Magazines charged in Ohio?


Proud Veteran
I live in Pa but I'm go to shoot at Thunder Valley Precision.

I only have a Pa LTCF which is not valid in Ohio.

Anyone know if it's legal for me to have magazines charged but not in the gun stored in the trrunk of my car?

I'd keep the charged magazines in a seperate pouch from the guns.

I live in Pa but I'm go to shoot at Thunder Valley Precision.

I only have a Pa LTCF which is not valid in Ohio.

Anyone know if it's legal for me to have magazines charged but not in the gun stored in the trrunk of my car?

I'd keep the charged magazines in a seperate pouch from the guns.


Sorry, that would still be illegal under Ohio law. If you got a non-resident license from Florida or Utah, you could legally carry charged handgun magazines. There is currently no way to legally carry charged long gun magazines in Ohio.

(5) “Unloaded” means any of the following:

(a) No ammunition is in the firearm in question, and no ammunition is loaded into a magazine or speed loader that may be used with the firearm in question and that is located anywhere within the vehicle in question, without regard to where ammunition otherwise is located within the vehicle in question. For the purposes of division (K)(5)(a) of this section, ammunition held in stripper-clips or in en-bloc clips is not considered ammunition that is loaded into a magazine or speed loader.

Lawriter - ORC - 2923.16 Improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle.