National Concealed Carry Permit before U.S. Senate

I guess you have a point there.

The "Public Gathering" law has been repealed since June of 2010. Georgia also has state pre-emption on gun laws so the local "yokels" won't be passing any laws to - as FN puts it - trip you up. There are local ordinances regarding discharge of your weapon - most of which have an exemption for self-defense...

I thought that it had been repealed, thank goodness. I remember reading about some judges intepretations of what a public gathering was and am sure it was not what the legislature intended when it originally passed that law. As for local laws on discharging your firearm there are many cities and towns in SC, and probably other states that have a law against discharging a weapon inside the city limits. If you read the law you realize that it makes no exception for self-defense, LEO, or any other person or reason. It also includes bow and arrow, slingshot and any other similar item. Since this law requires selective enforcement and depends on other laws to override it then it is non-enforceable. If charged you would probably have to take it on up the line to higher courts but there is no way that it can be legitimate law and enforced. I would point that out to the city council but then they may change it to something that is enforceable.
Hearing Scheduled for H.R. 822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011

Friday, September 09, 2011

For months we have been reporting on a critically important bill: H.R. 822—the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011. This vital NRA-backed legislation, introduced earlier this year by Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) will enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states.

Thanks to much hard work and action taken by NRA and our members, H.R. 822 has now garnered 242 cosponsors in the U.S. House. On Tuesday, September 13, the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security will hold a hearing on the bill.

House Weighs Bill to Make Gun Permits Valid Across State Lines

Lawmakers are considering a House bill that would give Americans who hold permits to carry firearms in their home states the right to carry their weapons across state lines.

National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act Scheduled for House Floor on Tuesday— Contact Your U.S. Representative Immediately!

H.R. 822—the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011” is scheduled for a vote on the U.S. House floor this Tuesday, November 15. We’ve told you the truth about why the legislation is very good for gun owners and now it is imperative that you contact your U.S. Representative IMMEDIATELY and urge him or her to vote for H.R. 822 WITH NO AMENDMENTS.

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House approves rule for concealed weapons bill

The House on Tuesday approved the rule for legislation that would require states to recognize each other's concealed weapons permits.

Members approved the bill in a 271-153 vote in which 35 Democrats voted with every Republican.

The House moved immediately to special order speeches, and will take up debate on the concealed weapons bill, H.R. 822, and various amendments, later in the week.
The dissenting opinion is replete with errors and incorrect statements. More of the same garbage. If the Dems really wanted a solution they would amend the bill to preclude those with certain convictions and require mandatory training. But that would end their argument against guns altogether.
Im going to have to side with this is a bad idea. im going to visit family for thanksgiving and fortunately im covered across the four states. Although pouring over all the different state statutes is kind of a pain, but educational. if a state doesnt recognize my permit then like any business that has a gunbuster sign up... Screw 'em. I dont think ant state should be forced to accept another states choice on concealed carry. You can hate me for this but gun ownership rights and concealed carry priveldges are two whole different concepts. I dont want to have california state choices forced on me and I dont want my kansas way of life forced on anyone else. Your states allow convealed carry? Awesome. Your state denies concealed carry? Good luck with that.
guys we need this law and it not given to anyone to handle. its passive. who they going arrest. the cops for stopping a permitt holder, no!