New Jersey Open and Concealed Carry Laws and Information

You don't think the bill proposed in Nov or the current lawsuit will do anything to lessen the ccw restrictions?

if you read the brief submitted by the AG you'll see the mindset in place and if the judge thinks like her nothing will statement she wrote;
if we allow citizens to carry violent gun crimes will increase, while some may carry for protection others will use them to committ crime...
to me that says even if you pass a background check you cant be trusted
imo...even if the justifiable part was removed nj is still a "may issue"state, they will continue to deny on public safety reasons,which by itself is constitutional if you apply that argument to the 1st amendment ..but a cleo can deny the FID for public safety even though scotus said we have a right to firearms what level do you determine public safety?..the only way to get true shall issue in nj is through legislation..if this went to the scotus; the court would have to say every state is to be shall issue..does anyone see that happening?? i dont....if it did I could see decades of arguments over the regulation and restrictions or a federal law regulating the carry of handguns and that would be a cold day in has to come from the state level not the court....until nj rids itself of liberal dems nothing will change......

I think, that by word of law, NJ is Shall Issue...just with a justifiable need restriction.

That's what makes New Jersey different than places like Washington DC. Instead of having an outright ban which usually gets overturned by a higher court, they have vague and ambiguous laws on the books, but those laws are up to the interpretation of law enforcement as well as the legal system, NOT you! In New Jersey, you are (supposedly) allowed to transport a handgun, unloaded and separated (ammo), but you must be travelling directly to a place where the gun is legal/lawful to use. How do you prove you were directly going to the range? Even if you are pulled over in the range parking lot, in New Jersey, it is basically comes down to your word against the word of law enforcement, and guess who wins that one. Luck should not have to come into play here.

Brian Aitken was abused by the New Jersey legal system, and so was the individual who had his luggage/gun accidentially flown to Newark International Airport, after which he was charged with unlawful use of a handgun when he tried to retrieve it!

It's practically a fool-proof system, and it's wrong.
It'll be a cold day in Hell...

It's bad enough that I have to disarm myself of my rights when I visit that state, but it will surely be a cold day in Hell before I'd ever even CONSIDER living in New Jersey!
Well if senator Barbara Boxer has her way, we will ALL be in a NJ.
I received this from VCDL.

From Link Removed

By Sen. Barbara Boxer's office
January 22, 2011

Washington, D.C. ˚ U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today announced that next week she will introduce the Common-Sense Concealed Firearms Act of 2011, which would require all states that allow residents to carry concealed weapons in public to have minimum standards for granting permits.

Senator Boxer said, "The tragic events in Tucson earlier this month are a reminder of why we need common-sense gun laws. This measure will establish reasonable permitting standards for Americans who wish to carry concealed firearms. According to a recent poll, more than 60 percent of respondents believe there should be a reasonable permitting process for those who wish to carry concealed firearms."

Senator Boxer's legislation would require all states that allow residents to carry concealed weapons to establish permitting processes that would include meaningful consultation with local law enforcement authorities to determine whether the permit applicant is worthy of the public trust and has shown good cause to carry a concealed firearm.

Currently, two states do not permit residents to carry concealed firearms, while three states, including Arizona, allow residents to carry concealed firearms in public without a permit. The other 45 states require residents to obtain permits to carry concealed firearms, but the majority of these states would not meet the standard set in this bill.

Senator Boxer plans to introduce the legislation when the Senate reconvenes next week.
its lawmakers like Boxer that want a comunist rule type of removing individuality from the citizens and have us think and walk as one....her bill is crapola
many states recognize self defense as "good cause" and how does she propose to determine who or how you are worthy of public trust?.... if you pass a background check
thats should be enough to indicate trust..she just wants to disarm everybody without losing her job.....

But I'm sure she would think that being a senator is "good cause" or else she has a paid contingent of armed security personnel for herself.
I would have more respect for her bill if is wanted uniform standards of qualification, like a drivers license, ...a background check, a written test, and a range/accuracy test.

Figures she's from California!
If the law-abiding citizens cannot carry, the only one that are carrying are the criminals making everyone of us fair game. It's BS and I cannot wait to leave this state, I guess that's why they call NJ the armpit of America.
Regarding the NJ gun laws - not true that the bad guys have open season on law abiding citizens, but LEO's have open season also on law abiding citizens. Time to get out of jersey and other eastern states with the exception of N.H. and VT.
Once the fire arm is in your house there is nothing they can do :biggrin:. Go to the local police department and request the paperwork for your firearms ID card and pistol permit (i think you can purchase/register up to 3 handguns per permit). Get printed, pay way too much money and wait a while and when you get the F.A. ID card and the pistol permits you can then register the handgun. You might have to go to a licensed dealer to have them verify the state transfer of the gun. I could be a little off on the pistol permit part but i know you have to get the stupid fire arms id card to have a handgun or long gun in NJ.

yeah...a little off... leasantry:

In NJ, the Firearms Purchaser Identification Card is needed to purchase a long gun or ammo. IIRC, it is NOT needed to own anything. The pistol can request up to 3 at a time...are needed to purchase pistols IN THE STATE OF NJ...not for registering pistols you move into the state with. There is no mandatory pistol registration...there is voluntary, but can't imagine why anybody would voluntarily register their guns with the state.
I've done most of my instructor level training in NJ. I routinely bring my gun from NYS to NJ. I lock the gun action, then lock the gun in its case, then lock the case to a hook in my trunk. Ammo (God forbid you have a hollowpoint) is locked in another container, also locked to a hook in my trunk. I always ensure I have my NYS CCW permit and documentation to prove I'm going to a class.

Sweatin' all the way. It's like a deoderant commercial... "BC1 used Ban Roll-on under his right arm and the leading deoderant under his left before entering the state of NJ with a handgun. Now that he's returned, let's see which worked best! And let's check to see if how well those 'depends' underwear work!"

I used to live in NJ but moved to NC and bought a handgun. But its illegal for me to even bring my gun over the state border of NJ because i'm from out of state. Especially since i'm going to NJ and not just passing through. Can't even lock it up in the trunk (guy got arrested and sent to jail (although released) for just that. If I can't prove I need it, its illegal.
No it is not illegal to bring a handgun into the state of N.J. if you don't live there altho you must follow the rules of n.j.2 c code about locking them in the trunk. Yes I know a guy got arrested for doing the same but but he went about it the wrong way and the Police Officer was wrong in makeing the arrest. No it is not illegal to have Hollow Point or soft Point ammo in your possesion as long as you are going to a shooting range or are returning from a store where you have just purchased same. N.J. has a volantary register of handguns that you can do with a weapon from out of state if you wish to I do not know why anyone would but you can. I would suggest that you write down the Make Model and calibre along with the serial number and take same to the local Police department and request a volantary registration form which is the same as a regular registration form fill out same and go home. There is no repeat no need for the Police Department to see the weapon.