Is TSHTF right now?


Titles are un-American.
The nation's banking system seems to be really ailing right now...Link Removed and has been taken over by the federal government to ensure it doesn't explode.

Government-chartered mortgage entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lost a huge amount of their value during the week. They probably will require federal bailout, because they don't have the leverage to be able to raise cash in the private sector.

This isn't just mortgages we're talking about. A lot of securities are backed by the value of mortgages and those are what drive our debt solvency, which is what regulates the price of the dollar. It's basically all the same piece of yarn. We've built our financial house on imaginary value and now we're trying to convince people why they should continue to trust our credit rating.

The way markets are these days, if this really starts coming unraveled and the gov't isn't able to react quickly enough to stop it, this whole unstable system could just collapse within a matter of hours. Things start in the morning, and by lunchtime your dollar is worth nothing. That probably won't happen, but there's more of a chance of it happening than what anyone probably wants to admit right now.
Nothing new under the sun.

"The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank."
Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law

"Let me control a peoples currency and I care not who makes their laws."
Meyer Nathaniel Rothschild in a speech to a gathering of world bankers February 12, 1912. The following year, the USA subscribed to the 'services' of the newly incorporated Federal Reserve, headed by Mr. Rothschild.
Things are not really that bad at all. Stop listening to the news casts and you won't feel so concerned about things. Swings in the markets happen, historically speaking. This one is very typical.
That depends on how you look at it. It would probably be "new" to most of us who didn't live through the Depression.

True. What I really meant was what the NWO elite are doing to us is not new. It did not just start happening. They have been working against us for a long time. Step by step, a little by a little they have been moving in the direction of controle of the sheeple. Like the frog in water most Americans have not noticed.
Things are not really that bad at all. Stop listening to the news casts and you won't feel so concerned about things. Swings in the markets happen, historically speaking. This one is very typical.
Swings in the market happen but this is something different. This is not a media-generated problem. It's a chain reaction that could go very badly if it's not watched.

You go to the bank and get a mortgage. The bank takes that as a guarantee you're going to pay, and they take a bunch of those and give them to Fannie Mae. FNMA takes that debt and gives a thing back called a "mortgage-backed security" which is basically a product that banks can sell. These securities are sold all over the world as a commodity, like pork bellies or soybean. Various mutual and other funds are based on a composite of different products, and many of those are those mortgage securities.

Banks approved a lot of people for mortgages that they knew those people couldn't afford and they passed them on to FNMA. Those bad mortgages make for bad mortgage securities. Those bad securities make for bad mutual funds. Those bad mutual funds make for bad index funds...and other funds on top of those.

Now, this would all kind of be somewhat isolated, except for that many of these banks are heavily invested in mortgages - massive losses will cause them to fail. The government has to step in and bail them out, so that people will continue using banks. Our financial system is made out of those banks. Foreign governments buy US government bonds that are backed by securities issued by the government, and are somewhat dependent on the solvency of these banks. If that debt goes bad, it will cause a massive sell-off. Those foreign governments buying our debt is what drives the value of the dollar, and it's what causes our currency to be traded and used all over the world.

In other words...this whole thing is a house of cards that could come crashing down. It wouldn't hit the average person until the value of the dollar tanks 500% in a day, and by then it would be chaos.
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i don't think

it has it the fan yet, but is is enroute!!!! better get those supplies stored people. and get ready fr a long hard ride!!!
Yes, it could happen.

I'm just stocking up on guns, and TONS of ammo. If the SHTF and I need something, I'll attempt to pay for it. If that doesn't work, I'll just take what I need.
Yes, it could happen.

I'm just stocking up on guns, and TONS of ammo. If the SHTF and I need something, I'll attempt to pay for it. If that doesn't work, I'll just take what I need.

What you need to think about is that the people who have made plans for s-hitting the fan, have included the scenario of having to deal with people with your attitude. Your plan may work for a little while but wont last for long. Your money will not be worth anything, we will be on a barter system. If we cant trade for something we will learn to do without. If someone was to try to take by force what we have put aside for our family we will probably be adding their stuff to ours if you know what I mean.
What you need to think about is that the people who have made plans for s-hitting the fan, have included the scenario of having to deal with people with your attitude. Your plan may work for a little while but wont last for long. Your money will not be worth anything, we will be on a barter system. If we cant trade for something we will learn to do without. If someone was to try to take by force what we have put aside for our family we will probably be adding their stuff to ours if you know what I mean.

+1. If I have enough of what I need for my family and I to survive and can spare something to help someone else then that I will do. If I don't and someone tries to take it by force, well after that they will no longer need it.
Freemarket does have a down side. I bet there are a few folks wishing we hadn't gotten rid of those pesky regulations huh? I think instead of a bail out we should take a few CEO's out and shoot them. That might inspire the rest of them to think outside the box eh? These greedy bastards deserve no sympathy let the f"ing market crash. I hope they have the decency to start flinging themselves out their windows.
Things are not really that bad at all. Stop listening to the news casts and you won't feel so concerned about things. Swings in the markets happen, historically speaking. This one is very typical.

Yes, it's been two and a half months since this particular post, but are you ready to admit that you were wrong, Torch? Things aren't going very well right now, and they're probably going to get worse before they get better.

BTW, Gunny, I like the way you think!
We shouldn't pin this all on the CEOs. All sides share some blame in this - Clinton, Bush, the Fed, federal and state regulators, banks, Wall Street, MB/RE people and of course the customers. A lot of people saw this coming years ago and did nothing about it.

I had an MB license in 2003 and saw a lot of the graft that was going on - but anyone who brought up objections was immediately shouted down as a pessimist and an opponent of homeownership. To be honest, I didn't realize how much bad investment was actually being made. I figured, banks would have a bad quarter or two, some idiots would get foreclosed on, and that would be that.

Other people who had a more comprehensive view, though, were able to see what types of debts were going to turn bad and when. They couldn't have possibly not known that this was going to hit the fan in a bad way.'ll be interesting to see if we can make it to 2009 without our economy completely losing bladder control and pissing all of our money away.
keep in mind guys that we are in an election year, just a little over a month away, and the liberals are pulling out the plugs on placing total blame on Republicans (conservatives) in order to make nobama look like he knows how to solve all that ails us. as for a depression, the enviorment is not even close now as it was then, the unemployment, the mortage failures are not even in the same zip code. is the market in a bad state of affairs, yep it sure is, iis it reason to panic, not yet, but it is reason to make sure you are prepared for whatever happens.
i have this feeling

that whatever bill passes and the president signs, it will only delay the inevitable. time to use THE FORCE!!:agree: