Local Fox News Survey on Arkansas Open Carry


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Our evening Fox news is sponsoring a survey on open carry since we have a bill in the senate. I was surprised to see the current response: 85.2 for and 14.8 against! Our Democrat Governor is against it and vetoed our guns-go-to-church bill in the past.


That is awsome...!
write to congress, your representatives to your governor and everyone you know.

spread the word and help to make it happen...!
Our evening Fox news is sponsoring a survey on open carry since we have a bill in the senate. I was surprised to see the current response: 85.2 for and 14.8 against! Our Democrat Governor is against it and vetoed our guns-go-to-church bill in the past.


Keep the source in mind when you are looking at the results of that survey, and take it with a grain of salt. What kind of results would you expect from a FOX News survey...other than a strong belief in that from the Fox audience?
The results may be completely different in the general populace.

Anti-gun folks are not the FOX NEWS type viewers. LOL!! So you have to consider the source.
Open carry

I'm from Iowa and we have open carry and ccw in our state although businesses have the right to post no guns allowed on there property (in there place of business) and we must respect there wishes. I don't watch fox news, so there audience does not have a monopoly on advocating gun rights. I plan on buying a handgun in the near future, and according to our new laws, if I am interpretting them right, my military discharge papers will qualify me for a ccw without further training. I am a firm believer that one who gets a handgun should get proper training whether or not it is required. It's just common sense. The right to carry is not just a right, but is a big responsibility as well. Some of the people I have noticed in these forums seem to lack maturity, and that is not good for gun rights activists. What happened in Arizona only adds ammo to anti-gunners. She was a supporter of gun rights herself.

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