New Jersey Open and Concealed Carry Laws and Information


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I'm missing a few things on here. Please take a look and if you can fill in some of the info, post it here or send me a PM/Email.
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To summarize:

Don't even bother trying to get a concealed weapons permit in New Jersey. You waste money and will always be denied.

Unless you are a former NJ cop with ties to powerful government figures.
Unless you are a former NJ cop with ties to powerful government figures.

...-OR- you are a powerful government figure, -OR- a bigshot celebrity. All others need not apply.

You waste money and will always be denied.

...and P.S., you'll put any future efforts to legally acquire CCW in jeopardy, by having previously been denied.
In terms of gun rights, NJ really does suck.

However, if I am following the news correctly, there is a bill in the US House of Rep. that would require all states to honor any CCW permit issued by another state.

You'd still have to follow the law in whatever state you're in, of course, and it wouldn't apply in the two states that don't allow CC at all.

But NJ *DOES* allow CC with a permit, so if this passes, anyone with a valid permit/license from any other state would be allowed to CC in NJ.

I would love to see this happen... Doubt it will, but I'd love to see Jersey people freaking out over what is really a non-issue.
Carry in nj

I guess I should give up! Would like to carry as I'm a store owner and carry the money to the bank. Ron
To summarize:

Don't even bother trying to get a concealed weapons permit in New Jersey. You waste money and will always be denied.

Unless you are a former NJ cop with ties to powerful government figures.

New Jersey is as bad as the state of new york city. Impossible to get a permit in NYC unless you have tons of money, a politican such as Schummer, or belong to the corrupt NYCPD and cannot forget one needs deep knee pads.
from VA to NJ

I've been looking and looking but I can't seem to find the answer to my questions...

I have a valid CC Permit from VA.
I moved to NJ.
Can I transfer it?
It's illegal to have an unresgitered gun in NJ but I can't register it if I don't have a permit to have it here in's a catch 22!

What's a girl to do?
Should I just go to the police chief ask him all these questions and hope he doesn't arrest me for having an unregistered gun?
I've been looking and looking but I can't seem to find the answer to my questions...

I have a valid CC Permit from VA.
I moved to NJ.
Can I transfer it?
It's illegal to have an unresgitered gun in NJ but I can't register it if I don't have a permit to have it here in's a catch 22!

What's a girl to do?
Should I just go to the police chief ask him all these questions and hope he doesn't arrest me for having an unregistered gun?

Having a VA permit will not help you get one in NJ. There is no mandatory gun registration in NJ. If you want to buy ammo you will need to get a NJ Firearms Purchaser ID Card
if you legally own a gun in one state and move to NJ you are not required to register it,,
NJ does not issue carry permits to private citizens ,and will not honor any other state permit,
in NJ if you buy ammo that can be used in handguns; you will need an F.P.I D card,,
in NJ the fire arms purchaser's I.D card allows you to purchase long guns and handgun ammo,
its legal to buy ammo online without the card.....
in NJ you need a pistol purchase permit to buy a HG and buying is limited to one HG a month...

go to the local PD and apply for the FPID...a background check by the local,state pd and FBI
is can take 3 weeks to 6 months to be approved depending on the town....
sad but true.....
I've been looking and looking but I can't seem to find the answer to my questions...

I have a valid CC Permit from VA.
I moved to NJ.
Can I transfer it?
It's illegal to have an unresgitered gun in NJ but I can't register it if I don't have a permit to have it here in's a catch 22!

What's a girl to do?
Should I just go to the police chief ask him all these questions and hope he doesn't arrest me for having an unregistered gun?

I went the other direction. NJ to Va.
Ok here goes,

  1. In NJ your Va CCW is worth exactly... SQUAT ~ Don't bother applying for one as you will be denied unless you have a very good reason or are well connected. The denial will affect you getting one in the future elsewhere.
  2. What you would need is a firearms ID which you can apply for at any police dept. (you need one to buy ammo)
  3. Go to the police station and ask them you questions saying you have a CCW in VA and you would like to bring your firearm up north from virginia (where it is currently stored) because you enjoy going to the range. What would you need to do. Normally you would need a purchase permit issued by the police and a certified gun shop does the transfer when the sale is made. Since you already own one I would assume the gun shop can do the transfer paperwork.
  4. Also here's a tidbit of information from the ridiculous NJ file, unless they change the laws since I left, in NJ you can sell hollow points, you can buy hollow points, but it is illegal to possess hollow points

Samlee, I have to ask...I know Virginia in not all that but ...WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? NJ?? LOL
I went the other direction. NJ to Va.
Ok here goes,

  1. In NJ your Va CCW is worth exactly... SQUAT ~ Don't bother applying for one as you will be denied unless you have a very good reason or are well connected. The denial will affect you getting one in the future elsewhere.
  2. What you would need is a firearms ID which you can apply for at any police dept. (you need one to buy ammo)
  3. Go to the police station and ask them you questions saying you have a CCW in VA and you would like to bring your firearm up north from virginia (where it is currently stored) because you enjoy going to the range. What would you need to do. Normally you would need a purchase permit issued by the police and a certified gun shop does the transfer when the sale is made. Since you already own one I would assume the gun shop can do the transfer paperwork.
  4. Also here's a tidbit of information from the ridiculous NJ file, unless they change the laws since I left, in NJ you can sell hollow points, you can buy hollow points, but it is illegal to possess hollow points

Samlee, I have to ask...I know Virginia in not all that but ...WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? NJ?? LOL

What transfer paperwork? She doesn't need to transfer her gun via FFL to move into the state...unlike NY. Unless I'm mis-reading your statement.....
In NJ registration in volintary, but you must have a "Fire Arms Purchaser Identification Card" to keep possesion of your guns(I believe you have a 90 day window to apply if you want to stay legal). I was in the same boat when I moved to NJ ie brought my guns with me from another state.The fact that you asked if you can transfer a CC card you have from another state shows your very new to NJ......... Forget about it!!!! Unless your a retired LEO its next to impossible to legally carry in NJ.My advice would be, don't mention you have guns now to your PD...... Just go and apply for your card.The posted link is to NJ fire arm law and card qualifications. BTW the part in it saying "unless good cause for denyal is found ..... shall be granted within 30 days" is a joke.
Good Luck

NJ Criminal Statutes, Court Rules Jury Charges: 2C:58-3 Purchase of firearms.
There is Hope




Today, ANJRPC joined in an historic federal lawsuit challenging provisions of New Jersey law that effectively deny law-abiding citizens the civil right to defend themselves with a firearm outside the home.
The suit, brought together with The Second Amendment Foundation and six private citizens, challenges the constitutionality of New Jersey ’s extreme and subjective "justifiable need” standard for issuance of handgun carry permits – a nearly impossible standard to meet that has all but eliminated the right of self defense with a firearm in the Garden State . A copy of the complaint is available here.
"The fundamental right to defend yourself does not evaporate when you walk out your front door,” said ANJRPC President Scott Bach. "The U.S. Supreme Court has recently made it clear that this right belongs to all Americans. This lawsuit will ensure that New Jersey finally stops denying its citizens this basic freedom.”
40 states currently have laws recognizing the right of law abiding citizens to carry a handgun for self defense, 28 of which have been enacted in just the last two decades. Despite the mountain of evidence showing that sustained reductions in violent crime rates result after enactment of these laws, New Jersey has refused to modernize its own laws, instead choosing to imperil its citizens and force them to remain defenseless victims against armed criminals who don’t follow the law.
"It’s no mystery why violent crime rates plummet wherever Right to Carry laws are enacted” said Bach. "Criminals go somewhere else when they think their victims might be armed. When predators can’t tell the difference between the sheep and the wolves, the whole flock is safer.”
New Jersey ’s outdated gun laws – including its carry laws – are based on the false premise that the right to keep and bear arms is a privilege to be granted by the state – or not. The U.S. Supreme Court has recently held the exact opposite – that the Second Amendment protects a fundamental individual right belonging to all Americans that cannot be prohibited by state or local governments.
One of the plaintiffs in the new lawsuit is a kidnap victim, another is a part-time sheriff’s deputy, a third carries large amounts of cash in his private business and another is a civilian employee of a law enforcement agency. The fact that such persons are unable to qualify for a New Jersey carry permit underscores how arbitrary and unreasonable the Garden State ’s laws are. " New Jersey ’s carry laws are blatantly unconstitutional,” said Bach. "We intend to change that.”

Join The Fight!

Support ANJRPC’S Efforts to Restore The Second Amendment in the Garden State .


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New Jersey sucks. The bad guys know we can't carry, which is why the crime rate is so high. We will never be allowed to carry in NJ.

I really hate it here and want to move to PA. I ride my motorcycle in PA and can carry in PA, and almost every other state.

New Hampshire was the best, it only took 14 days from door to door.