Internet Movie Firearms Database


Titles are un-American.
This is an interesting site...they try to identify the firearms used in various scenes in movies.

Interestingly, the 92FS seems to be a popular "villain gun" in the Terminator series.
I've always wondered what kind of gun (the cricket) that was Will Smith and his partner used in Men in Black :).
Internet Movie Site

Tatted, that was a toy dummied up for the movie. Now, in Red Heat, with the Governator and Jim Belushi, Arnold carried a fictional 9.2mm Russian pistol. It was reworked from a Desert Eagle by one of Hollywood's top gunsmith's. Robert Blake, in 'Electraglide in Blue' carried the gun I want. it was a Colt Python, 4"barrel, with a blued steel frame and bright nickel cylinder and barrel. Cool looking gun!
Thanks for the link, great site!

Look on the left side of the site and click on "GUNS". You can select a firearm and see what shows they were on. I just picked up a S&W Mod 36 today and in the Smith book it says they shipped one to Jack Webb for Dragnet and it sold at auction for $6,000.

The Smith and Wesson Model 36 was used in the following movies, television series, anime, and video games:

Smith and Wesson Model 36, .38 snubnose

The Smith and Wesson model 36 or "The Snubnose" is famous as being one of the first "Belly Guns" used often by Detectives and Police officers as a secondary weapon strapped to the ankle or stuck in the waist of the pants. It holds 5 .38 special bullets on a right rotating cylinder.

Shawn Doyle as Jack Shepard in Frequency
Gene Hackman in French Connection II
Art LaFleur as Captain Sears and Andrew Robinson as Detective Monte in Cobra
Tatted, that was a toy dummied up for the movie. Now, in Red Heat, with the Governator and Jim Belushi, Arnold carried a fictional 9.2mm Russian pistol. It was reworked from a Desert Eagle by one of Hollywood's top gunsmith's. Robert Blake, in 'Electraglide in Blue' carried the gun I want. it was a Colt Python, 4"barrel, with a blued steel frame and bright nickel cylinder and barrel. Cool looking gun!

I know that. I was being sarcastic when I posted that.
cool.. have been wondering for a while what kind of guns lara croft had in tomb raider.. the only thing I got from the extras was that the gun in her left hand was specially made or something to be a lefty gun. thought they were some type of HK model.
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Yo Red Hat,
That S & W (.38-snub) U posted a picture of was the 1st weapon I bought ($200/used) after getting sworn-in as a U.S. citizen. Put a lot of trouble-free rounds thru it & was my 1st CCW that finally made me feel like I was not back in the (gun-free) U.K. It was stolen from my home & never recovered 10 years later. I wish I still had her! Sniff! :sad:

Yo Red Hat,
That S & W (.38-snub) U posted a picture of was the 1st weapon I bought ($200/used) after getting sworn-in as a U.S. citizen. Put a lot of trouble-free rounds thru it & was my 1st CCW that finally made me feel like I was not back in the (gun-free) U.K. It was stolen from my home & never recovered 10 years later. I wish I still had her! Sniff! :sad:

I love my S&W's. Yesterday I picked up a 1981 mod 36 nickel with a 3" barrel. It's been used a little but still looks great. My blue 36 2" like the picture above was made in 1969 and is like new. Great shooting firearms and are still a good pocket gun!

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