginable right to free speach and right to bear arms? Or is that inalienable rights? Pick one or the other.
@kwimby well I thank God whom u call a "Superstitious" entity that we all men created equally and were endowed certian inalienable rights such as the right to bear arms and to exercise the freedom of free speach. Hmm hold on shouldnt you be thankful that our founding fathers belief in "Superstition" blessed U? I assume you exercise your imaginable right to free speach and right to bear arms? Or is that inalienable rights? Pick one or the other.
I also find the propensity to randomly switch the subjective emphasis from religion to constitutionality a rather odious, not to mention fallacious debating tactic as well. Look up "moving the goal post."
Your ignorance invites me to inform you that my entier post is about Light. That is righteousness. The topic and post was my creation, you were offended because you have a heart filled with darkness. Repent judgement and hell is guaranteed. You and those who are offended by truth will have your place in the lake of fire. Repent.
Needed Response

The same Constitution that provides our 2A Rights also provides right to singular voices that have made Gods presence in many venues impossible to defend. Anti-God groups use every tactic under the law to render his presence in our orderly public society obsolete.
A resent attempt by an Anti-God group to change the logo for the city of Steubenville, Ohio resulted in a resolute response by the citizens not to knuckle under and fight. The city received offers from 6 large attorney groups to fight any suit resulting from the attach at no expense to the city. I am proud to know I was born and raised with the people of Steubenville, they set an example of what needs to be done today when the rights of the many are threatened by a few.
We as Americans are responsibile for what we have allowed to happen within our nations boundaries, we alone must change for anything around us to change.
The same Constitution that provides our 2A Rights also provides right to singular voices that have made Gods presence in many venues impossible to defend. Anti-God groups use every tactic under the law to render his presence in our orderly public society obsolete.
A resent attempt by an Anti-God group to change the logo for the city of Steubenville, Ohio resulted in a resolute response by the citizens not to knuckle under and fight. The city received offers from 6 large attorney groups to fight any suit resulting from the attach at no expense to the city. I am proud to know I was born and raised with the people of Steubenville, they set an example of what needs to be done today when the rights of the many are threatened by a few.
We as Americans are responsibile for what we have allowed to happen within our nations boundaries, we alone must change for anything around us to change.

Watch and see, the Anti's be it God or Guns have to eliminate God before they can alter the inalienable rights. With inaleinable out of the way they can now talk about repeal or altering any of the Bill of Rights.
Great point golo that may be their ultimate goal

I'm with you on all you have said in this post, I am a Holiness Pastor of a church and this is what we have gotten by taken God out of our's lifes. We all were created to worship and serve God and him only, and he is coming soon.
Great point golo that may be their ultimate goal
Quite simply, the ultimate goal is some form of Marxist state. We are about to see how far we can go in that direction peacefully.

Disarming the people and making God irrelevant are two requirements for total takeover. A Bolshevik-Lenin-Stalin styled revolution/purge just isn't practical in a free society.

Cheapening human life is a third. We are well on our way there too, with abortions, assisted suicide, and Obamacare death panels.

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Thank you and amen Mojoman. Our nation has forgoten how temporal our world is and should rejoice at the oppertunity to repent to turn and face God with outstreached arms to recieve Him once again.
Religion just opens the path for people to get practice lying to themselves until they're able to convince themselves of whatever falsehood suits their world view. They call their hate "love," congregate weekly for prayers that aren't any less creepy or more effective than voodoo rituals, and they think "I'm" the strange one because I don't do it too. A very large portion of the country is freakin' nuts! They call their self-delusions "enlightenment." They call their bigotry "patriotism." They call their imposition of belief into our legal system and schools "freedom." Everything about Christianity in the USA is f'd-up all the way to the core. There is not one redeemable quality about it.
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