Is Freedom Lost On The Next Generation?

A very well written article, partially by Charlton Heston, in Guns & Ammo magazine.

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Not only do most kids today not have a clue to anything in the constitution but neither do most of their parents. You would have to go back a couple of generatios at least to find the public schools teaching the constitution. The little that is taught is for the most part from a left leaning direction. The NEA has done it's job in helping to dumb down the students.
This same group are the ones who will be voting on our laws and selection of government officials. We really have lost our way in many ways in this country.
This same group are the ones who will be voting on our laws and selection of government officials. We really have lost our way in many ways in this country.

Proof of that is that one campaign's only "substance" is "HOPE" & "CHANGE"!

Got those my age hook, line, & sinker.....ignroance must be bliss!:bicycle:

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