Mob at Wisconsin State Fair Racially Motivated?

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Since we can't legally conceal carry yet in Wisconsin, I guess I would have gotten beaten up like the rest of them.
I've been trying to tell yall the youth of today is not the turn the other cheek generation!!! But no you guys still wanna make racially motivated remarks like watermelon stand etc..... I don't feel bad at all when I hear things like this people are sick and refuse to take any more crap from anyone!!!!!! On this site I see racial post everyday!!!!! So LMAO they got what you guys been putting out SO STOP _UCKING WITH PEOPLE!!!!!!
A racist has no color code in my book,a gang, group or anyone looking at jumping myself, my family will have a 45 issue.
I've been trying to tell yall the youth of today is not the turn the other cheek generation!!! But no you guys still wanna make racially motivated remarks like watermelon stand etc..... I don't feel bad at all when I hear things like this people are sick and refuse to take any more crap from anyone!!!!!! On this site I see racial post everyday!!!!! So LMAO they got what you guys been putting out SO STOP _UCKING WITH PEOPLE!!!!!!

Detroit, while I agree with your post in spirit, in practice, no amount of racist banter merits violence. There's a reason the First Amendment is first. Even hardcore racists have the right to speak. Even march down the street in sheets, and trample the Israeli flag, and use the "n" word at every opportunity.

I don't like it, and I don't think the little racist jibes you find here are useful or productive in any way, but it is someone's right to say them.

And, of course, it is also your right to respond.

But no one has the right to harm another person for what they say, save a direct and believable threat to one's life.
.... and I don't expect to find that our malcreants (mobbies, gangstas) were verbally goaded into their little idea of fun and games.

You got frustrations? Ain't that a shame! Trust me, we all do, to some extent. The test of adulthood is how you "deal with" your frustrations in life. You go over to the mob mentality..... You fail the test.

You go over to the mob mentality on ME.... let's just say that my "concern" for your frustrations will be overridden by concern for my safety and that of my family.

There is a reason why I have an AR-15 and a combat shotgun.... defence of "Castle" versus mob violence.

You see, I too, remember the days of rage in Watts/Detriot, et al. Not so much for the "rage" part but concerns for survival. Considering some of the "organized" Dem/Lib/Prog "demonstrations" over the last few years.... I can see where they could "break out" into serious levels of violence right quickly in certain circumstances.

Forewarned ARE forearmed!

Anyway, we are to surmise that the "racial" digs, smarmy remarks are off limits to the "Honkies" but OK for the "Brothers"?

Sorry, never really got into the "Politically Correct", walk around Blacks like eggshells mode of "proper behavior".

I treat every individual as an equal. I treat every individual with curtesy and respect. I expect no less in return. If you are "Cool", you will be treated well. If you are arrogant, I will do everything in my power to deflate your ego. If you mistreat or disrespect me, you will receive the same. If you try to make me into a potential victim of your malace, I will do everything in my power to pop a cap in your ass.

I set no one up as an enemy. I only defend myself against those who want me to be THEIR enemy.

Oh, I don't "turn the other cheek"..... good way to get REALLY stomped!

I've been trying to tell yall the youth of today is not the turn the other cheek generation!!! But no you guys still wanna make racially motivated remarks like watermelon stand etc..... I don't feel bad at all when I hear things like this people are sick and refuse to take any more crap from anyone!!!!!! On this site I see racial post everyday!!!!! So LMAO they got what you guys been putting out SO STOP _UCKING WITH PEOPLE!!!!!!
What about those of us who might be attacked, who aren't racist? We deserve it? Who's the real racist when I'm attacked? Trust me, I'm leaving with the ear. If you want it you can follow me to the hospital.
BC1 you Lil coward you are racist what's this about a mixed couple in 1961 and abortion????? So stop acting like you don't post racially motivated things!!!!! You my friend need to read your own post and think about what image you project!!!!
BC1 you Lil coward you are racist what's this about a mixed couple in 1961 and abortion????? So stop acting like you don't post racially motivated things!!!!! You my friend need to read your own post and think about what image you project!!!!

This seems to be the "thug" mentality coming out. Don't forget, this can be a two-way street so don't incite more than you can stand up to. The ramifications of this can lead to some very serious consequences.
Feel safe behind that keyboard do ya? Pussy. You'd last about 5 seconds anywhere within 20 yards of me.
We have reports from people who experienced it, of the black mob moving from car to car, looking into windshiels first: If the people in the car were black, they moved on; if the people in the car were white, they were attacked. Yet the most the media will do is say "some claim racially motivated." And the police are "investigating."

I think it would help if we had fair and EVENHANDED news coverage in the country, but we do not. Whenever I hear a tale where race is at all involved, I mentally flip it: Imagine the response if this had been a white mob attacking black people leaving the fair.

If white people formed an organization called "The Race" (that's "La Raza" in Spanish) and had the motto "For the Race, everything, for those outside the Race, nothing," can you imagine the outcry? Yet when Hispanics do this it is encouraged by many.

Spike Lee tells us "only whites can be racists." Yeah, sure.... Just as good guys and assholes come in all colors, so do racists.

Everyone needs to stop obsessing over race and just concentrate on the fact we're all Americans (exept 15 million illegals who need to be deported), we all bleed red and we're all in this together.

"Hate crime" laws are BS, they require a jury to read the mind of the accused to determine motivation. We should just concentrate on the crime.

In a way, these mob attacks are a good warning -- if they get adequate news coverage. We all need to think about survival in a mob attack situation. "What would you do in this situation?" was asked early in the thread. Well, a car is a pretty good weapon of you realize it doesn't matter how many you kill and maim so long as you and yours survive. People need to realize these mobs are deadly; and all-out, no mercy, total response is the only way to survive. In the Rodney riots, Reginald Denny was pulled from his truck and beaten until he was pretty much brain dead, because he stupidly stopped instead of using his 80,000 lb. weapon to survive.

Avoid population centers. But if you must visit a population center, be aware this kind of stuff will be happening more and more. At home, I walk around with a 1911 in my waistband and I'm fine. If I have to visit a city, I start stuffing extra magazines into my cargo pants, my wife carries extra speed loaders.

This is the world we live in, and it's going to get a lot worse.
LOL all you can do is get me banned like you guys been doing oldgrunt LMAO I return!!!!

Detroit: I have never tried to have you banned under either of your account names. I would rather you stay on here and amuse us with your diatribe. I have noticed your constant nagging has elicited some strong remarks from people who would otherwise have no racial fanaticism. From some of the programs I have seen about Detroit, I can understand how you have developed your hatred. The once nice areas of Detroit have now turned into slums or ghettos. Who caused it? Who commits most of the crime there? I don't think it will ever end until people like you decide to turn it around and catch up to modern society. Quit being a victim and help turn your community into a safe and nice place to live. Cut out the jive, give up ebonics and learn to speak properly and act human, not like animals. Is that beyond your grasp?
You're a punk!!!! 20 yards and I'm a pussy LMAO???? What can't fight with your hands coward???? I'll beat the snot outta you chump !!!! You need a gun??? F--king sissy!!!
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