New member
Hi everyone, I just join the forum and want to say hello and maybe learn some things from the most experienced of you, I am a member of the NRA, USCCA . I have had my CCDW permit since Oct 2010 and i am very new to this. The reason i decided to carry was to protect my family and myself. This world is getting more dangerous as i speak, A few years ago my son and i took a musky fishing trip in early summer on a small river in Estell co at a place call Jacks beautiful highway, it's the beginning of Staton Camp Creek. As we were floating and casting going down the stream, we heard something that sounded like firecrackers in the distance, as they got closer we realized that it was gun fire aiming at us in the creek, bullets were splashing everywhere. my son fell over board into the water,and so did i, we swam to the bank asking each other if we were alright? That was the first time that i felt violable, That we were going to be killed. They went on up the road, the shooting stopped when we fell in, i guess the thought they had hit one of us. after a while terrified we swam to the boat and got out of there! We contacted the State Police, and they said that they would drive thu there,but would not get out. That area was considered a POT Haven and we had probably came to close to a field. That's why i carry! I will not be in that situation again!:fie:
Explanation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The means to protect my family and myself, If all else Fails!
Explanation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The means to protect my family and myself, If all else Fails!
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