Man Shoots 16-Year-Old Mugger

Your proficiency is to be applauded.......

If someone is standing at my truck window, pointing a gun in my face

But simple situational awareness will avoid someone at your truck window pointing a gun at you.

FBI statistics compiled from over a century of record keeping suggests that most fights resulting in a justified homicide typically come down to three, three, and three ∷ three shots in three seconds at about three feet away.

I don’t know… hope I never have to find out. BUT, three shots, four… five… the whole mag… WHATEVER, the key is to have done due diligence in training for the fight. Know your game plan by heart, and be prepared for multiple scenarios. Be able to draw, shoot and eliminate the threat (or threats) in short order.

Check out the following image...


This is the signature image for Link Removed… it illustrates the sorts of scenarios you need to practice and be prepared for!

And, by the way... mentally preparing for "after the engagement" is just as important. Being able to compose yourself following the adrenaline dump that results from a firefight will be crucial to your ability to gather the details needed to provide emergency responders an accurate picture of what transpired. LEO’s will be using your statements and the information you provide as a basis for determining whether your actions were justified… as well as any others who witnessed the action. So, you'll need to be able to communicate the perceived threat, and that your ONLY desire was to STOP the threat with clarity!

Good and thorough training will give you the advantage—as the image above demonstrates, the bg’s are taken by surprise when their intended victim suddenly responds with fluidity (I know, it’s staged and this example is not really real!). BUT, the point is… you can be prepared to react with the speed and accuracy of a rattle snake!

Training is KEY!
So as not to go back 3 pages:

Elliott Firby was driving home from his overnight job at the post office when he saw a pick up truck get behind him. When Firby began to unlock his front gate, the truck stopped at his house.

"A guy jumps out of the passenger side with a pump shotgun, tells me to 'give it up sir, give it up sir'. I immediately reached for my weapon in my pocket and did what I had to do to keep from being killed," Firby said.

Firby pulled out a handgun and shot the armed mugger in the stomach. The would-be mugger hobbled back in the truck and drove off, and Firby called 911. Police later found the 16-year-old suspect in the hospital emergency room. They say Firby did the right thing.

So the guy had no situational awareness. Let's just say that, had it been ME, it never would have happened. Putting that aside, HE shot the guy ONCE in the stomach, and we will assume that said shotgun-weilding perp had the good health to "hobble" away, maybe still armed. Was this a good thing?

In HIS situation, would I have allowed the perp to "hobble" away? The guy is holding a pump shotgun vs my little pistol. Why not shoot the shotgun out of his hands and tell him to go on home like a good boy?

Honestly now, how many of you out there would shoot the guy once - ONE TIME - and then call 9-1-1 as he "hobbled" away? Like Redhat and HK4U opined, you remove the threat. With one shot? Obviously, that didn't do the trick - the perp was still ambulatory and probably still armed. I doubt any LEO is going to fault someone for shooting more than once and letting the paramedics take him to the hospital.
It might be interesting to hear the explanation to law enforcement as to how a perp constituted a threat as he hobbled away, so you shot him in the back. ???

Contentions of "self defense" and entry wounds in the back do not go together... :no: . ask your local prosecutor.
It might be interesting to hear the explanation to law enforcement as to how a perp constituted a threat as he hobbled away, so you shot him in the back. ???

Contentions of "self defense" and entry wounds in the back do not go together... :no: . ask your local prosecutor.

...edit..... really, I'm not trying to pick a fight, or be disrespectful to anyone. I fully support shooting until the threat stops. HOWEVER, once the threat stops, I feel that my legal recourse to deadly force stops. If the perp goes down, OR if the perp GOES AWAY, the shooting should stop.

I'm an old fart, and have been where you folks are talking about. Think hard before you let emotion override judgement........
Did I ever say anything about shooting him in the back? Unless someone is carrying a single-shot derringer, it will be quite easy to squeeze off 3-4 shots into the CHEST AREA of the perp before he even had a chance to trun around and hobble off.

I would think that if he's walking and armed, he's still a threat. But I certainly would not shoot him in the back.
Did I ever say anything about shooting him in the back? Unless someone is carrying a single-shot derringer, it will be quite easy to squeeze off 3-4 shots into the CHEST AREA of the perp before he even had a chance to trun around and hobble off.

I would think that if he's walking and armed, he's still a threat. But I certainly would not shoot him in the back.

Im gonna chime in here: I agree with Jay, If the threat is hobbling away it is no longer a threat. You should continue to assess the situation by making sure the threat or threats have ceased to be threats, but shooting a former threat that is now going away will probably land you in jail.

Now, you may be able to put 3-4 rounds into the guy before he blinks, but you really wont know unless it actually happens to you. The guy in this scenario might not have been as skilled with his handgun (many people who carry think as long as they have a gun they are set...not true of course) as many of us. However, he did the right thing and shot until the threat was no longer a threat.

And saying he should have shot the shotgun out of his hands is, IMO, ridiculous. with the adrenaline pumping you would be lucky to put your shots within 4 inches of where you're "aiming" let alone hit a target such as a shotgun in the proper position that it would knock it out of the threats hands, not gonna happen, sorry.
I would think that if he's walking and armed, he's still a threat.

No sir, that may NOT be the case. If he's not walking toward you, or does not have a weapon that places you at risk (pointed at you ), HE IS NOT A THREAT.
I wonder what the mugger's family's reaction is. They're probably saying what a monster the shooter is and what a choir boy he is.
The Bottom line

mugger approaches armed and with intent
mugger gets shot
mugger is old enough to be tried as an adult
mugger ends up as bubba's bitch in the prison yard
in this situation, if for some reason you only did get off one shot (then something horrible happens like a malfunction), and the perp has the decentcy to turn and walk away. I believe your next action should be to find cover, and clear the malfunction while continueing to asses the situation, and if/since the perp/and his partner is/are still walking away and has not assumed another offensive position, then would be the time to use your support hand and phone the police for backup.

I'm not sure if using verbal commands to detain the perp until the calvery arrives would be the best idea in this situation, the perp does still have his shotty, and his partner... well who knows what kinds of mischief he's got planned. It might be a better idea to let them go on their way. And, then give good accurate descriptions of them to the police when they arrive. I'm sure a guy with a gunshot wound probably wont be going too far.

If you have other insight to this second part of the equation then I want to hear it.
I just saw the video interview with the man who shot the kid. With the Sarasota police in attendance. Didn't hear how many shots were fired, only tha tthe gun was a .380.

And (last word!), I certainly would NOT have shot the kid AFTER he turned away from me and attempted to flee, although I would certainly have been very careful that he didn't decide to turn around and open fire. But I would have pulled the trigger more than once to "stop the threat" while that pump shotgun was aimed at me. Especially with a .380.

The victim also stated that he shot the kid not only to protect himself, but to keep him outside of his gated property. His home had been vandalized, phone lines cut, security lighting broken...he definitely had the right to use deadly force.

The perp is now in the hospital, a minor teen who will probably be charged as an adult and jailed as soon as he is released rom the hospital.
If enough criminals are injured or shot while doing their crimes then maybe some of them will get the message that what they're doing is not a good idea.

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