In regards to the "Incident" post need opinions please


New member
Great post and I love this forum because I often learn from it. So, with the experts and professionals here I have a question:

When I carry my .45 it's always in my SuperTuck but do you consider a DeSantis holster with a Ruger LCP in the back or front pocket properly holstered?

Something I look for in defining a safe carry; is the weapon passively blocked from discharging if dropped. If not, I won't carry with a round chambered. Since I won't carry without a round chambered, I won't carry that gun. Holster or no holster. Anything that can be fired with the trigger, and no other operation, must be in an appropriately designed holster. A holster should be used in general.
When selecting a holster I recommend that it be 1) comfortable 2) protect the trigger 3) be "formed" as to facilitate re-holstering.

With the numerous models of holsters on the market, you have many options. Find a holster that works for you and be sure to use it.
In agreement with the others.

What I look for:
1. Comfortable
2. Keep the trigger covered
3. Ability to hold the weapon securely throughout normal movement (the holster doesn't do much good if the gun falls out when you bend over to pick something up.)
4. Ease of draw
As long as the trigger is covered you're good

+1 To me that is the gold standard. It is also very desirable to have it be secure and not able to move around. But covering the trigger is #1 IMHO
I only carry guns that one has to do no less than two things to make it go "boom".

The first is for "Fail Safe", the second is for "Fool Safe". There ain't nothin' on this earth that guarantees that I won't (someday) do something damn foolish with a gun, despite a lifetime of a perfect safety record.

Then, of course, one gets the inevitable protest: "But TWO safeties costs you [name your favorite miniscule time lapse here] when going into combat!" (I prefer to use 3.5 nanosoconds.)

Maybe, but practice helps reduce that "extra time". My standard retort: "If my life depends on 3.5 nanoseconds, I'm probably screwed already anyway."


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